How did tough Romans become modern Italians?

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The Italian tv show “Don Matteo” (about a crime-solving priest) exemplifies the different DNA in the population of Italy.

I will always love Italy, where I spent many incarnations.

Greece and Rome, in turn, were built by reincarnated men and women of Atlantis.

Tragically, the people today called jews lived then as well, the Sons of Baal. They worshiped Satan, sacrificed Aryan children, and, in their insane greed for wealth, drilled and mined right down into the crust of the earth, triggering the Great Flood that destroyed this island.  Today, we confront them again.


Imagine if Rome had had a good immigration policy so that Germanic people could have come, one by one, into their vast empire, could have learned Latin, and assimilated. The bodyguard of Emperor Augustus was Germans! So were many generals in the later Roman Empire, such as Stilicho.

How handsome Italy, France and Spain would be today with germanic blood mixed with Old Mediterranean, Keltic and Italic, instead of the 500 years of stupid Roman-Germanic wars, both sides invading and wiping each other’s best young men out, generation after generation.

The Emperor Augustus was very worried that the old Italian families were dying out due to a low birthrate. So bring in Germans peacefully as immigrants (as America much later did, and Canada, Australia, Russia, Mexico and many other countries).

The Germanic people wanted to live under a warm sun, not in eternal rain and cold, and warm Italian women were not so bad, either. 😉

The Teutons up in their own country had to chop firewood seven months a year just to keep warm, while the Greeks and Romans in their warm latitudes could built temples, and created art, sculpture, bridges, roads and aqueducts!

I read a book decades ago by an author with some name like Sebastian something and a title like: Deutschland, deine Germanen [“Germany, your Teutons [ancient ancestors]

Among other things, it showed how there was no waterproofing of clothes like today, just regular leather coats with oil rubbed in, but the rain washed it off. People died of pneumonia after hours of being soaked to the skin at 5 degrees C (40 degrees).

This is how George Washington died, btw, pneumonia from riding and being caught in the rain.

Farming in Ancient Germany was just for subsistence.

Everywhere there were vast, dark woodlands, fog and snow.

90% of a man’s energy went into heating, eating, and survival.

They kept invading the Roman Empire for warmth and sun!

Imagine if the two great nations had merged? Rome would still exist and the Romans would look like “Terence Hill” (Mario Girotti, who had an Italian father and German mother, and survived the Allied bombing of Dresden in February 1945).

Girotti married, like his father, a German woman, Lori Zwickelbauer. They have been married since 1967 — 54 years.

People like this refresh and rebuild the original Aryan Italian blood.

Roman woman of Pompeii


Roman children in Ostia, the port of Rome; notice the hair and skin colors. 

This is a computer generation (using partly police/forensic data) of what the first emperor, Augustus, actually looked like, based on many paintings and sculptures. He ended over 50 years of civil wars in Rome with its legions and even senators massacring each other. No country will remain great or even the same in genetic terms if the best leaders and top military officers are destroyed.

I remember watching the entire HBO series “Rome” and becoming very interested when the future emperor, then the young man Octavius, a nephew of Julius Caesar, appeared, and later on the mature young man began taking actions to end the insane chaos of the Roman Republic. The Julius family they both descended from was an ancient Roman noble clan.

Unintentionally, it was the ever-looming German threat that destroyed the Republic. After several disastrous defeats at the hands of the huge, blond, smart and fierce “Krauts,”

…Rome under General Marius abandoned the militia system for professional soldiers.

But these professional soldiers, who signed up for 20 years, obeyed their own generals more than the Roman Senate. And, soon enough, some of these generals marched on Rome itself, killing senators and even their families.

The other generals equally out of control, marched on THEM.

Romans slaughtering Romans….

Like WWI, an obscene fratricide!

I have always wondered how the Romans became Italians, a gifted but much less warlike, somewhat less disciplined, and much racially darker people.

