Black psychopaths; what Thomas Jefferson and Robert E. Lee said

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“Based on strictly White standards of normal behavior and development, most Blacks would be diagnosed as psychopathic, so these findings aren’t particularly shocking.

A significant part of the make up of a psychopath is not having any sense of morality, and Blacks, by White standards, do not seem to have an innate sense of right and wrong — they must be taught these concepts, and they follow them only under a strict system of reward and punishment created by the White man. And without that enforcement, left to their own devices, all Blacks will quickly back slide into moral chaos.

That Blacks are kidnapping and killing their own children for body parts to give to witch doctors is obvious proof that Blacks are not operating with the same spiritual sense that Whites seem to be born with. Whites must overcome this innate morality for them to misbehave, whereas Blacks are born with moral blank slates — and the only thing that will stop them is fear of punishment or some material reward. Whites clearly need to stop projecting their own morality onto Blacks — it’s not in them, and it’s unreasonable to expect them to live like Whites.” DN

South Africa Has Highest Per Capita Number of Black Rapists, Murderers, and Psychopaths | Right of the Right
Holly Jackson, Elizabeth Blackthron and 13 others



Donny Buswell You’re absolutely correct in this assessment


Jeanette Domzalski Donny Buswell I didn’t write it but agree with it.


Richard Wolstencroft The hot hot shower –


Alvin Greenwood They need white supervision, as has been proven in the past, otherwise they won’t survive.



…..My comment

Everyone should see the video right above.

Both President Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, and General Robert E. Lee, who had vast personal experience with Blacks, believed that they should be kept enslaved, under firm control, until the day they go up the gangplank and onto a ship taking them away from the United States, and not be allowed to run around white society ever as free men.

General Lee wrote very frank letters to his wife during the Civil War, saying that slavery was bad, but freeing the blacks would be worse.

“Everywhere you see the white man, things are going up. Everywhere you see the blacks, thing are going down.”

….. Great song!



…. What are psychopaths?

In a nutshell, sadistic narcissists, monsters, incurable and untreatable, not suffering at all but experiencing tremendous happiness whenever they can betray their friends and cause others intense amounts of suffering.

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