How Hitler and I see “Christianity” and what Jesus intended

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“What does it help a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?” What point is there in trying to save the world if the people in it stay rotten? 
JdN: I am creating a new Aryan religion so we work together, tithe, and truly support each other — exactly as the Mormons do! (or the Jews, for that matter, or the Sikhs)
FBF [Facebook friend]: Do you think people would be open to a new religion??? Most people are turned off by the word “religion.”
Yes. To a non-bs religion, yes. Their lives are empty. And lonely.
FBF: I can definitely say that. I guess my question would be — do they feel it’s legit? Do they really believe it in their soul?
For myself I have never believed in Christianity, but I do believe in nature. And I studied the classics at school and it’s very easy for me to believe in the Greek or Roman gods but I just do not have a taste for Christianity
JdN: I could not agree more, but Adolf Hitler and Dietrich Eckart, his mentor, felt that Jesus was an important person.
I follow Vedanta, which is the highest form of Hinduism, based on the ancient Aryan truths of reincarnation and karma.
The common folk may need to worship and love a god, however, and it might be Jesus for some of them. In Vedanta, using the Aryan language called Sanskrit, this is called “bhakti,” devotion.
For higher souls, this is ridiculous and they are beyond it. Jesus was a higher soul who understood the Jew menace, and created something better that was for the average joe, or jane. 😉
But loving Jesus, or the Buddha, or Odin, or Zeus, does not make anyone a better man or woman. Thinking Jesus forgave my sins does not make me any less an asshole. 😉
History proves that. It has been nonstop misery, loneliness and emptiness — one damn thing after another.
Boer farm murders
And now we have nukes to do even worse damn things to each other.

Until people get ahold of their own mind, this planet will remain a zoo.

Jesus had some effect, but only to make things slightly less bad. At least in Rome they stopped feeding people to lions, and forcing men to kill each other for the entertainment of a mob.


And we do not see penises and testicles worshiped as the Romans and Greeks did. Degrading… Be sure you look at these images. I won’t publish them here.

And Christianity banned the open Greek practice of bisexuality as well, and adult men taking up with teenage boys.



“Christianity,” however twisted by Paul/Saul, also raised up the status of women in the Mediterranean world from that of mere chattel who could be killed — or sold — by their own husbands. Only adultery could justify divorce, Jesus said.

“Men, love your wives as Christ loves you.”

Just watch the old HBO series “Rome” to see how rightly shocking to us today are pre-Christian practices, based on the nakedest cruelty and domination. It is quite an eye-opener.

But what Jesus tried and failed to do was get across what He really meant by “the kingdom of God is within you.”
It meant the world will never get better as long as people are ruled by the tyrannon, the separated, egoic mind that takes you over.
Because this is true, it was normal for the Third Reich to only last 13 years. The norm is chaos. It closed in over the Reich as it does over every idealistic project which does not change how our minds work.
Worse, “Christianity” under Saul/Paul was twisted around 180 degrees to become a vehicle for getting gentiles to:
1)  revere the Jews, their mortal enemies, and
2) worship their demonic god.
I read their Bible four times, and in four languages: English, German, French and the New Testament in the original koiné Greek. What kind of God orders a man (Abraham) to slit his own son’s throat
so his descendants will rule the world?
All three Abrahamic religions are a flagrant menace.
Like Abraham, they urge us to kill innocent people for Yahweh!


…..See also

Anyone the Jews hate this intensely has to have been a good man. Israeli television mocks Jesus as a monkey and crucifies him as a “Nazi.”


Israelis seize Palestinian man as his little son cries



….Why I know so much about Hitler

I dyed it black for this photo so you get it. My goal the last time was to found a worker-and-farmer movement, with even a communist-like red flag, and a party with the name “socialist workers” in it, so as to liberate the workers from the false promise of economic justice of marxism. But for that role back then I had to look average, like a working man.


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  1. Something important about Christianity is that it has been used to essentially get people to support human blood sacrifice. The common line is that Jesus died for everyone’s sins and saved their souls that way. This accomplishes multiple goals for the enemy.For one, it makes people believe that their souls are ‘saved’ by someone else only, and they don’t need to do anything for themselves at all and instead pray all their energy to the Christian God figure all the time as the muslims also do. Secondly, it makes people believe in human blood sacrifice. As Jesus’s death is said to be the reason they are saved, not any actions by him in life, it gets people to believe that somehow a blood sacrifice was good. As is also said in the old testament. Thirdly, it reinforce’s peoples belief in this old testament idea of original sin and that they somehow inherited original sin for wanting to know the difference between good and evil and that knowledge is bad. And that it is bad for people who have gained lots of knowledge to also survive as shown with the story of God taking away the fruit of eternal life from Adam and Eve.

