Meet the BLM negro cop who, report says, murdered Ashli Babbitt

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Bailey even went so far as changing his profile picture to pledge allegiance to the violent and deadly domestic terror organization Black Lives Matter at the height of the summer riots.

Bailey has repeatedly demonstrated his hatred of Trump supporters over the past few months leading up to the unhinged slaughter.

Following the election, he revealed himself as a partisan Democrat by mocking the voter fraud in favor of Joe Biden. He even tried to harvest votes for the Georgia Senate runoff — despite residing in DC.

But it gets much worse.

In September, when during a debate President Trump explicitly told his supporters not to engage in violence, Bailey threatened on Facebook: “Anybody that is ‘standing back and standing by’ might wanna unfollow me… don’t want these problems….”

This can only be seen as foreshadowing of his recent deadly attack on Trump supporters.

The direct threat generated hundreds of positive reactions from his friends.

If there was any ambiguity in this lunatic, violent threat, he made it clear in the comments. Responding to friend Steven Andre Williams’s question: “Oh, you got smoke?”, Bailey said: “bruh you know i stay with the smoke.”

For those of you who are not criminals, “the smoke” is gang language referring to a physical conflict, often involving weapons.

He even elaborated once again in the same comment section that he was threatening gun violence. Responding to friend Van Essa’s image reading: “Don’t let ‘stand back and stand by’ get your ass whooped — We are NOT our Ancestors,” Bailey said: “Boom!”

This is a truly deranged man. He should not be allowed anywhere near a firearm, let alone be paid to carry one around and shoot at people

Clearly the skin of the shooter seen in the video below at 0:09, seen above the lower half of his face which is covered by a solid-black Covid mask is that of a brownish-black-complected “African-American”:


REDPILLED Media can exclusively reveal the name of Ashli Babbitt’s murderer and his bloody history involved in gunning down Trump supporters in DC.

On January 6th, unarmed 14-year high-ranking Air Force veteran and patriotic Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt was savagely gunned down by the US Capitol Police while peacefully protesting the illegitimate executive seizure of power by the Democrats through Manchurian candidate Joe Biden.

The ‘thin blue line’ violently shot the innocent veteran to death in cold blood at point blank range without any warning in the halls of the Capitol building. Make no mistake, this was a political assassination. Establishment Republicans like Matt Schlapp gleefully mocked her death after complicit commentators like Erick Erickson endorsed and ordered the public execution of Trump supporters.

The Capitol Police absolutely refused to release the name of the officer. The media didn’t ask for a name and diverted all attention away from his murderous crime. The foreign newspaper The Sun even spit on Ashli’s grave by releasing a clickbait headline “Who shot Ashli Babbitt, the woman who died at the Capitol?” but refusing to even name the officer involved in the heinous killing in the entire article.

In the face of arson, looting, terror, and death by Black Lives Matter over the summer, the DC Council unanimously passed a ‘police reform’ law specifically requiring “the city to swiftly make public the names of officers who use force on citizens.”

Needless to say, the law is being illegally flaunted now when Republicans are victims of indiscriminate and barbaric police killing and violence.

So we know that the media, police, and politicians stand squarely athwart the Trump supporters in the face of a senseless, bloody attack by law enforcement on unarmed and innocent protesters in the home of the US Congress.

So Trump supporters identified the assassin themselves.

REDPILLED Media can now conclusively confirm the sick killer as Special Agent David Bailey. He is a black male US Capitol police officer with short black hair who always wears an unmistakable white and black bead wristband.

Bailey has been in the spotlight before, seen sporting the exact same wristband on many occasions, including when the media was celebrating him for his incompetence in allowing a deranged leftist gunman to open fire on congressional Republicans during a baseball practice in Virginia in 2017.

GOP House Whip Steve Scalise suffered bullet wounds and nearly died on the spot as a result of Bailey’s negligence in protecting him — which was his only job that day as Scalise’s personal bodyguard.

Bailey was awarded both the Medal of Valor AND the Badge of Bravery for this great achievement.

Notice his bead bracelet in both of the above pictures — the same bracelet he wore on the day he murdered Ashli Babbitt.

Either through sheer incompetence or wicked malice, Special Agent David Bailey has allowed the shooting of a high-profile Trump-supporting US Representative at the start of President Trump’s term then perpetrated the cold blooded execution of an innocent female Trump-supporting veteran at the end.

This sick man should be locked up for a very long time, but at the very least, now that his name has been publicly released (which up until this point has been illegally withheld), he must be indefinitely suspended from the force immediately — before any more Trump supporters are violently shot and killed with their blood on his hands.



Bailey is a Brazilian immigrant who repeatedly threatened to kill Trump supporters on Facebook for months! He’s a BLM foot soldier!


