British worker asks if American unions are leftist; How Hitler saved business and labor under one roof; HELP me find “My Year in Germany” (ca.1937) by a British union leader! Or did the jews destroy every copy?

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A British comrade wrote:
Thanks for posting the Grenfell Tower article, JdN.
Do you get American trade unions demonstrating against nationalists in America?  We have in the UK.
They protest in the street when we marched over  Charlene Downe’s murder [Muslims abducted, raped, and chopped up this English girl and made her into shishkebabs; I am not joking] and the media cover up.
The Chris Donaldson murder [15 year-old Scot, tortured for absolutely no reason except his whiteness, and then killed by muslims] was horrific. Again, the unions remained silent.

I replied:

Hi, [].
Not just the unions, even the mother of Kriss Donald even wimped out!


Her estrogen-fueled über-compassion for her child’s killers, and rampant, despicable, egoic virtue-signalling, put this so-called “mother” beyond the pale….

My onetime assistants Henrik Holappa and Jason Salyers used to get impatient with me because I had not yet started my movement.

Now I offer you, Your Honours, and honorable members of the jury, this woman as Exhibit A of the radical human madness… total irrationality we see everywhere….

…. a  total disconnection from reality, and the cancellation of even the strongest human instinct there is! Yes, political correctness is now soooooooo strong, it now trumps a mother’s love.

Every hunter in North America knows the most dangerous situation is to be out in the woods and find yourself between a mother bear and her cubs.

But this woman rejects hate for those who slow-killed HER cub…. so her cool libtard friends and the jewspapers will give her her fifteen minutes of fame.


Donald was taken [by the four muslims] on a 200-mile journey to Dundee and back while his kidnappers made phone calls looking for a house to take him to. Having no success at this, they returned to Glasgow and took him to the Clyde Walkway, near Celtic Football Club‘s training ground.[8][10]

There, they held his arms (ascertained due to an absence of defensive wounds) and stabbed him multiple times. He sustained internal injuries to three arteries, one of his lungs, his liver and a kidney. He was doused in petrol and set on fire as he bled to death.[8][9][13]


However do you live with yourself, Mother Dearest, after THAT?

And, from beyond the grave, what does Kriss think of his sell-out mom now?

