No RETREAT, not to New Zealand or anywhere else!

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The jewish “performance artist” Stephie Key, wearing satanic horns, is the daughter of the jewish prime minister of New Zealand 2008-16, John Key:

A comrade wrote:

I have a question.
For many decades, wise and knowledgeable people, such as yourself, have been VAINLY warning a population who actively choose to not know bad things. Why is it, that you cannot accept that 95% of all people are blind? Hopelessly blind. Would it not be more wise, to accept that these “people” are going to bring about their own self destruction? & once that has been determined, a path opens. If we accept this, we know the apocalypse is coming. & then it becomes paramount, to steer those who know to move away from these self destructive people. They are suicidal – mindlessly insane, and when they self-destruct, the Bible tells us it will be cataclysmic.

Our leaders on the far right, have us believing that we can wake the blind. ‘If only they hear our message – surely then they will wake.’ Perhaps, this whole time, we should have been acquiring money, and moving far, far away, from their soon to be global fireworks show. I Like New Zealand, but am Open to Suggestions.


I replied:

Good questions and comment.

Sorry, but to think the jews would leave us alone down in New Zealand is an impossible dream. And the Kiwis are not going to allow poor whites in, either, just the rich, crooked bastards who have ruined the US.

Yes, NZ is beautiful….

the tropical northern island (the beach at Nelson):

and the alpine southern island (Lake Matheson):

But NZ is infested by jews, and even recently had a jew PM for EIGHT years who promoted gay pride and open borders, John Key.



Sir John Phillip Key GNZM AC (born 9 August 1961)[2] is a New Zealand retired politician who served as the 38th Prime Minister of New Zealand from 2008 to 2016 and as Leader of the New Zealand National Party from 2006 to 2016. After resigning from both posts in December 2016 and leaving politics, Key was appointed to board of director and chairmanship roles in New Zealand corporations.

Born in Auckland before moving to Christchurch when he was a child, Key attended the University of Canterbury and graduated in 1981 with a bachelor of commerce. He began a career in the foreign exchange market in New Zealand before moving overseas to work for Merrill Lynch, in which he became head of global foreign exchange in 1995, a position he would hold for six years. In 1999 he was appointed a member of the Foreign Exchange Committee of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York until leaving in 2001. [….]

Key was born in Auckland, New Zealand, to George Key (1914–1969)[4] and Ruth Key (née Lazar; 1922–2000),[4] on 9 August 1961. His father was an English immigrant and a veteran of the Spanish Civil War and World War II.[5] Key and his two sisters were raised in a state house in the Christchurch suburb of Bryndwr, by his mother, an Austrian-Jewish immigrant.[6][7] Key is the third prime minister or premier of New Zealand to have Jewish ancestry, after Julius Vogel and Francis Bell.[8]

[This snake is just a closet jew]

In 2008 Key stated that he attended church frequently with his children, but was an agnostic.[145][146] He has said that he does not believe in an afterlife, and sees religion as “doing the right thing”.[145]

His daughter, Stephie Key:

So jew-ruled NZ, of course, just like every other white nation except the US, has leucophobic, overtly menacing “hate-speech” laws….. demonizing all white males and agitating the Maori natives against the evil white “settlers” and “colonialists”

And now the land of the “Kiwis” is also being taken over by aggressive Red Chinese!!!

Entrance to the main NZ airport:

Beijing is at the moment de facto an ally (an uneasy one) against the white race of said New Zealand jews.

And this Coronavirus scam for the purpose of collapsing western economies, genociding 90% of WHITES, and creating a Great Reset — has clearly been a sino-jewish joint project from the beginning.

Let me also address non-white countries as a place of refuge.

A white American friend and activist who is a friend of ours tried to get refuge in Venezuela under the 1/4 negro Chavez. But the Venezuelan embassy strung him along for weeks. Anything pro-white, anything antisemitic — no way. Chavez was about the leftist welfare state for mestizos and mulattos.

A German friend of mine moved to Bolivia. Same thing. Evo Morales was and is an anti-white leftist Indio. He was barely tolerated as long as he was low-profile.

