My amazement at literally libtard US Marines; General Kelly says Trump (OMG, OMG) “d-e-f-e-n-d-e-d Hitler”

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Four-star Marine general John Kelly was a racial libtard and undermined and loathed Donald Trump as a closet “white supremacist,” which Trump is, though with dogwhistling, wobbling and inconsistency. Now Kelly even claims Trump was pro-Hitler.


My father was friends for decades with John Chafee (photo, left), the very honest, scandal-free Republican governor of Rhode Island and later a US Senator. (This was before the state my ancestor co-founded in the year 1636 became a one-party Demoncrap, cancel-culture penal colony.)

Chafee had been a Marine Corps lieutenant in the brutal Korean War, as was my dad,  a war where 50% of all young Marine officers were killed or wounded and evacuated, as was my own father after three days in a coma.

Later, John Chafee, a handsome, smart and charming man, was my father’s personal lawyer.

Chafee had the honesty in 1968 to say that Rhode Island needed a state income tax to balance its budget, which as in fact a requirement under the state constitution.

He lost re-election to a slimy, nerdy little jew named Frank Licht (pronounced “Leech”, appropriately) whose blunt and delusional slogan for the dummies was simply “NO INCOME TAX.”

Well, “Leech” himself had to propose a state income tax as governor! What a lying crook! He lasted just one term, btw. People felt bad that they had believed this demagogue and voted out an honest man.

Actually, it was kind of common in both Rhode Island and Massachusetts that voters would voted in some Irish or Italian Democrat of their own background, but the guy turned out to be an open dope and crook, so the voters turned the next time to a WASP Republican who was viewed as a “Mr. Clean.” 😉

This is also how, astoundingly, the rigid, Mormon, straight-laced Utah Republican Mitt Romney actually became the governor of arch-Catholic and white-ethnic Massachusetts from 2003-07– “time for an honest WASP again!” –– said all the Patricks, Michaels, Luigis and Tonys. 😉

Growing up in New England was realizing that Whites are actually all pretty different.

The WASPS were germanic (Saxon), serious and work-ethicky;



Why didn’t the WASP participate in the orgy?

They didn’t want to write that many thank-you notes.


The Irish (especially concentrated as they were) were very keltic (gift of the gab, the charm, the wit, and also the “blarney”);

Senator Ted Kennedy and William Bulger, president of the Masssachusetts State Senate, sing “When Irish Eyes Are Smiling” (but Bulger’s own brother was the infamous Irish crime gang chieftain Whitey Bulger, who killed 21 people and got his own Irish South Boston hooked on heroin!!! Not long ago he was beaten to death in prison.)


…the Italians were mediterranean (very charming, warm, family-oriented, but often dishonest or, very seldom, actual vicious criminals, the Mafia)


An Irishman goes to the doctor, who after examining him says

“You have some problems with your heart, but if you take these tablets, I think it will be okay.

“So the doctor gives the man the tablets and the patient asks,

“Do I have to take them every day?”

No,” replies the doctor, “take one on the Monday, skip the Tuesday, take one on the Wednesday, skip the Thursday and go on like that.

“Two weeks later the doctor is walking down the street, and he sees the patient’s wife.“Hello Mrs Murphy,” he says, “how’s your husband?”

“Oh he died of a heart attack,” says Mrs Murphy.

“I’m very sorry to hear that,” says the doctor, “I thought if he took those tablets he would be all right.”

“Oh the tablets were fine,” says Mrs Murphy,

“It was all that skipping that killed him!”


Have you heard about the new Italian battle tank? 


Twelve gears! 1 in forward, 11 in reverse.


So each kind of White had their  good and bad points.

Boston and Providence were great, colorful Irish-Italian towns with good food and crazy bars when I was a boy… which chose on a regular basis a NON-Italian and NON-Irishman to clean things up. ;-).

