Daily spiritual uplift!

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From an E. West (with whom I have corresponded, and to whom I have donated). She likely has no idea whatsoever who I am; and I do not know her politics.

She says she is doing automatic writing from higher beings. All I can say is that it really resonates with me. It is claimed they told her:

“You may call us ‘The Guides’ for purposes of convenience, but please don’t imagine for a second that we carry anything different or other than you do. Please subject everything we offer you to the test of your inner knowing. Accept only that which resonates deeply within you and be willing to embrace as your own all that you find, following our guidance into the incredible internal landscape that is your essence. We send you our love and many, many blessings.”

April 1 Notice all that is new and full of hope today. Pay particular attention so that you can see what is changing, what is already altered. Obviously, there are massive movements—some of them alarming—in the world around you, and you are not unaware. But today, we encourage you to look for small signs of change that are harbingers of a better future. You yourself manifest so many indications of where your species might go. Look at the subtle ways in which you have become greater. Look at those people you know best—your family and close friends—and take note of how they are evolving. Again, we say—in some cases you may need to look really hard. But do that. Look hard so that you have a clearer picture of where it is you, collectively, are and may be.

Although you might not credit it, there are even tiny changes in your earth that foretell better
times. These are truly difficult to ferret out, but we’ll give you a hint: when you see the earth, think in terms of relationships.

The truth is that you are all in process. And a very fast-paced process at that. Much is dying, becoming obsolete, leaving the world, leaving your lives. This must happen in order to make room for the new, the clamoring of great things just outside your door. But don’t expect that the decks will be cleared and scrubbed before the door opens. You are engaged in transformation, and in general, that happens bit by bit. As room becomes available it is filled. As you clear something from your mind or heart which pains and twists you, you make ready the space for another way of seeing and being. And even though you are yet unperfected, you go ahead and invite in something higher and in so doing grow clearer and more divine.
So it is all around. Some people are waiting for a cataclysm to clear the decks. They imagine that after all that is dense and undesirable is destroyed, then and only then will the higher vibrations descend. We don’t see it that way. As we said, we can actually observe that, in spite of all you have read, seen and heard, even the planet shows movement that will make you rejoice. Please don’t think we are daft or missing out on what is obvious to even the most insensitive eye. Of course there is massive devastation, destruction and terrible disregard for the earth and everything on it and in it. But that is not all that is happening. Sometimes, especially in the midst of such difficult times, it is of vital importance to stop and see progress, to experience hope.

Feed the future with your acuity of vision today. Intend to see all that which can lead you and your planet out of the current morass. Give your energy to the tiny green shoots, to those seedlings in all forms, which if properly nurtured and loved will become huge. You will probably have to look carefully so as not to step on them, but it will be worth the effort. We all grow stronger in the places where we are seen.
Much love and many blessings.


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