    1. The best Romans died out in constant wars, or had small families, a problem which infuriated the Emperor Augustus, not realizing that the use of lead in the water pipes in the big Roman cities was reducing fertility
    2. Arabs conquered parts of Sicily, Sardinia and southern Italy, raping away as always with the full blessing of the “Holy” Koran, and setting up the infamous “harems,” where one hook-nosed Arab sheik could breed with fifty, a hundred or two hundred by definition attractive young white women. North Africa was once white, because the ancient Berbers there were white (as with this girl today, one of the ten percent of Berbers who still are genuinely white), but Islam, via rape and harems, genetically darkened the whole region. When I lived in 2004-05 in Aix-en-Provence in the south of France, I was appalled and disgusted with how incredibly ugly the Algerian Arabs were, jewier-looking than any jew. (Here they are stoning a woman for adultery in a society where women could not choose their mate — unspeakably unfair!)

      Arabs in Sweden come on to local girls, who look quite uncomfortable

      And all that area from Morocco to northern Egypt had once been white Berbers! The same process of islamic invasion and racial pollution happened in southern Spain and in southern Italy. (The infamous Italo-American mobster Carlo Gambino, who may have been in on the Kennedy murder, could easily pass for a jew — same face, same race.)

    3. Ancient Roman Italy became full of slaves.  It was estimated around the time of the Spartacus slave revolt that every third inhabitant of Rome was a slave. Wikipedia has a good article on this uprising:

One must understand that most slaves worked in mines or in agriculture, or in bordellos if young females, and their lives were very harsh. Rome engaged in constant wars of conquest with the taking of slaves as a main goal. Many tribes chose to fight to the death rather than exist in misery as slaves. Well, over the centuries, Italy filled up with the descendants of those who SURRENDERED.

Having studied Latin for four years, it sounded much more masculine than modern Italian.  This is a short film about high Roman officers stationed in Germany, and in the actual Latin language. It had far more consonants and less vowels.

But national socialism means to restore our race, and how?

1) promoting a high birthrate in our best couples, and

2) using modern genetics to delete bad genes from inferior stock, and from environmental toxins and radiation.
We certainly do not want to play God, and we must not create some artificial test-tube race, a very dangerous path.

But we can and must support positive eugenics, the having of large families by our best stock.


One of the greatest Italian opera composers, Vincenzo Bellini of Sicily.

From his beautiful opera “Norma”: Anna Netrebko and Elīna Garanca sing “Mira, o Norma”

The great Sicilian-American singer Frank Sinatra

One of my best supporters ever is Italian:

Anti-immigrant mayor of Inzago Andrew Fumagalli

Guy Williams, who played “Zorro” and later was the captain (and husband and father)  in “Lost in Space,” was born Armando Joseph Catalano.

(Interestingly, the jewish actor Jonathan Harris, in front of the robot, was cast as a limp-wristed, cowardly, scheming, treacherous individual and was VERY believable. 😉 )

Williams/Catalano was easily one of the handsomest, most charismatic and nice, yet macho men in Hollywood

Napoleone Buonaparte of Corsica was perhaps the greatest general of all times. He stood 5’7″, btw, which was not short for that era.

Btw, Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, is generously supporting large white, Slavic families in Russia with financial incentives. IMO, the man should just go all-out national-socialist for the great, white, slavic branch of our race. I will be telling him this, and so much more.



Especially important blogs

……Honor Roll

I wish to thank again some noble souls who have quietly funded me since 2009 with extraordinary generosity and serious financial sacrifices, in chronological order since 2005:

–the late, great publisher Willis Carto


–a Greek immigrant to the Washington DC area

–a now deceased German sheet-metal worker, Fritz Stallmach, from Kingston, Ontario, Canada (

–a deaf vegetable farmer from Kennewick (yes, as in “Kennewick Man” but more recent 😉 ), G, from Washington State

–a male psychiatric nurse (r), T

–An Egyptian webmaster, Clark, who did hundreds of hours of work gratis

–A Canadian of German heritage, T, from Edmonton, Alberta

–a Rhode Island high school girl, K, who started by sending me babysitting money and now funds from her job with a drugstore

–A Texan with Buddhist leanings, B

–a Finnish engineer, T

–a Swiss-German, M

–a German who spent 30 years as a pastry baker in the US, F

–a Croatian who lives in Scotland, M

–a German in Berlin, S

–a German architect in Schleswig-Holstein, C, who paid for this great colorization