“We godda clean up this f–kin’ b—-shit!” the Italians would then say. 😉

Anyway, I met John Chafee, the squeaky-clean WASP, former Marine officer, governor, and US senator. (His blond son Lincoln followed him as senator and governor. I corresponded with Lincoln as a US senator over our common opposition to the 2003 US invasion of Iraq.)

Anyway, when Ronald Reagan became president in 1981, this meant the “conservative” (or pseudo-conservative, and neo_conservative) wing of the Republican Party was taking over from the moderate, Rockefeller Republicans.

And soon after, I saw my father and John Chafee, once close, drift far apart.

My dad would say, half-jokingly, “I am to the right of Genghis Khan!.. John [Chafee] is a good man… a sincere man… but he is simply a liberal…”

I was stunned, then a Marine myself, that any Marine could even BE a liberal!

What does the USMC stand for? Discipline. Quit your whining and victimhood. Get the job done with no excuses. Kill efficiently if you have to.

And what is liberalism? Everybody is a victim and needs to be pampered!

I remember so well the Democrats in the Sixties making excuses for “the poor Blacks” and undermining our fighting men in Vietnam, literally spitting on their uniforms and yelling “Baby-killer!” as our soldiers, sailors and Marines landed at American airports after a year in combat in that jungle hell. My local friend Jim was a Marine in Nam, and another, Ken, was in the Army infantry there. 110 degrees and humid….. attacks day and night. You could not even wear underwear, you sweated so much, It would rot away in a week.

In Georgetown, there was a parade down M Street: Ho! Ho! Ho Chi Minh! Viet Cong Are Gonna Win!” 

What sick fucks!

How could ANYONE be a liberal, much less a US Marine?

The Marine Corps screwed your head on right! It made you a man and a MAN does not believe in fairyland, or, as my dad endlessly said, “pie-in-the-sky.”

Yet there are absolutely Marines who are liberals, and prisoners of their egoic mind, feeling all morally superior to and even HATING people like you and me — who want Whites to survive!


I have one libtard Marine right now on my block. He said to me “You’re no Marine; that’s bullshit.” I decided to walk away because all his relatives were there, Onto being right now a big summer resort, but let us say he had better not find out the hard way whether I am a Marine or not, both legally and in every fiber of my being, and my family came here to America in 1636.


So, anyway, here is this news item now with the Irish/Italian Boston-liberal Marine four-star general John Kelly:

A comrade sent me this:

We knew it! Donald J Trump is a blue-eyed devil…

Trump praised Hitler for doing ‘a lot of good things,’ says new book

Former US president allegedly made remark to his then-chief of staff John Kelly during 2018 trip to Europe, ‘was undeterred’ by pushback


My take on this:

This story is probably iffy, though Trump undoubtedly DOES thinks this way – that Hitler DID “do many good things,” which Winston Churchill also said, and King Edward VIII, and PM Lloyd George of England!

But despite his gullibility about so many Republicans, Trump probably knew early on that by appointing Kelly, one of these delusional Massachusetts liberals, a half Irish-American, he had brought in an “underdog-loving” negro-lover just like the gullible Kennedys. Kelley was a neo-con, a jew-lover, and a white-guilt bootlicker who loyally served the treasonous Pentagon/RINO Deep State.

In any case, I would not trust a word out of Kelly’s mouth, or Bolton’s, or Mathis’.

Kelly was and is a treacherous, lying snake.

As for Trump being a Nazi,  I gotta agree with this cartoon:


I’m. Literally. Hitler. I should know. 😉

But do not expect a goose-stepper. My goal is to appeal to Americans — and they ESPECIALLY want FREEDOM.

But the only path to freedom is through a new spiritual man who can handle freedom. But today Whites have become animals. Freedom must be earned.  Would you give a 16-year-old the keys to a Ferrarri?

Leni Riefenstahl did some great movies for me.


This speech was edging toward religion, but it was far too soon in 1934 for that.






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