    Christians eat the representation of the physical blood and flesh of Jesus every sunday, it’s clearly a representative of human blood sacrifice. This is likely part of the elite’s ritual murders and black magic, making people tie into the real ritual sacrifices and reinforce them by changing the mass mind to believe human ritual sacrifice is not wrong and practice what is essentially a symbolic ritual murder. Christianity also promotes circumcision as it has done for quite a long time now causing huge numbers of men to be mutilated physically.

    If Jesus’s ideas were really corrupted and were good to begin with, then these would be some of the core lies.

    • Interesting comment. Hitler and Eckart detested the OT (Old Testament) as full of psychopathic content, with the Psalms thrown in as nicey-sounding poetry — a gilded pile of manure, so to speak.

      I would interject, however, that Christianity most certainly did NOT require circumcision. In fact, one of the major moments of separation between Early Christianity and Judaism was over the decision by the Jewish-Christian authorities in Jerusalem (at the direct urging of the Apostle Peter) that gentiles not be circumcised.

      Actually, the Ancient Egyptians invented the custom of male circumcision, but not that of baby boys. The word “Amen” is also borrowed from Egypt, as is monotheism (at least briefly, under Pharaoh Akhenaton).

      Also, pagan religions also did animal sacrifices by the ton, not just the Jews.

      • [quote]I would interject, however, that Christianity most certainly did NOT require circumcision. In fact, one of the major moment of separation between Christianity and Judaism was over the decision by the Jewish-Christian authorities in Jerusalem at the direct urging of the Apostle Peter that gentiles not be circumcised. [quote]

        Even if you are right, it doesn’t change that Christianity was a major influence on Americans that got them to do circumcisions on mass. The official justification was science, but were it not for Christianity there wouldn’t be a religious majority that saw circumcision as OK and let this be legal.

        I’ve read about the Pharaoh Akhenaton you mentioned, there seems to be some convincing ancient depictions showing him with features like an elongated skull indicating he may have been some sort of gray alien hybrid. So it fits well with the idea that his creation of monotheism was part of the alien agenda to enslave humanity.

        Pagan religions might have done some animal sacrifices but I don’t think I’ve heard much of them doing human sacrifices and Judaism has definitely done a lot of those along with directly supporting it in its religious books. Although the Old Testament is definitely the most obvious part of christianity with human sacrifice mass murder and a lot of atrocities i still think that Jesus in the new testament symbolizes a human sacrifice and the modern practice of communion with the rite of eating his symbolic flesh and blood ties into the actual ritual murders. Whether or not that communion ritual was really part of the original christianity it’s still what’s practiced en masse today.

        • Actually, pagans did not only animal but also human sacrifice.

          Agamemonon, king of Mycenae, sacrificed his own daughter to end a curse of bad winds that was preventing the Greek fleet with 10,000 soldiers from sailing to Troy.

          When Paris (Alexandros), son of King Priam of Troy, carried off Helen, Agamemnon called on the princes of the country to unite in a war of revenge against the Trojans. He himself furnished 100 ships and was chosen commander in chief of the combined forces. The fleet assembled at the port of Aulis in Boeotia but was prevented from sailing by calms or contrary winds that were sent by the goddess Artemis because Agamemnon had in some way offended her. To appease the wrath of Artemis, Agamemnon was forced to sacrifice his own daughter Iphigeneia.

          A pagan Swedish king sacrificed himself to end a drought that was devastating Sweden.


          • When i said pagans i was thinking of the ones in europe not the Maya and Aztecs. There were probably some human sacrifices but it’s not the same degree as with Judaism and its ritual child sacrifice written openly in the religion with the sacrifice of Isaac. Meanwhile circumcision is still practiced wholeheartedly by the Jews till now and the same goes with Israel following the standards of the bible of ‘wipe out all your neighbors’ as they’ve been doing with palestine.

            What do you think about Pharaoh Akhenaton and the links i mentioned about him being a gray alien hybrid?

        • Not sure — maybe Marfan’s Syndrome, maybe genes from some giant race.

          A lot of that info is from Rosicrucianism and written by a high-school dropout or some other person who is not strong on spelling or facts.

