More on why Pleiadians did NOT help Germany very much 1920-45

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A comrade wrote a comment that purported to debunk Gosia via her video on the Vril Society women.

This and other Gosia videos claim to be transcripts of contact with Taygetan Pleiadian women, most of all with a young woman named “Swaruu,” although this Vril video was conducted with a “Rashell of Temmer,” who states she is an actual ambassador of Taygeta.

Notably, she speaks in politically correct terms and refuses to express herself openly on certain themes. This is typical of all diplomats.

For example, and I have written on this before (at 17:13-23):

Gosia asks:

“According to your negotiations with the US Government [in 1952, with Eisenhower], WHO is above the pyramid?”

[This means the reptilian-run “Cabal,” or as Gosia calls it, the “Khazarian mafia, “the Allies,” etc.]

Rashell’s answer is evasive :

“I do not see fit to publish that information at this time.”

Okay………. 😉

Swaruu says she is part of a Taygetan volunteer force that, it is claimed, is in high earth orbit.

These Taygetans are very worried about the reptilian agenda for earthlings, and prefer to raise human consciousness so we perceive our very scary, perilous reality and finally act and in sufficient numbers. 

I replied (

I deleted your comment but want you to know I did read it all.

First, I am not totally “sold” on this Gosia material.

Gosia bashing the top Rothschild Jews (she actually calles them “Khazarian Mafia,” not “Jews”) and crypto-Jew Rockefeller — is it authentic, or controlled opposition — a sophisticated lure to suck us nationalists in for a message that will turn toxic in the end, as the “Reagan Revolution” proved to be — and also, to a large extent, in our times, “Brexit” and the Trump phenomenon?

But, sorry, your objections to it do seem flawed to me.

Just a few points:

1) As earthlings, Germanophiles and NS, we may understand that Hitler wanted to get nuclear weapons, and we all grieve terribly over the defeat of 1945 and the Hellstorm.

But anything nuclear is said to be an absolute taboo in our galaxy. WE may want this or that for our reasons, but other humans in the galaxy say nuclear weapons and even “peaceful nuclear energy” cause them very, very severe damage.

So, yes, they would prevent Germany from acquiring nukes, and the ones Hitler did create had heat and radioactivity, but not enough blast. (I am very familiar with Thomas Mehner, Ohrdruf, etc.)

ENGLISH Remembering Rochus Misch — his honor was loyalty; Misch says Hitler was against using the atomic bomb due to Allied poison gas threat

GERMAN 1) Rochus Misch, glorreich treu! 2) Die reichsdeutsche Atombombe 3) Hitler starb im Bunker, nicht in Bariloche!

2) I watched the Gosia video with “Rashell” about the Vril girls as one of the very first videos I saw. Anything NS-related was, natürlich, at the very top and the very beginning of my search on her YouTube channel.

3) The Rashell explanation would clear up why the Vril girls did not pass on the info needed for Germany to win the war, which they clearly did not.

Ask yourself why not.

Why would these Aryan-looking, advanced humans not help NS Germany in huge ways?

(Yes, they helped with some anti-gravity, zero-point UFO tech that led to ungainly flying saucers which were not usable even by 1945, after twenty years of Vril “help”…. which is not very impressive..)

Clearly the Vril Taygetans (if this whole story is true) did not move heaven and earth for a German victory. That brutal fact is the starting point of everything.

Ask: Why did Hitler, late 1939, not help brave little nordic Finland — pop. 4 million then — when the bolshevik monster Stalin attacked it?

It was not logically in Germany’s cold, practical interests at that time, regardless of Hitler’s feelings of sympathy. It was way too early for war with the USSR, especially with western Europe (France, Holland, Norway, Denmark and UK) still unconquered and firmly in the hostile Allied camp.

So Hitler let the admirable Finns, who were clear victims of an outrageous aggression, suffer and fight alone — until later on, after June 1941.

