Brave Russian professor acquitted by Perm jury of “Holocaust Denial” — Jews wallowing in self-pity

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….Russian Professor Roman Yushkov, Accused of “Holocaust Denial,” is Acquitted by a Jury

In May 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed — after 14 years of resistance to intense Jew pressure and during the Ukraine-Crimea crisis and the Malaysian Airliner shootdown — a law the Hebrews wanted that makes any “denial” of the official story of “Nazi crimes” a criminal offense.

The law also forbids “wittingly spreading false information about the activity of the USSR during the years of World War Two” or portraying the Third Reich in a positive light.

Roman Yushkov, a Russian professor at Perm University who was fired from his college post, was also charged and tried for “Holocaust Denial,” but has been acquitted by a jury.

Perm is an industrial city of 900,000, located in the Urals Mountains.


Below is Yushkov’s explanation of what happened. It looks like Russia is somewhat freer than we are here in the West.

But in Russia debunking of the Holofraud cannot be done in the context of defending German “Nazism,” which 99.9% of Russians hate, and with good reason, for its anti-slavic policies and goals in both Mein Kampf and in Operation Barbarossa (June 1941), which aimed to treat the Russians like Palestinians.

The stated goals were to expel most of them from their own country, keeping the rest as cheap, menial labor, and annexing all of European Russia up to the Ural Mountains to the German Reich.

This is not Hitler-bashing propaganda, which I, of all people, would obviously never do. 😉

This is simply the ugly truth, the ONE grave accusation against Hitler that is absolutely true, and the main reason Germany lost a war it might possibly have won.

Two million of the three million German soldiers who died in WWII died on the Eastern Front.

Twice the captured Russian general Vlassov offered to set up a 5-million-man Russian National Liberation Army….

…and to partner with Germany to liberate Russia from bolshevism. Twice Hitler rejected him, even AFTER the Reich lost 300,000 men at Stalingrad.




…..Hitler’s moral and strategic disaster in Russia:  the goal was to seize European Russia for Germany, not just destroy bolshevism

Hitler’s great mistake in Russia; the breadbasket obsession


 ….The Yushkov article
“The influence of Jewish lobby in Russia should not be underestimated. They use every opportunity to push their agenda, this time in a legal trial.
It is their right, unfortunately. But it is not the policy of the state.”

. [I translated the whole article further below for you.]

“An hour ago, the jury by 5 to 3 voted that I am fully innocent under Article 354.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, “Rehabilitation of Nazism.”
The jury recognized that I had reposted an article by Anton Blagin “Jews! Return the Germans money for cheating with “Holocaust six millions jews”! ”

And in my comments on it I had denied the idea that six million Jews were killed by the Nazi government.
However, as the jury found, there is no crime in this action.
Thank you for this, honest Russian people.”
…..Translation of the whole Yushkov blog page:


[Jew] Pavel Mikov: “It’s terrible to live in this city! [of Perm] ..”

For whoever wants more detail and some relative objectivity about yesterday’s verdict of the court in the case of the “Jewish six million” – here is an account on the eve of the verdict , and here in the version of “Kommersant . 

The mouthpiece of Russian-speaking Israelites resource “Cursor” in mourning .

Well, of course, this was how the reaction of “the people with good faces” went.

Big Jew Pavel Mikov

A both formal and informal representative of the liberal Jewish community, Pavel Mikov (the regional commissioner for human rights , not to be confused with goy rights) expressed his outrage over yesterday’s verdict of the jury .

The meaning of his statement is this: the jury is part of democracy and in general that is very nice, but if democracy suddenly works against Jewish interests, then f-ck democracy.
And he wrote something else, with the usual pathos and self-pity, about morality and “The Truth” with capital letters.
Of course, for morals and truth, we have special engineers for our Goy souls, and those men are responsible to the Jews, and if the truth comes out despite Jewish control, then f–k the truth …
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The first battle against the nightmarish cult of the Holocaust has been won

Dear friends,

I hasten to inform you that an hour ago the jury cast a verdict by a majority of votes (5 against 3) that I was fully acquitted under Article 354.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, to wit “Rehabilitation of Nazism”.

The jury recognized that I had republished the article by Anton Blagin “Jews! Return the Germans money for cheating with “Holocaust six millions jews”! “


And in my comments on it I had denied the idea that six million Jews were killed by the Nazi government.
However, as the jury found, there is no crime in this action.
Thank you for this, honest Russian people.”

JdN: A Russian patriot against the Holocaust lie in front of Ugolovnaya College

There is one negative nuance: at the same time, the jury also found me guilty by (again) 5 to 3 of humiliating human dignity on the basis of nationality (Article 282) ][ = bashing the Jews] in an additional aspect of of my criminal case: for publishing the post “Stop feeding strangers.”

For me this was extremely strange: I was sure that I would be either acquitted or be found guilty by the jury on both counts. Why did this fork  in the road arise, and by what logic? What happened in the heads and hearts of the jury and in general leading to this strange verdict? God knows….

This means that the judge can get me on Monday in his sentence for the guilty verdict on Article 282 (although the jury, by 7 to 1, felt that I deserve leniency). But this is secondary.

The main thing is our common victory with respect to this so-called “rehabilitation of Nazism” [ = by debunking the Holocaust].

No matter how insane it sounds, they have to say I was “rehabilitating Nazism” (!!). This is what they tried to hang on us for refusing to forget our own much worse Russian-Slavic holocaust [under the Bolsheviks] instead forever worship at the altar of a Jewish holocaust.

The lying and unscrupulous religion of the Jewish Holocaust has not yet permeated Russia. Especially joyful to me is that this breakthrough has failed in my native city of Perm.


JdN: Perm has been an important industrial and war-production city for over a century. Wiki:

The Perm Opera and Ballet Theater


Of course, this poisonous infection will come again and again, including the prosecutor’s office can try to cancel this verdict of the jury in the appeal. And we will have to fight Jewish Nazism for our poor, long-suffering Motherland with a triple power, just as our grandfathers once fought against the German. But today we won!

Thank you to everyone who fought with us in a unified system. Hooray!

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