          The only correct way to see the history of this earth and of various gods is as a “just-right” planet in the sense of the Goldilocks story — not too warm, not too hot, but just right. As such, it has attracted various races (lower and higher) for a very, very long time. Some of them are so advanced, they were viewed as gods — and used and misused their power.

          Monotheism is actually a good thing in the sense that the Buddha was right — ignore the gods, who may be selfish or even evil, egotistical individuals. Change your consciousness. Then the truly higher powers, who are far, far above this dimension, will aid you. And this I have found to be true.

          What kind of person, anyway, wants, needs and demands to be worshiped? I remember an episode of “The Simpsons” with a line about how the biblical god “seems really insecure.” 😉 In fact, Yahweh does constantly proclaim in the OT how “jealous” he is, demanding the Jews not cheat on him with other gods, and issuing promises of bribes (prosperity, world domination, and especially vengeance) and threats (usually, to abandon them to their enemies for suffering, exile and death).

          Jesus, from what we can deduce, was the product of a union between a nordic and the earthling Mary and had the mission to undermine and discredit Judaism before it could annihilate most of mankind and enslave the rest, reserving some to be literally eaten by their ultimate masters.

          I think He set up the godhood and sacrifice thing with the bread and wine, the flesh and blood, in a well-meaning attempt to create an antidote for humanity to the threat of Judaism. “God is love, I am part of God, and I love you. Love one another as I have loved you.”

          Any people or race that loves one another will be immune to the subversion by Jews.

          How do Jews operate, anyway? By fanning division, envy, greed, lust, and ego, getting you to accept their help so you can “go to the top” — and blackmailing you after you commit crimes at a wild party.

          A moral people will be utterly immune to the Jews, with no lust to be rich, famous, lord it over others, and get vengeance.

          So the idea that “God is love” and that he is a kind of heavenly father who forgives his children is part of a greater plan to immunize earthlings against Jewry.

          If you read these blog articles, you can see that higher races are very worried about us, feel pity and compassion for us, and seek by various means to awaken us to the Jewish threat and those who are behind the Jews (reptilians) before it is too late. But we are so incredibly primitive that, like a drunk who won’t give up booze or a smoker who can’t quit tobacco, even their most well-intentioned projects fall flat. Christianity is a perfect example of a well-intentioned project that is now a very mixed bag.

          • “Not sure — maybe Marfan’s Syndrome, maybe genes from some giant race.

            A lot of that info is from Rosicrucianism and written by a high-school dropout or some other person who is not strong on spelling or facts.”
            OK true, but I thought the pictures were consistent with the theory anyways even if the writer seemed to have some issues.

            “Monotheism is actually a good thing in the sense that the Buddha was right — ignore the gods, who may be selfish or even evil, egotistical individuals. Change your consciousness. Then the truly higher powers, who are far, far above this dimension, will aid you. And this I have found to be true. ”
            Well this is not monotheism really in the sense of how it is used in the world for the most part. If you just mean that you believe in an omnipotent God in some higher dimension then that is actually mostly the same idea as monotheism.

            Yeah I agree about the neediness of the OT god in being worshipped although this is basically standard practice with churches.

            I can’t agree about the ritual eating of flesh and blood but I do think that if a race learns to love itself and appreciate its own existence it’s more secure against being manipulated. Something that I think you have pointed out before is how on most planets there is only one race so there is no racial conflict. It’s only due to the odd situation of earth that there are so many different races here. Normally, whites, or blacks, or asians or whoever else, born on their own planet would go out to space and see other races as simply an alien race not their own and recognize it to be very unnatural to mix races. Although people obviously recognize that anyways, whites are too easily manipulated into thinking race mixing must be OK due to a combination of the past of colonization and because whites especially white women feel very bad imagining someone having to be ‘inferior’ without there seemingly being any good reason or any way to improve their situation. I personally believe that due to neuroplasticity IQ can actually increase although race remains a factor. This belief in unchangable IQ and rejection of the belief due to feeling bad and simply not being informed about neuroplasticity is an issue that for liberals is mixed in also with their lack of belief in free will.Here’s an article on neuroplasticity:
            I still believe in racial intelligence differences but it is obviously important and helpful if there are ways to improve intelligence and possibly also empathy. Due to differences in the brain like the closing of some skull sutures, it is possible that brain growth may still be limited to some degree or another depending on race like with how blacks have premature closing of frontal skull sutures as far as i remember reading once from an online book you once referenced on blacks and their evolution. Limiting the space the brain’s frontal lobe can expand into and forcing the brain to adapt by instead developing further with its connections in the space it already has. If the brain could actually be stimulated to grow in such a way that previously closed sutures re-opened just like they are in youth then this would be a big deal in the development of intelligence.