Why did the Taygetans not send their spaceships to directly show up in the sky and beat the Allies?

Or why not give the Reich tanks or tech that was infinitely better than the T-34?

Or a new kind of fuel not based on petroleum for their M262 jets once the Reich’s vital Ploiesti, Romania gasoline refinery was conquered by the Soviets in late 1944?

Pitiful and tragic end-stage debacle : after the loss of Ploiesti, the Germans were so short on fuel for their marvelous M262 jets, which could have annihilated Allied bombers and fighter planes…. 

…that they actually used teams of oxen to tow them out onto the runway for takeoff, and then only was the engine turned on.


In other words, my friend, the Taygetans were looking out for the greater interests of the Federation (and thus of the Pleiadians and of the Taygetans), more than for Germany’s short-term needs.

Yes, WWII was huge — for us but it represented just one tiny skirmish compared with the tens of thousands of years of vicious galaxy-wide, human-reptilian war.

And we earthlings, honestly, are considered mostly barbarians, and with good reason, even the best of us.

Even the Germans, among the most intelligent and noble of our race, simply laughed Hitler off from 1920 to 1930, which is when the Great Depression finally made their worker bellies ache with hunger — while the wealthy Germans got interested in backing Hitler only out of their own terror that otherwise the fast-growing KPD (Communist Party of Germany) could take power with the aid of Stalin, ruler of a gigantic USSR right next door, and then massacre them.

Hitler was viewed (outrageously!) by 97.4% of German voters as a nut and fanatic — and let us never forget this fact — Reichstag election May 1928: NSDAP gets 2.6% of the vote after eight years of huge exertions:

So it is delusional to think that if Nordics did not help Germany, that means Nordics do not exist.

They do, my friend, but they have THEIR OWN interests and THEIR OWN SERIOUS PROBLEMS, and do not drop everything to help us white “earth barbarians” for problems of our own making OR our own inaction. 😉

Nor was even the great Hitler a perfect angel, and no, he did not invade Russia to partner with it, liberate it, and merely to fight communism:

Hitler’s great mistake in Russia; the breadbasket obsession

I note, btw, that the Gosia videos I have seen (ten so far) do not say Germany was part of the “Cabal,” but that the US and the USSR (“the Allies”) were.

Also, it denounces the “Khazarian mafia,” “the Allies,” and the “cabal,” and this word comes from Kaballah.

(This Gosia being Polish, and Robert being Spanish, they both may have had strong antisemites in their family history. Poles can be extremely anti-Jewish, they and Ukrainians as well.)

4) When you implied at the end, comrade, that you 1) believe in the “flat earth” theory


2) you seemingly doubt that any aliens exist at all, then I decided, frankly, to not spend more time replying……

Thank you for your comment and sincere, good intentions, and I did read it, as you see.

But we are in profound disagreement on too many points to continue. Leben Sie wohl, Kamerad.



…..See also

His prophetic words in 1945 on America match what the Boer farmer Van Rensburg said; the 1943-45 Absetzbewegung (Disengagement Movement) to the Antarctic and Andes


  1. I’ve been following Robert and Gosia since summer of last year, and have binge-watched all their videos and read transcripts of all the Taygetan contacts. They’ve already said Israel is the base of the Cabal. Gosia needs to use certain [alternate] terms so her videos don’t get flagged and removed. Ya know how it goes in KikeTube..

    Swaruu is back. Taygetans do take breaks from being near Earth because the low frequency of Earth is detrimental to their health as 5D people/beings.

    The Taygetans have been editing Earth timelines for a while, and they say they do it for a positive outcome in our history.

    They say they have the (((Cabal))) disarmed, and they can’t use their nukes.

    The radiation from nukes can get through 5D and this radiation can reach other systems and beings out there. The (((Cabal))) is in its lasts stages, and they’re very cornered, and in a panic. Hahahaha…

    • Thanks for this information, dear comrade.

      Like other Nordic efforts, it seems to be not making a big splash.