Even brave litle Hungary folded when Horst Mahler, whom I know, the great national socialist, fled there for refuge. They handed him, sick with diabetes and with an amputated foot, in his wheelchair (this was no fake sickness “act,” either), right back to the neo-Germans and years in prison.

“My crime is I want Germany to stay the homeland of Germans!”

Muslim countries?

Half of them are in bed now with the zionists.

But it is not true they hate all whites.

Just white MEN.

White women are great — for raping.

The Yazidis are a small, pagan white tribe in Iraq and Syria. ISIS went crazy raping their women and girls.

This Yazidi girl from Iraq ran in Germany right into her former ISIS rapist, who now has gotten political asylum from Merkel — and he smirked viciously at her!

No, the time to retreat and flee is over.

Also, the flight of an animal triggers a new burst of aggression from the predator. The chase fires up his every hormone to make him hunt down and kill us. British military historian Sir John Keegan ( laid that out in his The Face of Battle (

Nothing makes a soldier into a more deadly marksman than seeing the back of a fleeing enemy.

Same with a cop pursing an escaping suspect. Every neuron in the cop’s brain kicks into high gear when the burglar, rapist, shoplifter or mugger flees.

And you, the one retreating, cannot shoot back accurately when you are focused entirely on getting away. You have to stand your ground to shoot accurately.

A chaotic retreat is therefore called in military parlance a “rout.”

AKA slaughter.

Even if one must retreat, it must be an orderly retreat. This means that while the majority of the unit moves backward, a quarter of the force is laying down fierce machine gun fire at the advancing enemy. Those 25% may die, but it will save the other 75%. We inflicted incredible losses on the Soviets from 1943-45. And, in the meantime, we shipped out our best and brightest to Antarctica and the Andes. This is why 54 U-boats of the final series, “XX,” were neither sunk by the Allies nor did they surrender to them.

They just disappeared “southward.” The German invention of the snorkel made this possible, a thin little breathing pipe for air. One could cruise for weeks undetected in 1945 that waY: No Allied spotter plane (like the one that BGoerge Lincoln Rockwell flew…) could spot the snorkel pipe of a gray U-boat under the waves of the vast, gray northern Atlantic.

The Antarctic is huge:

McMurdo US Station, Antarctica (Google Earth image): US tanks face off with a crashed (maybe German) UFO

NS Germans after 1945, ETs, Deep States, the Admiral Byrd “Highjump” Expedition and the Exposure of Antarctica’s Hidden Realms

My only goal now is to unblind our people.

And so I am suspending my blogging until my new, organized spiritual community is ready.

National socialism, in its new form, social nationism, must be embraced by all Whites and all other races.

The jews must no longer divide-and-conquer us, and this demands that we cease to be blind.

Then we will see, and then we will act.

My goal is precisely to awaken the blind masses, as we did in 1932-1938.

By 1938 my faith in the latent inner greatness in Aryans was fully justified.

Germany had gone from the (American/Wall Street/jew-caused!) Great Depression and a literally suicidal psychological depression as well upward and onward, achieving incredible power and happiness in every way imaginable.

I have now completed reading (in German, in the old Fraktur font 😉 ) volume after volume of Das Dritte Reich.

Three thousand pages:

Every activity and law of the Reich — here 14-30 March 1938

The beautiful thick, bronze chest contains the SA Book of Honor, listing the 1,057 SA men who were murdered by both communists and right-wing reactionaries

I have seen, in nuts and bolt as well as via soaring, inspiring rhetoric, how we did it — every specific step we took, and WHY we took it.

And Léon Degrelle was right — by 1940, especially after our incredible military victories, our Blitzkrieg, defeating major countries in mere weeks — 90% of the German people were Hitlerites.

No more retreat. We must awaken and fight.

And, as Sun Tzu said in his The Art of War, when a military unit in on a “death-ground,” with its back to a river, to a mountain, or in some other way cannot retreat, then it is at its MOST DANGEROUS.

Same with a cornered rat!