            “How do Jews operate, anyway? By fanning division, envy, greed, lust, and ego, getting you to accept their help so you can “go to the top” — and blackmailing you after you commit crimes at a wild party. ”

            People are getting corrupted because they’re encouraged to both by malevolent people and the system itself encourages this corruption.

            What has happened is nobody can imagine a decently functional civilization and its actual mechanics, they just see the status quo as the only way when the status quo funnels them into doing things that are against their own interests. When the Jews criticize capitalism it is just a problem reaction solution scenario based on their own creation of the issue, they own the big businesses and banks and realize how it works. Every time someone tries to help society in some big way with an invention that will greatly benefit the public it gets swept under the rug because helping people is not profitable and destroys the market, only things that can be continually sold are profitable. If Tesla’s invention of free energy broadcast to the whole world succeeded obviously there would be no such thing as the energy industry anymore and from there the world economy would collapse. Curing cancer would destroy the cancer industry. Indoor farming technology like aquaponics and aeroponics could ruin agribusiness if developed well enough that everyone could use it in their own home and be self sufficient, even though everyone being self sufficient for their food and energy needs would obviously be a great thing. What we are looking at here is a choice between two different worlds.

            There’s the one we’re in right now of constant mandatory scarcity and struggle as the military industrial complex destroys country after country so the construction companies can go profit by rebuilding them and the oil companies can build a pipeline there to fund more wars and the banks can enslave them with unpayable loans as all their resources and utilities are now controlled by international corporations who then broadcast some TV to them telling them to become big consumers and buy more things to keep the economy and the cyclical mandatory wars going. As if there were no wars then the arms industries wouldn’t make that much money.

            Instead we could be living in a world of energy abundance and effectively resource abundance due to setting up the infrastructure which is easily possible to make to satisfy all energy needs renewably including getting the materials for them renewably. The main ethos of the system would not be competition and differential advantage but goodwill and the obviously beneficial desire to improve your society for your own well being as well as others. There is more than enough technology to do this and make even individual towns very renewable and self sufficient meeting everyone’s needs, there just is not a motive under the system to satisfy everyone’s needs.

            The Jews however are attempting to hijack the public’s wants for a more reasonable civilization as is the case with what they are doing with the liberals, specifically the Bernie types who realize Hillary is full of it but still value health care and other things. They make it so if you want renewable energy or free health care with both being reasonable steps for a better civilization, you have to go with the liberals who then would just increase the taxes massively to screw over the public when the actual cost in resources of delivering the health care services is not that high. Then they’d use their control over the health system to force everyone to get vaccinated with tainted vaccines. The same with the renewable energy, the reason it keeps failing is because the elite doesn’t actually want the public to gain any kind of cheap solar technology that works well and satisfies their energy needs, they need to stay dependent on the grid or on buying gasoline to maintain cyclical profits for the energy industry. The solar industry truly succeeding would be its own downfall, it has to stay weak enough that the public doesn’t actually become fully independent otherwise it will satisfy the public’s needs for both their home and car and this will destroy enough of the rest of the economy to probably make it collapse.

            Basically, mostly everyone is caught up in this false dichotomy that the Jews have created, you are either republican and work for the markets that the Jews own that are going to work against you automatically due to their nature, or you are a liberal who wants government tyranny in the name of sustainability. The liberals are mostly atheists and couldn’t care about sustainability or much besides the current moment when they think it’s useless and they’ll disappear anyways whether or not things change, as well as thinking they can’t actually change anything. The conservatives are too busy preaching the greatness of the invisible hand of the market to realize it is actually against their values of self sufficiency and small government.

            Your general idea that white people should stop hating themselves would probably do a lot. If anything what are white people raised in Christianity really imagining when they think of this idea of Heaven? They’re thinking of a situation where everyone has their needs met and are happy because they’re not going to die. Although people are indoctrinated into thinking for some reason they should worship some old testament god all the time if they went to ‘heaven’ and not believing in reincarnation even though reincarnation is extremely important.

            Nonetheless that kind of situation of abundance is actually totally possible to create on Earth and not some impossible utopia. The technology is there to do it. And if it does happen i’m sure that people in that society will be looking back on the past and wondering how the society could have been essentially built on people constantly fighting for power without collapsing.