      AND even if they are “modifying timelines,” or trying to, the 1917 Van Rensburg prophecy of a Russo-Turkish war which leads to WWIII still seems to be on track, tragically.

      It was Aristotle or some other great Ancient Greek who said that “the highly intelligent often fail, because they expect far too much of the average man.” I see the Pleiadians this way.

  2. Hello John,
    please do read. To be honest with you, I was taken aback by your strong reaction. I certainly didn’t expect you to make a post out of it. 😉 But that’s ok. Please do allow me to respond.

    First of all, I don’t completely dismiss the Gosia material. It could be a typical CIA scenario where 80% is truth and the rest is disinformation. Or something like this. Gosia and Robert appear to be nice people with good intent but it could be that they themselves are being mislead (by whoever is chatting with them). I didn’t propose that you were being “sold” on their material (you had already mentioned that you were still a bit on the fence) but was rather responding to your notion “So far this appears legit. But I’m kind of waiting for the disinformation to come to the surface”.

    Also, it seems you misunderstood me in certain regards or jumped to conclusions. I have no problem with the notion of ETs – rather with all that contactee/channelling/cult like stuff in connection with them. It has been shown, even way back to early contactees like Menger and Adamski that there were already psy-ops (and fakery) in place. Billy Meier would be the best example. I have had UFO encounters myself – however I believe these crafts were mostly Reichsgerman. I had odd dreams in that regard too. Even if the earth was a flat disk with a dome around it (and not wobbling through space at 67,000 miles per hour and spinning at 1,000 miles per hour like the globe supposedly does) that wouldn’t negate the existence of ETs. Obviously there are still other worlds and ETs that are interfering here, regardless of the shape (and speed ;-)) of the earth. And regardless of the shape of the earth, it doesn’t change the fact that NASA uses photoshop for their images. A lot.

    As for the nukes, I thought it was proven that the a-bombs dropped in Japan had actually been captured from the Germans.? And there were other functional German nukes too, I guess we just have different information here (which may or may not be true). My point would actually be the same one you are trying to make: even though Hitler had such bombs he dedcided against using them! Most likely based on his own foresight and morality. But due to some Nordics’ (or Innerearthlings?) intervention may be a possibility too.

    As for the Vril Girls being Pleiadians that still doesn’t add up for me. If they were Pleiadians then why were the Girls contacting Aldebaran (or the other way round) and channeling messages from there? The focus of the Vril Society was extremely set on Aldebaran, they even wanted to make a direct flight to it (and some claim this actually happened in 1945). See for instance here:–e0911a01.htm
    Or here, go from page 67:
    The Vril people had a connection to Aldebaran, not the Pleiades. Sure, there is a certain proximity between the two star constellations but that wouldn’t make much sense then either as to why Pleiadians would try to contact Aldebarians (on earth in a strange society setting, on top of it). Because most likely, they would already be in contact and for a long time too. 😉 So I smell disinformation, at least by “Rashell”.

    As to why the Vril ladies didn’t help the NS regime win the war. Was that really the case? There was at least one branch in the SS that took over technologies developed by the Vril. It appears there was some form of collusion and cooperation. –>
    If anything I would rather think that Canaris (who was very esoteric and in touch with the girls) might have influenced things to be held back – not some Pleiadians.
    But since there were many flying saucer developments and productions (not just from the Vril Society, the Haunebu would be the most famous example) and all this technology was decided to be evacuated or “outsourced” (auslagern) in line with the Absetzbewegung instead of being used for War purposes I dont think this is a question of “why the Vril girls did not pass on the info needed for Germany to win the war”. The Germans already had the info and plenty of it and already putting it to production too. (Again, the nukes, the flying disks, the Bell, Andromeda-Gerät, Foo Fighters and other high tech) But it was dedided to be used mostly for the Absetzbewegung which was probably a wise move.