But to answer your question, yes, sometimes our unions do march for race-treasonous causes, because the unions are p.c., leftist and Demoncrat, although the unions are much diminished in power in the States, with only about 10% of the workforce still being unionized.
The FBI went after many corrupt union bosses (in bed with both management and the Mafia, in some cases).
And many southern states, to lure jobs to themselves from the once hated North, passed “right-to-work” laws, ending the rule of “union shop” labor contracts where every worker at Plant X had to be a union member.
That restriction is illegal now in many states, and so factories closed up in the union-shop states and migrated to the “right-to-work” states.
In my own northern state of Rhode Island, once a British colony founded by my British ancestors in the 1630s, the native WASPs, who voted Republican, fell to just 15% of the population, and the other 85% voted Demoncrap: ALL the Irish, French Canadians, Sicilians, Portuguese and jews in ethnic voting blocs.
Then the hateful, delusional Rhode Island legislature, controlled by said Demons, passed a law designed to hurt the WASP factory owners. But it only hurt the workers — because the owners simply moved their textile or machine-tool factory right out of the region and down to North Carolina.
This law said, incredibly, that if workers go on strike, they get full unemployment benefits for six months.
In other words, the State of Rhode Island, that is, the taxpayers of the entire state, would fund the strike!
Anticipating a situations of non-stop strikes for higher everything, the owners simply closed their factories.
This insane Demoncrap law stayed on the books in Rhode Island until basically every factory in my once highly industrialized and once prosperous state was gone, either down to North Carolina, or over to Bangladesh, Pakstian, Taiwan, South Korea, China or Mexico, etc.
In NS Germany, however, we understood the jew always works by this: divide-and-conquer the goyim.
We put an end the 15 different political parties, ended the German North-South conflicts, banned the Protestant-Catholic squabbling, and also abolished all unions for the workers and all Chambers of Commerce for the owners, which only pushed the greedy agendas of the fat-cat factory owners, tax cuts for the rich, and trickle-down economics.
The German Labor Front instead had 20 MILLION members, meaning all workers and all management.
Each company, or each factory, and each branch of whatever store, bank or shop formed one single Labor Front unit.
Workers and management were forced by law and also by the new NS attitudes to cooperate or be let go, including the owners, who were forced to sell their businesses to a new owner who had the right team spirit and was against class warfare in either direction.
There were no more strikes — zero — and owners had to pay good wages, and provide safe and cheerful conditions: locker rooms, showers, fresh paint, hot showers, ventilation, fresh air, good lighting, etc., and one week of paid vacation — all things the owners had rejected as “too expensive” and even communist.
Having rejected every reasonable demand, the greedy bastards were amazed the workers were turning to socialism and marxism! And they became furious at the workers!
They viewed them, just as the jews view all of us gentiles, as dumb beasts of burden with no rights. And the way they saw it, the kind boss had “given” the worker a job.
Well, yes, he “gave them a job, but the man “gave” him 50 tons of coal, or a roof, or printed and bound a book or newspaper he read, or drove the trolly safely and punctually!
No one is given a job. Every man has a right to a job!
In the Third Reich, by law, everyone was a WORKER. Hence, everyone was in the union, including management, and cooperation on all sides was mandatory. It was the law.
The bosses got fantastic workers, too, because the schools improved, as did apprenticeship programs.
The new national attitude was the folk community and hence “we-are-all-one-people”, and no longer divided. So they created the National Labor Service, six months of unpaid but vital work for 18-year-old young men and women for six months, which taught ALL the classes, including the rich kids, to work together, and use their hands and get them dirty in forestry, agriculture, farming, harvesting, draining swamps, building dikes, etc.
Rich city girls and urban young women went out to the farm, and helped the farmer’s wife, milked cows, and also did light field work.
And then every young male had two years of military service, ages 19-21, to perform.
So the bosses got a proud, disciplined, skilled workforce, and their own kids, no longer snooty, told them after six months in the Labor Service that the working-class people were good folks who did vital but also often boring and dangerous work that was for the good of the whole nation.
Soon the workers got everything the old unions had promised but never delivered on:
–good pay,
–respect and appreciation,
–safety, and
–a much more attractive working environment.
And, as my video here shows, the SS and Gestapo pounced on alcoholic breadwinners and told these men with wives and kids to go straight home with their pay on payday, give the wife 90%, and keep just 10% for their booze.
Or else the boozer and spendthrift would be sent to a concentration camp. 
Alcoholism has destroyed so many white families, but under AH it was simply not tolerated, nor did men even need to get drunk any longer — because they no longer were miserable, disrespected, stuck in poverty, and dreading going to work under a tyrannical boss…. while the union bosses betrayed the workers and lived in mansions up on the hill!
Not sure if you have seen this video of mine, which the jews hacked repeatedly. Being a copy of a copy of a copy, the visuals are no longer very good, but the content is, IMO, pretty important.
The British comrade replied:
Hi, JdN. Your Rhode Island union laws were insane but I can see how they were used to help globalisation.  Shocking .
Our unions are all lefties, pro-gay, and even support gimmegrants taking jobs from  British workers.
They even counter-demonstrate against protests by native Britons against muslim paedo rapists and groomers!
The union bosses,John, are on rock-star wages and the Queen makes them into lords and barons!
They openly subvert democracy by refusing  to deliver election leaflets,  or they destroy postal votes after opening them.
In WWII millions of hours of production wereelost due to strikes in British factories.
Have you done an article about working and living and the unions in Germany WW2?
At the moment some of our unions are under investigation for millions of pounds in fraud.
I’ve found out a link to them and to a paedo ring involving teachers.
And yet The People still vote for them = for the Untermenschen!
I responded.
Thanks for this response. I did a blog on all this and just added it as well.
The British postal union sounds like the Canadian one, daring to refuse to deliver mail or ballots they dislike! Even a Canadian liberal, my own stepmother from Prince Edward Island, told me the Canadian postal union was literally communist-led.
Basically, in Third-Reich days, there was just one big union in Germany for both workers and management from 1933 on, and there were no strikes, conflicts or abuse on either side. Hitler said “Everyone here is a worker, whether of the fist [blue-collar] or the forehead [white collar],” and there was no tolerance of any divisiness or greed.
There was a huge feeling of national unity that had built up in peacetime, 1933-39, and then when the war came, literally everyone was in the same boat, having kids, husbands and brothers at the frontlines, and everyone knew someone who got bombed out of their home, if not killed.
The German home front actually stayed rock-solid right through May 8, 1945.
Plus while some few Germans deluded themselves that the Anglo-American rulers to the west (Churchill and FDR) maybe meant well, the Red Army, coming in from the east, and its innumerable atrocities (including torturing and mutilating captured German soldiers on the eastern front), this fear of a communist victory united the whole country.
This included even those few Germans who disliked Hitler, such as certain aristocrats who disliked the former working-class corporal, all the Freemasons and all the ultramontane (“Pope-power”) Catholics.