          • Good comment, but the looooong sentences could be broken up. 😉

            Throughout our galaxy, the very notion of multiculturalism and mixing the races is a patent absurdity. It leads to 1) the folk community breaking down; 2) outright conflict; and 3) unstable, resentful half-breeds whom neither group accepts.

            There is an amazing episode of the vulgar cartoon satire show “South Park” about the Joozians (yes), and these aliens with huge shnozzes in the galactic tv industry reveal to the nonplussed kids that earth itself is just a survivor reality show, and various races were put here in order to have conflict — for the gloating entertainment of galactic viewers. 😉

  2. Sorry if it’s too long, just trying to cover all the ways the economy is essentially a machine of destruction that will inevitably generate more world wars as long as it’s allowed to continue in its current state. And it definitely doesn’t help that so many countries have been enslaved by the central banks too, paying back loans with interest that are impossible for everyone to repay by definition. The principal money supply is far less than the total amount of debt to be paid plus interest and can never match up.

    Yeah, the aliens definitely aren’t mixing with each other and they have figured out the right method is to just continue on their own genetic and scientific development.Although even on a bizzare planet like Earth, the benevolent aliens out there must be saddened to see how we still haven’t realized what would really end war. Beyond just creating a society of abundance, humans can stop basically all conflict if they stopped fighting wars for profit for a decade or two and did some research in genetics to discover exactly how sex cells do not age and translate that to normal cells. Once people are actually physically immortal, they are not going to fight so much and will be a little concerned for their own survival and other people’s survival. If anything looking beyond the current mindset of being doomed to die that people have would get them to see how insane the modern culture is. It doesn’t look towards the future at all or do anything to really guarantee people’s well being.

    I remember reading your post that mentioned the South Park episode before, and yeah it is very much a crazy world. It’s hard to imagine how there would be too much fighting on planets with only one race.

    • An important thing to clarify is that racism, in terms of racial hatred at least, will unavoidably cease to exist once technology for biological immortality and so on is invented. Yes people will still value their own race’s existence but the fear based reasons for racial hatred and racial conflict will just vanish. Racial conflict stems from people’s fears about their bloodlines either going away or being mixed up by their descendants after they die, which won’t ever happen if they’re immortal.

      At a certain point once everyone has reproduced enough to reincarnate all the currently dead members of their race they won’t even need to have kids anymore. Other than to reincarnate more humanimals upwards or something. This invention of biological immortality would be a bit of an exponential one too since it would naturally mean that everyone has a lot of time to learn and gain skills. Overall it would be the obvious goal of any civilization for any species, and remove the necessity of using reincarnation over and over as a back-up mechanism for regaining access to a biological body. I suppose the Reptillians must just be psychopaths through and through, since if their civilization is so advanced to travel into space they would have surely invented immortality by now and made war obsolete.

      • In this dimension everyone dies, though many species of humans (and other humanoids) live 3-4 times longer than we do.

        Dying, reviewing your life, and being reborn are like a kind of re-set button.

        Only if people are enlightened does eternal life make any sense. I don’t want any 500-year-old assholes around. 😉

        • “Dying, reviewing your life, and being reborn are like a kind of re-set button.

          Only if people are enlightened does eternal life make any sense. I don’t want any 500-year-old assholes around.”

          In a way there are issues with someone being Immortal. Like if they are stuck looking ugly forever for some reason they wouldn’t like that. Or they have some other eternal issue this creates, assuming their biology is stuck in place and cannot be adjusted in any way without them reincarnating. But on a mental level it kind of makes sense. Loss of memories during reincarnation is a big issue in the world. If everybody remembered what happened in their past lives then no murderer would ever get away with their crimes being unknown forever for obvious reasons.

          In terms of mental progress and enlightenment, not dying would seem to be helpful. There are probably a good number of cases where people can take advantage of the memory wipe to forget about their past but overall they’d be better off just dealing with their past sooner and also taking advantage of remembering good things they learned in their life.

          In a better world people wouldn’t have much reason to be an asshole, let alone a very old one, the underlying social issues that encourage assholeishness wouldn’t exist. Maybe some people would still act in assholeish ways sometimes but they would probably have internal motivation not to do that since they don’t benefit from it anymore.

          Ultimately most people in one way or another think this, they don’t want to die at any given point where it seems like they might so inevitably if they remain thinking that way their natural want would be to just stay alive forever. Or if they have to die for some reason like being unable to change their old body to be more suitable for them, to at least retain their memories when they reincarnate.

          Technically if nobody dies then that would also help improve society since everyone would have the time to eventually get 10 PhDs and be knowledgable about mostly everything.

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