Israeli doctors sharply denounce Pfizer vaccine, killing jews left and right; does this vaccine contain some metal that make your vaccinated arm MAGNETIC???

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My dharma in this life is to offer national socialism, SOCIAL NATIONISM, to all peoples and races, and that includes the Little Jews.

All races can live in peace once we shed the egoic mind, and unite against our common foe:. the outer jew and our own inner jew!

Of course, the Little Jews must totally renounce talmudic zionism — the world project of 90% goy genocide and 10% enslaving the survivors!

But now read this:

This is a translation of the actual Israeli website:

It can therefore be possible to prove what the Little Jews have always complained about and for millennia:

The Big Jews don’t care about the Little Jews.

I first read this phrase in this book, and I know and have met the author:

The Big Jews are actually part-alien!

This is what Oxford PhD Joseph Farrell said between the lines in this BRILLIANT, super-brilliant book a decades ago:



And the Little Jews are now being totally shafted!

The Big Ones plan to get rid of them too!

American Paul Thomas, MD, of Oregon, a fierce critic of vaccines, with Pinkie Feinstein, MD, of Israel on the LETHAL Pfizer vaccine:

Why are magnets sticking to people who have been vaccinated? Magnetic personality? Not hardly.


      • Transcription:
        Dottor Stefano Montanari: “Abbiamo analizzato 28 vaccini. 27 avevano frammenti, pezzi di ACCIAIO, PIOMBO, TUNGSTENO e TITANIO.
        L’unico vaccino que non era ‘sporco’ era per i gatti.
        Questi frammenti iniettandoli a volte succede che possono finire nel cervello ed e un bel guaio perche vanno ad interferire con dei centri cerebrali ed a secondo di dove vanno a finire ci puo essere una reazione piuttosto che un altra e qui c’e tutto il problema, per esempio quello dell’AUTISMO.”


        Doctor Stefano Montanari: “We analyzed 28 vaccines. 27 had fragments, pieces of STEEL, LEAD, TUNGSTEN and TITANIUM.
        The only vaccine that wasn’t ‘dirty’ was for cats.
        These fragments by injecting them sometimes happen that they can end up in the brain and it is a great problem because they interfere with brain centers and depending on where they end up there may be ine reaction and not another, and here is the whole problem, for example, that of AUTISM.”


  1. Germanen und Kelten sind die Nachfahren der Atlanter. Deutsch kommt von Teutsch. Teutsch kommt von Teutz. Teutz kommt von Tuisto/Tiwaz/Ziu. Ziu = Zwei/Zwi/Two. Ziu ist der nach der Edda ein Sohn von Odin (russisch heisst Odin = Eins, der Erste). Odin gab seinen Odem (Atem) an Tuisto,Ziu einen erdgeborenen Gott (siehe auch die Germania von Tacitus) der zum Stammvater aller Deutschen/Teutschen wurde. Deus (=Gott) ist etymologisch mit Deutsch verwandt. Wir sind das auserwählte Volk. Wer an uns Hand anlegt, legt Hand an Gott selbst.
    Das Erbe Gottes in uns (der Lebensatem Odins) muss rein weitergegeben werden und darf nicht aussterben!

    Höchstes Gut –
    Deutsches Blut!

    Als die Konquistadoren in die Anden kamen, staunten sie über die hellhäutigen Chachapoya. Nach genetischen Untersuchungen ist sich Hans Giffhorn sicher: Es handelt sich um Nachfahren von Kelten.

    Seit den ersten Chronisten der Konquistadoren haben die Chachapoya aufgrund ihres Aussehens – weiß, rothaarig und zum Teil sommersprossig – sowie ihrer Lebensweise den Anthropologen große Rätsel aufgegeben. Die aber könnte Giffhorn jetzt in seinem Buch „Wurde Amerika in der Antike entdeckt? Karthager, Kelten und das Rätsel der Chachapoya“ einer Lösung nähergebracht haben. Vor allem deshalb, weil er, gestützt auf Genanalysen, die Verwandtschaften nachzeichnen konnte.

    Thor Heyerdahl: The White Gods Caucasian Elements In Pre Inca Peru

    Jürgen Spanuth: – … und doch, Atlantis enträtselt!

    Jürgen Spanuth: Die Atlanter

    Constance Irwin: Fair Gods And Stone Faces

    Jürgen Spanuth: Das Enträtselte Atlantis

  2. Germanics, Celts and Slavs are the descendants of the Atlantians. German comes from Teutsch. Teutsch comes from Teutz. Teutz comes from Tuisto/Tiwaz/Ziu. Ziu = Zwei/Zwi/Two. Ziu is according to the Edda a son of Odin (Russian means Odin = One, the First). Odin gave his Odem (breath) to Tuisto,Ziu an earthborn god (see also the Germania of Tacitus) who became the progenitor of all Germans. Deus (=God) is etymologically related to German. We are the chosen people. Who lays hands on us, lays hands on God himself.

    The inheritance of God in us (the life breath of Odin) must be passed on purely and must not die out!

    Highest good –
    Aryan blood!

    When the conquistadors arrived in the Andes, they were amazed at the light-skinned Chachapoya. After genetic studies, Hans Giffhorn is certain: they are descendants of Celts.

    Since the first chroniclers of the conquistadors, the Chachapoya have posed great mysteries to anthropologists because of their appearance – white, red-haired and partly freckled – as well as their way of life. But those could now be solved by Giffhorn in his book, Was America Discovered in Antiquity? Carthaginians, Celts and the Riddle of the Chachapoya” may have brought them closer to a solution. Above all, because he was able to trace the relationships, based on genetic analyses.

    Thor Heyerdahl: The White Gods Caucasian Elements In Pre Inca Peru

    Jürgen Spanuth: – … und doch, Atlantis enträtselt!

    Jürgen Spanuth: Die Atlanter

    Constance Irwin: Fair Gods And Stone Faces

    Jürgen Spanuth: Das Enträtselte Atlantis

  3. Mi è arrivato il video da YouTube.
    L’ho postato sul mio stato whatsapp…
    Ora ci sono le prove di questo magnetismo o chip(ID2020/666).
    Siamo diventati cellulari mobili?
    Quali segnali dobbiamo captare?
    “Gli uomini sfidano Dio”,eppure io li avevo avvisati tempo prima.
    “Beati quelli che senza vedere crederanno”
    Che frase meravigliosa…

  4. The Jew, I believe, is a man who is displaced from his conscience. Good, to him, is that which is good for the Jews. The voice of the conscience is overwhelmed by this super-nationalistic sentiment, resulting in a man who is separated from his conscience. It may be true that most Jews lack this super-nationalistic sentiment that displaces the man from his conscience, but these “Little Jews” have been ruled by the true Jews for thousands of years, and this is not going to change, in my opinion. The only way to get rid of the “bad” Jews is to get rid of all the Jews, in my opinion.

      • The important thing right now, I believe, is for American Whites to pull together and identify themselves as a national identity: the race of White Americans. (What does Hitler say about national identity? It is a people of similar race who live in and are rooted in a particular space of land.) Thus we are the nation of White Americans, and while our race is not as pure as the German we are a White people: the White American.

        • Yes, and in some ways we are genetically a better race. We have not suffered the dreadful losses the Germans did in the Thirty Years War of 1618-48 or WWI and WWII. Every war kills off the best and brightest.

          Also, America is a good mix of Teuton, Kelt, Slav and Mediterranean. Germans, sometimes, can be just too blunt. There is a friendliness, charm and moderation in this people, an Irish-Scottish-English common-people side, that is humorous and winning. (The Aussies have this, too.)

          America can and must awaken!

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