    Also, you seemed to have missed an important point of mine? Because to me this was the breaking point in the interview with Rashell: –>
    “Robert: Danke Rashell, ich verstehe. Gibt es eine Art Vertrag, durch den die Erde ihre ganze Souveränität verloren hat?

    Rashell: Es gibt viele Verträge, einige sind Tausende von Jahren alt. Neue Verträge wurden in den 30er Jahren von Nazi-Deutschland und in den 50er Jahren von den Amerikanern, ebenfalls unter nationalsozialistischer Kontrolle, abgeschlossen. In den 1950er Jahren schloss Eisenhower einen Technologieaustauschvertrag ab, in dem unter anderem die Erlaubnis zur Ausbeutung der menschlichen Bevölkerung, zu Entführungen und für Experimente gegeben wurde.”

    To me this sounds as if evil ETs made pacts with evil Nazis (in the 30s and then even in the 50s in the US, including the one under Eisenhower) to rob Earth of its sovereignity. Which of course couldn’t be further from the truth, if Nazis did actually make contracts with any ETs. It wouldn’t be with evil ones anyway, right? Maybe I’m misreading or misunderstanding this interview part but I doubt it. (Why else would she mention these contracts in reply to that question?)

    Last but not least, I don’t understand what Finland has to do with all this.

    No hard feelings and all the Best,

    • This supposed Rashell identifies herself as a “diplomat,” and IMO she is saying things that advance her agenda, as diplomats do.

      And probably her claims also are designed to prevent the Gosia channel from being deleted by the Google Jews, such as, for example, some light Nazi-bashing, which Alex Jones, David Icke and many others do as well as “the price of doing business.” (Look at Trump making nice with the Jews, yet I am certain he loathes them.)

      I am not sure how to explain the discrepancy Taygeta-Aldebaran. Maybe “see above”?

      Hitler not helping Finland in 1939-40 is an example of brutal Realpolitik, a powerful nation reluctantly not intervening to save a weak one although emotionally it really wants to.

      Space is no different. Sometimes you have to let reptilians do their horrid thing. 🙁

      Had you read my article on Misch, comrade, you would know that Hitler told Rochus Misch the German A-Bomb would fail to win the war, and just invite a savage, massive Allied poison-gas attack, using 12,000 bombers, on the entire German people to exterminate it.

      The German bombs dropped by the Jewmericans on the only two heavily Christian cities in Japan, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, have all the earmarks of being captured (and perhaps improved) German bombs.

      Reinforced steel structures were not knocked down by them, just wooden houses.

      Sorry, but I also do NOT trust the Causa Nostra site, or not entirely.

      The truth is this, that in times of war, when survival is at stake, people are forced to lie, tell half-truths, or hide certain truths.

      Adolf kept telling the Germans his miracle weapons (jets, rockets, anti-gravity vehicles, etc.) would win the war.

      Maybe they could have, but he knew it was unlikely.

      The real and sad truth was he was abandoning Germany with tears, and evacuating the best and brightest, down to the very last second, via U-boats to the Antarctic and Andes. The miracle weapons just bought Germany more time while he got vital men and materiel off to their distant, southern destinations.

      Had I said this honestly after Stalingrad, “The war is lost; we must abandon you to your fate to save a tiny remnant,” German morale would have collapsed, and the USSR would have overrun all of Europe, right to Lisbon, and a NKVD nightmare would have begun for those Western Europeans. Then a Bolshevik Europe would have been used to conquer England, then, over time, even America.

      Let us remember this:

      The Nordics, whether Pleiadians, Aldebarans or others, are also at war. “In war, truth is the first casualty.”

      A husband might tell his wrinkly, 85-year-old wife she is beautiful. Is it a lie? 😉 If so, well, it is a loving lie. 🙂

      As Edgar Cayce said, we are judged by our motives and our efforts, not by immediate “success,” because that is not always possible right away. In the end, we must do what is right, and let the gods judge our hearts. 🙂

    • It might be true, or well-intentioned bull.