But it is the jew who is the rat, advancing ridiculously on a giant, but cowering Aryan who is trembling like a fool over in the corner, forgetful of his own slumbering power and greatness.

But, either way, I win.

If the jews provoke WWIII, the dug-in forces of the Reich in the southern hemisphere will emerge as the sole major survivors.

The swastika may rule over ruins,


…..but then rebuild our world more beautifully than ever.

What we did for one country, the whole planet will experience: health, happiness, prosperity, travel to the stars, beauty, fulfillment, meaning, family, and intense love of ourselves and of all others. We will see ourselves in the other man.

But if my religion succeeds, you will not die but live, by learning the meaning of heroism, glorious deeds, and victory.

You will no longer be merely white, but an immortal, enlightened, loving — and ferociously strong Aryan.

…..Changing the perception, not the reality

A intelligent, committed and pretty gal and equestrian from Bavaria, Germany, fired for her political views, wrote me: (First in the original German, then in English)

Sieg Heil!

Letzte Nacht im Schlaf sah ich Hitler astral… In einem Haus in schöner Umgebung irgendwo in Österreich war das…. Die meiste Zeit kümmerte er sich um einen Hund und hat die Treue und den Charakter vom Hund gelobt.

Diese astrale Begegnung nachts im Schlaf war real wie ein Nahtoderlebnis.

John: Ach so? Wow! Also war das eher kein Traum, sozusagen, sondern wurde als eine Vision, eine Schau echter Dinge, und nicht als bloßen Traum erlebt?

Das klingt fast nach Zeitmaschine, nach Reise in die Vergangenheit

Wobei die großen Mysteriker sagen, dass Gegenwart, Vergangenheit und Zukunft parallel laufen, also gleichzeitig…. Also, Adi in Österreich…. nicht auf dem Berghof in Oberbayern. War er in einer Führer- oder Parteiuniform, oder zivil gekleidet?

V: “Wobei die großen Mysteriker sagen, dass Gegenwart, Vergangenheit und Zukunft parallel laufen, also gleichzeitig”

Jedenfalls ich kann es nicht einschätzen. Wir leben in einer Art Matrix. Im Traum bei Hitler letzte Nacht, astral, ich weiss nicht, ob es vielleicht in einem Paralleluniversum war? Oder einfach eine Zeitmatrix. Von der irdischen Perspektive kann ich nur spekulieren.

“In einer Führer- oder Parteiuniform, oder zivil gekleidet?”

Ich weiss es nicht mehr, kann ich nicht sicher sagen, aber ich kann mich an nichts militärisches in dieser Astralwelt, oder wie man es nennen mag, erinnern. Hitler war in dem Moment eher wie ein Privatmann. Ich habe dort überhaupt nichts “Militärisches” wahrgenommen.

Er war wie ein Privatmann, und war auf einen Hund fokussiert als wäre das sein Kind. Er liebte es und lobte seine Eigenschaften. Diese Szenen waren sehr deutlich

Sehr auffällig war diese friedvolle Aura überall, und seine seelenvolle Art.


Bei Hitler fühlte ich mich wie bei einer Mutter…. Eine gute Seele, die die ganze Natur beseelt….er war unschuldig, ohne Ego, wie ein Heiliger, man kann es NICHT in Worte beschreiben.

Mich erinnert das Maria Bild automatisch daran…. Dieses Gemälde entspricht seiner Seele selbst.

A. Hitler, “Maria und Jesus,” München 1914

Er hing sehr der Treue und dem Charakter der Hunde an


Sehr interessant, danke, V!   Das hat wohl eine wichtige Bedeutung. AH nicht nur als Kämpfer, sondern vor allem als Mann der Liebe und des Friedens. So muss er sein, auftreten und von der Masse gesehen werden!




The five white, English-speaking nations

….. Changing the perception, not the reality

A intelligent, committed and pretty gal and equestrian from Bavaria, Germany, fired for her political views, wrote me: (in English translation)

Sieg Heil!

Last night in my sleep I saw Hitler astrally … In a house in beautiful surroundings that was somewhere in Austria … Most of the time he was looking after a dog and praising the dog’s loyalty and character.