*** IMPORTANT: Please share this news report with the general public before it’s too late and we can’t communicate without having our message content be approved by the federal government. We don’t have much time left. ***


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2 thoughts on “REDPILLED MEDIA EXCLUSIVE: US Capitol Police Agent David Bailey Who Killed Ashli Babbitt Was The SAME OFFICER THAT LET STEVE SCALISE GET SHOT in 2017! (EXCLUSIVE EVIDENCE)”

    1. This is mocking garbage, you have blacked out the officer’s face, why?! I’ve seen that video elsewhere and its a white guy who killed Ashli Babbitt, why would you do this?



  1. Ashli Babbitt was very identifiable by what she was wearing. Why was she climbing (or being pushed by mob pressure)through the window. The man with the gun already had the gun aimed to shoot, if he actually was the one that shot her. Considering that Ashli was a high ranking military intelligence officer, this could have been a set up to assassinate her, or staged to appear to get her dead. So what did she know? Another scripted CIA event?

    SEPTEMBER 23, 2005
    Is Barbara Olson still alive?
    “Barbara Olson was supposedly a passenger on Flight 77 and of course died when it supposedly crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11. She was the 3rd wife of U.S. Solicitor General and BushCo member, Ted Olson. Mr. Olson claimed that Barbara had called him collect from her cellphone twice from Flight 77 after it was hijacked (yes, called him twice from her cellphone on the plane … collect).”

  2. If the shooter was this black BLM guy, it simply shows that he was part of the Jewish Deep State staged shooting hoax of Ashli Babbit, just like the black Antifa radical John Sullivan, who “just so happened” to be right there filming it. See my detailed comment on another article.

  3. Spero arrivi questo famoso giorno del “Giudizio”…
    L’Erba cattiva è spuntata alla luce del Sole e ora va estirpata completamente.
    Io non so il perché dei militari piantati nel Campidoglio…ho mille idee in testa e non seguo neanche i QAnon,ma so che ora di mettere fine alla “degenerazione” umana,alla follia di questi psicopatici Ebrei e alle mezze misure.
    Anche il Bene deve venire alla Luce e completare il suo compito.
    Come spesso scrivi:”DEUS VULT”.

    • Transl:

      I hope this famous “Judgment” day arrives …
      The weeds have sprouted in copious water and sunlight, and now the must be completely eradicated.

      I do not know why the military has been implanted in the Capitol … I have a thousand ideas in my head and I do not even follow these QAnons, but I know that the time is now to put an end to human “degeneracy”, to the madness of these Jewish psychopaths and to half measures.

      The Good must also come to the Light and complete his task.

      As you often write, John: “DEUS VULT”.

    Questa è stata l’immagine più azzeccata di Gesù,per il viso,i capelli,gli occhi cerulei.Che strano,il fotografo ha deciso di montare questa scena del viso,le sue parole,nel video del mio matrimonio.
    “La sua benedizione” 🙂
    Solo Dio conosce la tua verità.
    L’umanità non è cambiata da allora.
    Avevi i tuoi dodici apostoli fedeli,i calunniatori e gli scettici.
    E…amavi i bambini e le Donne come te stesso.
    Io non ho fiducia nel genero umano..
    E come potrei averne dopo tutto quello che ho passato.
    Ma tu si..
    Non ti sei mai risparmiato,non hai mai smesso di lottare…ed io non ho mai smesso di lottare per onorare la tua memoria e la tua “protezione”.
    Questo è importante per me..come tutta la tua ironia e tutti i lati del tuo carattere.
    Non ho mai riso così tanto e non mi sono preoccupata così tanto.
    Non ho mai visto un uomo così spontaneo e genereroso.
    E coccolone come me.
    Perdonami se sono stata ripetitiva!
    Ma non è stato facile analizzare tutte le cose che ho visto e letto.
    Non so neanche come ho fatto 🙂
    Ora non so cosa succederà e questo mi spaventa…
    Ho davvero paura(l’unica cosa che temo davvero) è dividermi da te..per il resto sono positiva.
    Rifarei tutto quello che ho fatto per te anche se ho rischiato seriamente di andarmene di testa 🙂
    Sfido chiunque nella mia posizione.

    • Transl:

      This was the most apt image of Jesus, for the face, the hair, the blue eyes. How strange that the photographer decided to mount this scene of the face, his words, in the video of my wedding.

      For “His blessing”

      Only God knows your truth.

      Humanity has not changed since then.

      You had your twelve faithful apostles, slanderers and skeptics.
      And… you loved children and women as yourself.

      I have no faith in the human son-in-law ..

      And how could I have any after all I’ve been through.

      But you do ..

      You never spared yourself, you never stopped fighting … and I never stopped fighting to honor your memory and your “protection”.

      This is important to me … as is all your irony and all sides of your character.

      I have never laughed so much and I have not worried so much.

      I have never seen a man so spontaneous and generous.

      And he is ful of affection like me.

      Forgive me for being repetitive!