One thing that has bothered me for twenty years is that I cannot find anywhere, maybe because the jews have destroyed all copies, a superb British book from around 1937, entitled something like “My [or “A”] Year in Germany.”

It was written by a British trade union official and Labour Party member who spent a year in Germany — examining how workers were treated under the evil Adolf, who had abolished the old unions, ended strikes, etc.

I just cannot remember the author’s name; it was over 20 years ago. I read it cover-to-cover in the Reading Room of the Boston Public Library; it could not be borrowed.


Being written by a sincere liberal, a Brit and not even a germanophile, his praise for the HUGE improvements in the life and self-esteem of the working class under AH makes the book incredibly “credible.” 😉

Thus it is potentially as good for PR as when Lloyd George, the WWI PM of Britain, and the ex-King of England visited Germany, or the glorious Berlin Olympics.

This book shows German workers as 1) VERY happy, 2) not living in fear or feeling all “oppressed” (unlike people living under the Germans in the Amazon series “The Man in the High Castle”), and 3) NOT obsessed with hating the Jews at all…. just wanting peace, prosperity, and to finally get their own Volkswagen Beetle. 😉

In fact, this British union offficial said the Germans had undergone a remarkable national personality change, and were now super-friendly, which anyone who knows the Germans knows is not usually the case. 😉
Giovanni Pacelli, a future pope (Pius XII), said this as well when he was papal nuncio to Germany 1917-29, and later was Vatican Secretary of State, and concluded the Konkordat with the Reich, giving the two main churches protected status, tax revenues (1% of churchgoer’s income) and peace — as long as they did not meddle in politics.