      Two facts he gets wrong:

      1) 250 A.D.
      Followers of IESU are declared enemies of the Temple and the Hebrew faith. The Hebrew (IBR) persecute the Christians (NZR). Rome is persuaded the Christians are enemies of the state as well. Followers of IESU are hunted down.

      The disciple Paul, not well accepted by other disciples, ‘uses his connections’ in Rome to spare himself. He survives a purge that others do not. He manipulates the teachings and words of IESU for his own political purposes.

      [All this happened long before 250 AD. Try 50 AD.]

      2) On February 20, 1954, President Dwight David Eisenhower was in Palm Springs. He is scheduled to hold a press conference but cancels it at the last minute. His press secretary advises the media that he has a tooth ache and can not appear. In reality, he was whisked away to Muroc Air Force Base (later known as Andrews).

      Hunh? Try Edwards. (I have been there, btw.)

      I vote well-intentioned bull, what Plato would call a “noble lie.” Much is basically true, of course, but all these alien-sounding names – I think he pulled them out of his ass.

      The writer, IMO, is some high-school type.

      Anyway, I read it for about 30 minutes. Thank you for drawing it to my attention.

  3. Deutscher Lehrer 2020. Die Indoktrination hat keine Grenzen:

    Die “Lehrkraft” sollte mal den Grossen Wendig lesen!

  4. I think this Gosia stuff is science fiction made up stuff. Yes it has plenty of truth. Yes the writers are creative and have good knowledge but this should be sold as purely for entertainment purposes only. Since adulthood (actually probably since around 30, I was still super naive in the 20’s…and hell, even in most of my 30’s ) no fiber of my being has seen physical time travel (as regarding an individual or individuals instantly teleporting physically far back in time or instantly years forward in time) as possible under any circumstances or any technology. That is one even the super imaginative Tesla never propounded and he had some ideas!

    The big giveaway for me about Gosia was the time travel stuff, saying they time traveled back to NAZI Germany to try and change things. As alluring and fantastic as this is I simply do not believe time travel is possible as I previously stated. What a lovely fantasy it is and in my youth I greatly enjoyed the Terminator, Bill and Ted’s, Quantum Leap and Back to the Future type movies/shows but it is just that…a fantasy.

    In the 7th or 8th grade I read a book Lightning by Dean Koontz. I absolutely loved the book and it had such an impact on me that in shop class I came across a credit card sized/shaped piece of Plexi glass that had a diagonal crack in it that looked like lightning so I engraved the word lightning on it and filed it down all nice and smooth. It was a perfect rectangle and quite beautiful actually. When I returned that book to the library I included this in the checkout pocket as some kind of metaphysical gesture signifying the books powerful impression on me. The time travel stuff was a wonderful fantasy and maybe subconsciously I was loving the NAZI Germany aspects to the story as well. I didn’t know it until well into the book that it was going to explain it’s mysteries with a “NAZI” time travel invention.

    This book tried to make time travel a little more rational and tried to put a scientific spin on it. One interesting aspect was that you could only go forward in time. It had all these rules and when the traveler went back it was always 11 minutes past the time he left. It was really fun stuff for a 13 year old mind at the time . Of course that was at a time I wasn’t yet sure if time travel was possible or not. I asked Dad about it and he told me of some absurd Einstein theory that if you were able to fly at a fast enough speed around the earth, theoretically you could return much farther in the future than the time you experienced. I couldn’t grasp that. That was saying about the same thing if one was to hibernate or be cryogenically frozen like in that movie Demolition Man. You experience no time elapsing even though the world around you does but that is not the type of time travel we are talking about here.

    No matter how advanced a civilization is, this idea of teleporting time travel is not one that is possible in anything but a dream world. The real time travel is life, death and reincarnation I believe. With the Gosia contact making this time travel claim it totally ends any full legitimacy they have in my opinion. Yes some things are valid and make sense but I can’t invest in it when they claim such fantastic happenings as being real.

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