      But it was not easy to analyze all the things I saw and read.

      I don’t even know how I did it

      Now I don’t know what will happen and this scares me …

      I’m really afraid (the only thing I really fear) is to divide myself from you .. for the rest, I’m positive.

      I would do everything I did for you even if I seriously risked losing my mind

      I challenge anyone to be in my position!

  5. And let’s not forget the worst massacre in American history, when an Antifa supporter slaughtered almost 100 peaceful white music lovers in Las Vegas.

    The media was completely silent and didn’t give a damn.

    But one black guy [who passed a fake $20 bill, then resisted the cops] gets killed in the Midwest, and America’s cities go up in flames and the media is outraged.

    • Thank you for reminding us all of this Vegas tragedy, one among so very many.

      I stil get riled up about the 1915 Lusitania sinking,

      when First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill and Assistant Secretary of the [US] Navy Franklin Roosevelt filled a civilian ocean liner to the gills illegally with bombs and ammunition, WANTING a German u-boat to sink it — at massive loss of innnocent life — so as to get Americans all hyper against Germany so they would join the bloodbath-insanity of World War One.


      Germany had declared the seas around the United Kingdom a war zone, and the German embassy in the United States had placed fifty newspaper advertisements warning people of the dangers of sailing on Lusitania. […]

      On the afternoon of 7 May, a German U-boat torpedoed Lusitania 11 miles (18 km) off the southern coast of Ireland inside the declared war zone. A second internal explosion sank her in 18 minutes, killing 1,198 passengers and crew.[6]

      The Germans justified treating Lusitania as a naval vessel because she was carrying hundreds of tons of war munitions and ammunition, making her a legitimate military target, and they argued that British merchant ships had violated the cruiser rules from the very beginning of the war.


      I have said it over and over: We are ruled by satanic pedophiles, total psychopaths who love to lie, steal, slander and murder.

      Most of them are jews, but many are white men who become their subservient, well-paid partners in crime.

      The vile backstabber of Donald Trump, Senate Republicon leader Mitch McConnell:

  6. Oh and let’s not forget the Marxist lunatic the so called reverend Jim Jones who took his deluded followers to South America to establish a socialist communist paradise . What happened they all went insane and committed what the reverend jones called revolutionary the people’s temple and the reverend jimmy jones were true Marxist lunatics

    • Americans have been consistently lied to about just everything. We still haven’t been told the truth about Pearl Harbor and FDR’s treason. What you express is not reality.

      [Extracted quote only]
      “After receiving complaints lodged by relatives of cult members, Congressman Leo Ryan visited Jonestown on November 18, 1978 to investigate allegations of human rights abuses. Congressman Ryan, a noted CIA critic, had authored the Hughes-Ryan Amendment, which would have required the CIA to disclose to Congress — in advance — details of all covert operations. The State department offered Ryan no answers or assistance, despite numerous inquiries. He arrived with U.S. embassy official Richard Dwyer, as well as some journalists. Among the reporters was Tim Reiterman, who had covered the Patty Hearst story for the San Francisco Examiner.

      In all likelihood, Ryan already suspected what was really going on at Jonestown. That was when all hell broke loose.

      At the airstrip, Leo Ryan soon became the first congressman to die in the line of duty, along with four reporters. (The Hughes-Ryan Amendment was killed in Congress soon afterwards.) The assassins were described by witnesses as “glassy eyed,” “mechanically-walking zombies,” and “devoid of any emotion.” Dwyer and Reiterman were also shot. Soon after that, the mass slaughter began. A plausible explanation for the events that unfolded is that Jim Jones (or someone else) ordered the murders after Ryan’s unexpected visit threatened to expose what was happening. In the chaos that followed, a mass extermination was carried out.”

    • Commovente, grazie, ma la religione creata da Saul (Paolo) ha distorto la vita che dà potere e l’insegnamento di Gesù – sarete come dei – in qualcosa di infantile. È vero che Dio ci ama. Vero anche: raccogliamo ciò che seminiamo! Dobbiamo cambiare e non essere continuamente salvati… 🙁

  7. Diciamo che me la sono dedicata… è un video molto personale 🙂
    Era questo il senso del messaggio.
    “Ti proteggerò da inganni e maldicenze,sono il tuo guerriero sempre”.
    “Il mio guerriero” 🙂

  8. Si vede che sto tirando tutte le canzoni dal mio lato… perché nessuno riuscirebbe a comprenderne il “significato”…tranne tu.
    John de Nugent.

      • I really appreciate your story on this….. it is “ A Obvious” question!!!! Who the hell shot the woman in the White House!!9, Jan 6th, since they are “blaming our President of the whole so called “RIOT” at the W.H. But No! Try looking it up on goggles…. this FAKE WORLD WE LIVE IN IS NO JOKE. We are toast unless we stand for THE TRUTH AT SOME POINT.

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