Pacelli cabled back to Rome that the Germans were no longer dour and suspicious, but instead enthusiastic, warm and outgoing, as if they were in some kind of new religion, an astonishing change to come over an ancient people in just two years.
In fact, he said — enviously and bitterly — that they were “bearers of a new faith and a new Gospel.” (
The future pope in 1935 “wrote a letter to the bishop of Cologne describing the Nazis as “false prophets with the pride of Lucifer”[sic] who were attempting to create “a mendacious antimony between faithfulness to the Church and the Fatherland”.[43]
Two years later, at Notre Dame cathedral in Paris, he named Germany as “that noble and powerful nation whom bad shepherds would lead astray into an ideology of race”.[42]
Imagine if the Italians stopped gesturing with their hands! Or the English stopped drinking tea!
But this is a far greater transformation than changing minor cultural habits!
This is a huge change in German values and national behavior!
A WN friend of mine was in Frankfurt, Germany, and complained to me (with disappointment, being a WN) how angry and unfriendly the Germans there seemed to him.
Frankfurt, nicknamed “Bankfurt” (or “Mainhattan”) is the icy-cold financial capital of Jewrmany
Partly, the imposed Holocaust guilt trip and anti-German propaganda and German self-loathing over the poor, powerless jewish victims have caused this.
An Eritrean, African negro who had lived for years in Switzerland…. suddenly went bonkers….
…and threw a German mother and her little boy onto the tracks in Frankfurt. The boy, Leo Stettin, was cut in half as his mother reached desperately for him.
Of course, no race riots happened.
Every loathsome German coward gave himself the “out”:
“Well, look what WE GERMANS did. We started WWII and we killed six million jews and Gypsies!”
So that gives you license to do NOTHING.
And the police strictly forbade the mother to invite any members of the public to his funeral, fearing it could cause “unrest.”
Blond little Leo, center, looked a bit like “Opie” (child actor Ron Howard, who btw is of German heritage, on the “Andy Griffith” show). For years I could not find any photo online of this adorable blond boy.
So the Germans are not allowed any normal human emotions.
……except anger against each other, and hatred of their country…. and loathing of their own grandparents’  generation as having supposedly been “jackbooted thugs,” war criminals, and cowards.
Even German first names are out, such as Hans, Fritz, or Dieter. All I see is “Kevins,” “Thomases,” “Simons,” and “Roberts”, or, for girls, “Jennifer”  — all Irish-Anglo-American names.
My first wife, the Austrian from Brandenburg/Tyrol,
once said to me about the difference between Austrian and Germans, in Tyrolian dialect, with sorrow in her voice,
“Naa, Bualein, die Deitschen, des ssan leida oi Komplexler, woasst, wengan’n Kriag und so.” 
(“Oh, boy, the Germans you know, they all have their complexes because of the war, etc.”)
This is horrible, ongoing, and ever-worsening mental abuse………………………… 76 years AFTER the war.
Any therapist will tell you you cannot be normal while hating yourself!
But the lack of friendly warmth also is, to be honest, the Germans just reverting to their old pre-Hitler grumpiness. 😉
Even Goethe once said of his fellow Germans: “An honest German is always gruff.” (“Ein ehrlicher Deutscher ist immer grob.”)  😉
The corollary to this is beware — an overly friendly German may literally be a con man!
Normally, Germans are very reserved around strangers, and not instantly “palsy-walsy.” Emoji .
I am told that Finns are very distant and a Frenchman told me when you take the city bus downtown in Helsinki, it is deathly silent. A certain reserve is true of other Europeans, however, as well, or of New Yorkers and Bostonians in America.
In some ways, America, Canada and Australia are much, much friendlier to strangers, at least to white ones! Of course, these countries are huge, with wide-open spaces to  get away from it all, and until recently, our history was much smoother and with no ghastly wars being fought on our own soil.
Anyway, I really need this book by the Brit union leader! It is out of coypright…. and itt is SO dangerous that it has been totally delisted, and completely flushed down the Memory Hole.
I can find no trace of it anywhere!
It is that good and that convincing. Ths is a real skeptic, a Brit and a leftist, saying ‘to my great surprise, the workers are doing extremely well and seem very happy under Adolf Hitler.’
The one closest to the camera seems to be close to tears. 🙂
True also of these women, crying for joy to be out of hell.

Especially important blogs




….Recent donations

— 13 April 2021 100 euros, Paris photos and meme from M in France

Donations have been good but not good enough.

I am now paying TWO  people to monitor my site against up to 15 sophisticated hacks ever day, coming from different countries.

Recently it has been mainly from Canada and the US:

Other times it is France and Israel:

Now, here is another matter.


Besides donors, I need someone really good at sharing stuff on the social media that allow us to be active such as VK, Parler, Gab, etc. And the person must be highly conversant in my articles and views.

I am putting out absolutely uniqueandtop-quality content.

And so are Francois Arouet, Carl Mason and other writers!