–A Frenchman, M

–A Floridian and Leo Frank/Mary Phagan activist, M

–A North Carolina truck driver, Jamie Anderson, now deceased from cancer in his mid-forties 🙁

–A Floridian, T

–An Australian, J

–a retired Marine Corps gunnery sergeant in Pittsburgh, W

–A Dutchman, F

–An Australian and UFO connaisseur, P

–A German woman

–An Australian, D

–a Massachusetts dentist, J

–a former Rockwell stormtrooper, J

–a key Barnes Review person

–A born Jew, now an Orthodox Christian, and now open national socialist from New York City

–a former Marine Corps aviator, P

–an aircraft mechanic, M

–an Italian wife and mother, E

–I wish to also thank, up in Valhalla, Dr. William Luther Pierce, founder of the National Alliance,

….and the late, great Hans Schmidt of the Waffen-SS division “Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler,” a Battle of the Bulge veteran, later a successful immigrant businessman in California, and newsletter publisher. In the 1980s I was close to both men, did work for them, and they generously supported me and my then family.

–Also kudos to the late George Martin of greater Detroit, Michigan, a devout Catholic who sent me $1,000 when I was running for US Congress in Tennessee in 1990, as did the late Sherri Yount of Palm Beach, Florida, and to the late Walter Raes of the Flemish Waffen-SS division, who knew Léon Degrelle as a boy and was a young Rexist himself.

He sent me precious, original Rexist and Third Reich literature for the Belgians.

I wish to also thank a lawyer from Baltimore, G.

I send my gratitude to the well-known attorney S from Atlanta, Georgia, who helped me in 1990 when a vicious, racist black motorcycle cop tried to set me up (to the anger and incomprehension of a white cop in a squad car). This white-hating negro was later imprisoned for demanding oral-sex favors of white female motorists! 🙁


THANK YOU and your beautiful hearts for digging deep!

You have understood — I am fighting this war for you!




  1. Do jews love pain or something, because how can they keep reincarnating otherwise ? The Gods must let them for some reason- is it our karmic debt to have to put up with them ?

    • Good question!

      Jews incarnate from hellish worlds where everyone is as crooked as they are, and so life is much harder there. Here there is easier prey…more innocent and trusting people.

      But they are only able to make earth into a hell because of the egoic mind of the sheeple who also incarnate here. For thousands of years, truthers regarding the problem of jewry have warned the masses and the rulers to very little avail. Martin Luther was the most famous man in Europe 1520-45 and wrote a whole blistering book, On the Jews and Their Lies, demanding that Christendom ( = Europe) solve the jewish problem. In fact, in later writings he recommended the jews be either put to forced labor or even exterminated! He explained his reasons, having read the Talmud in Hebrew himself!!!!!!

      “Know, Christian, that you have no more fearful enemy that a committed jew.”

      (By specifying “committed,” he recognized that not all jews were fanatics. But most of them either are fanatics, or do not stop their brothers who are. So they all are guilty. “Silence means consent.”)

      No one wants tO fight the jews and everyone wants to make money and have a big car.

      So most people on this planet are not just victims, but willing victims.

      Or rather, their masochistic egoic mind is the thing, the thought form, the folly which wants them to be victims. The egoic mind becomes a separate thing, and it thrives when you suffer.

      Earthlings are in a way like battered women who keep dating a new batterer. Every social worker knows about this type of woman.

      And every psychotherapist knows about patients who do not want to get better, but instead dwell on their problems. Their weird identity is as a sufferer!

      Fact: Humans should not be sheep.

      And this is why what jesus said was for the jews, to tame THEM, this dangerous people.

      We who fight evil must never be sheep, but lions!

      • True John, they will not stop until we stop them. About the germanic tribes – i thought it was the romans who wanted to conquer all of northern Europe and that that was the reason the germanic tribes fought back, not because of the cold weather ?

        • You are right, but it was not just defensive. The Germanics also invaded themselves so as to settle down there, and they succeeded after 400 AD. This is why you see Italian names like Ludovico, Adolfo and Adalberto. 😉

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