This astral encounter at night in sleep was as real as a near-death experience.

John: Oh. Wow! So it wasn’t a dream, so to speak, but was experienced as a vision, a seeing of real things, and not as a mere dream?

It almost sounds like a time machine, like a trip back in time-

Whereby the great mystics say that the present, the past and the future run parallel, i.e. simultaneously …. So, Adi in Austria …. not at the Berghof in Upper Bavaria. Was he in a leader’s or party uniform, or in civilian clothes?

V: “Whereby the great mysterics say that the present, the past and the future run parallel, i.e. simultaneously”

I can’t really judge that. We live in a kind of matrix, anyway. In a dream with Hitler last night, astral, I don’t know if it was maybe in a parallel universe? Or just a time matrix. From my earthly perspective, I can only speculate.

“In a leader or party uniform, or in civilian clothes?”

I don’t know anymore, I can’t say for sure, but I can’t remember anything military in this astral world, or whatever you like to call it. At the time, Hitler was more like a private person. I didn’t notice anything “military” there.

He was like a private man, focused on a dog as if it were his child. He loved it and praised its qualities. These scenes were very clear

This peaceful aura was very noticeable everywhere, and his soulful manner.


With Hitler I felt he was even like a mother … a good soul that animates all of nature … he was so innocent, so without ego, like a saint.. You CANNOT begin to describe it in words.

His Maria painting reminds me automatically of the feeling… This painting corresponds to his soul itself.

A. Hitler, “Mary and Jesus,” Munich 1914

He was very attached to the loyalty and character that dogs have.


Very interesting, thank you, V! That probably has an important meaning. AH not only as a fighter, but above all as a man of love and peace. That’s how he has to be, to appear this time, and to be seen by the masses!



Especially important blogs





  1. There is a calling for you on 4chan:
    We need a new religion

    By the way, Justin Trudeau is probably the illegitimate child of Fidel Castro:

    “Our (((leaders)))” are very evil people

    God bless you, comrade!

  2. As comrade Stalin proved, geography is a fantastic fortress, and cold weather was his best general. North American whites should consider the last few white bastions left, which can still provide some measure of safe space from the urban terrors of the coming “reset”. Think about the Northern regions of the Great Plains, the Great Basin, or the North Woods (especially the UP). Unfortunately, many friends and family members are going to suffer and die because of their laziness and apathy. You can only change your own life. Consider a relocation not as a retreat, but as the beginning of a new life dedicated to Social Nationalism.

    John, you still have my loyalty and support, come what may.

    • Thank you so very much, and for your $100 Amazon gift card, one of so many! 🙂

      An English comrade just wrote me, a courageous street activist and candidate for years now who also is caring selflessly for an autistic teenage son.

      (Thanks, jews, for your toxic vaccines that cripple white kids for life.)


      This is what he sent me, and while it is drastic, he is so right:

      Hi, JdN. I’m sorry people won’t donate money to keep the site going. JdN, they are basically cunts. All wanting to save our race and peoples, all agree with you 100%, yet do nothing and give nothing.

      The answer for me is going into business, not to make millions but enough to fund our plans and stop being hog-tied.

      We need enough for mail shots, adverts, better sites and internet activities. We have to do it ourselves. I’ve started. Regards []

      I am going to write some powerful things today, and it was all triggered by the death of a broken heart of a wonderful, beloved, local Irish-American here in Ontonagon, Dan Shula.

      He had diabetes but stopped taking good care of himself toward the end, incredibly depressed over the Biden-Harris coup d’état and the stealing of Trump’s landslide victory.

      Dan was actually from Chicago, had a strong, nice Chicago (“Da Bears” 🙂 ) accent, a merry twinkle in his Irish blue eyes, a charismatic joy in life, and a wit that all together made him an amazing guy. When he died, everyone groaned using the same words:

      “Oh, my god, Dan died???” It was like the lights went out all over town.