But it is not being shared enough.  I am incredibly  busy writing (and other things……………………..), Francois is writing and monotoring the site, and so I need  a third person, full-time, to promote my website and specific articles. Some payment may  be possible depending on performance.

Most of all, the sharer must have a level head, understand the enemy is reading out posts, and never write anything illegal under U.S. law.

If interested, contact me.







  1. Come back, Adolf — all is forgiven! Lol — cash chamber.

    Myself and other mates and family members have been told “Sorry, we don’t employ Brits anymore, only Eastern Europeans.” Adolf wouldn’t have tolerated that in Germany, unlike the vermin in charge now!

  2. Why are so many Italians rude to tourists ???
    10 years ago

    My friends just returned yesterday from trip to Italy. They were there 2 weeks and went to Rome, Florence and Venice. My friends are very sweet, nice and kind. They have been married for about 2 years and they are 30 and 31 years old. They speak fluent English and Spanish. This couple has in the past traveled to France, Spain, England, most of Central America and many Caribbean Islands. They said they have never been treated so rudely anywhere as they were treated in Italy…specially in Rome. They came back very confused as they dont understand why anybody would treat tourists so badly … especially people that are in the hospitality and hotel/restaurant business … since tourists are actually guests in any country and help the economy of any country they visit. Their experience was that they liked Italy as they saw many beautiful museums and they loved Venice … but they did not like the terrible way they were treated. When they were in Italy if my friends asked for any information or directions, they were either ignored or yelled at by mostly very rude Italians. My friends said that very few (only 1 or 2) people were nice, civil and friendly. It seems that the French have had for years a bad reputation for treating tourists rudely; however … I have been to France many times and never had a bad experience in France. My friends have also been on vacation to France and they were treated well by the local French people. Does anyone know why so many Italians are so rude to tourists ???

    • I have had no bad experience with Italians, nor has Margi, an opera singer who speaks Italan, but also she is a gorgeous redhead. 🙂

      The honest truth, however, is that people treat me in a different way than those whom they see as being an “average person.” My father was this way, too — He walked into room and people said “This is some kind of VIP.” 😉 In the Marines this trait is called “command presence.” Once people figure you are a “Somebody,” they change and treat you well. 😉

      Why? People are actually hierarchical, not democratic.

      Now, here is what an Italian-American wrote me in reaction:


      “I can tell you I had the very worst and very best experience in Italy. The Italians HAVE to like you…and see you as a person they can have a relation with to be nice to you. That’s their nature.

      So if they feel you’re just a tourist who will enter and exit… that is one thing, but if they see you as someone who will be around for a longer period, and as someone to whom they can relate, they are different.

      Italians also typically don’t like Americans. That’s the way it is.

      The French are certainly more polite than Italians, and will be warmer out of courtesy, like the English.”

  3. Dear John de Nugent,

    it is very important to preserve books. Books are the colective consciousness of a people.

    I searched for your book, but it was too unspecific.

    The best bet is, if you search here in the thousands of saved books from the Third Reich:

    If you want to add to this collection, please consider making a scan from Goebbels’ last book.

    I wish you the best.

  4. There is a website called “the Scriptorium” but i don’t know the URL.
    It has many books, maybe you are lucky there.

  5. I thought I saw a book with a title close to that at I will check it out and let you know if you don’t beat me to it.

  6. Herr De Nugent!

    Sie sollten nur Gutes über Deutschland und Deutsche schreiben !
    Alles andere ist kontraproduktiv und verstärkt nur den Selbsthass !
    Wer jeden Tag mit Hass überschüttet wird von den Medien im eigenen Land
    braucht in jeder Hinsicht eine liebevolle Behandlung und eine allumfassende
    positive Berichterstattung !

    Auch Professor Toel sagt, dass die Deutschen jetzt einmal nur gut über sich reden sollen, damit endlich eine Liebe zum Eigenen entsteht.
    Da sieht man den alten Toel:

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