      Like most white Chicagoans I run into up here in Onto, especially during our long snowmobile season (Nov-April), the ascension of the position of mayor of Lori Lightfoot, the freaky-looking, stupid, inept, black lesbian mayoress of the once great Windy City, radicalized him.

      Dan did not understand the JQ, but listened when I said “Dan, the Blacks are nothing; a primitive, Stone Age people from Africa. The problem is the jew money from the North Side that is behind the Blacks. And it was behind the previous horrible mayor you had, too, that jew Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s buddy.

      And it’s the jew Soros who is financing these BLM thugs right now.

      Most Blacks are broke, Dan. It is jew money that is keeping this black takeover going.”

      I could see the wheels turning as I said this. His head would nod.

      I showed him the back of the one-dollar bill. He got silent as “the dime dropped.” 😉

      “A picture is worth a thousand words” — Confucius

      He did know about Soros and BLM.

      He would ask me, his innocent blue eyes narrowing: “So….WHY… would the jews do all this?” His heart could not imagine such evil.

      Personality-wise, Dan fulfilled every positive stereotype about the Irish you could imagine — funny, charming, caring, two-fisted but a gentle giant (6’2″ and built), a guy who would give you the shirt off his back — what a beautiful human being.

      His death was part of my ending the blog for now. Because I had promised him (as I promise YOU) that I am going to ACT to save this country. All my blog is, comrade, is whining cum details “Guess how the jews fucked us TODAY?” 😉

      Well, it’s time to start fucking back. 😉

      I just felt bad he did not live to see it on this side of the curtain. I know he is watching over me now. He would look at me as if to say “Are you the one?”

      Republican political advisor Rick Knox, a definite WN deep-down from Missippippi, asked me that in 2006:

      “Jack, are you THE ONE?”

      I said, “Yes, Rick, I am, but people gotta change. I have to figure out why people are such fucking zombies.

      They’re unhappy. They’re miserable, they’re angry. But they still do nothing.”

      Rick said: “Well, good luck with that, Jack. You’ll have to change the human race!”

      I said: “Yes, I will… heh-heh, BUT the day will come when they are so utterly at the end of their rope, they will want relief from a world of pain.”

      Dan’s obit:

      “Dan, we hardly knew ya.”

      Oh, Danny Boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
      From glen to glen, and down the mountainside,
      The summer’s gone, and all the roses falling,
      It’s you, it’s you must go, and I must bide.

      But come ye back when summer’s in the meadow,
      Or when the valley’s hushed and white with snow,
      Tis I’ll be here in sunshine or in shadow,
      Oh, Danny Boy, oh Danny Boy, I love you so!

      But when ye come, and all the flowers are dying,
      If I am dead, as dead I well may be,
      Ye’ll come and find the place where I am lying,
      And kneel and say an Ave there for me;

      And I shall hear, though soft you tread above me,
      And all my grave will warmer, sweeter be,
      For you will bend and tell me that you love me,
      And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me!

      And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me!
      Come to me!

      I will add one final thing: “Danny boy” is an incredibly beautiful keltic air, with words by an enthused and moved Englishman….

      The day is coming, and it is now, when the jew unites us all, and the white race will become a mighty band of brothers.

      PS The English comrade just asked me specifically to send you this Irish song he loves with his greeting:

      I’ve just dropped in to see you all
      I’ll only stay awhile
      I want to hear how you’re getting on
      I want to hear you smile
      I’m happy to be back again
      And greet you big and small
      For there’s no place on earth just like
      The homes of Donegal

      I long to see your smiling children
      Standing by the door
      The kettle boiling on the hearth
      As I walk up the floor
      And then to see a welcome free
      For travellers one and all
      For your hearts are like your mountains
      In the homes of Donegal

      I’d like to stay along with you
      And while away the night
      With fairy lore and tales of yore
      Beside the turf fire bright
      And then to see laid out for me
      A shake-down by the wall
      For there’s rest for weary wanderers
      In the homes of Donegal
      The time has come for me to go
      And bid you all adieu
      For the open highway calls me back
      To do these things I do
      But when I’m travelling far away
      Your friendship I’ll recall
      And please God I’ll soon return unto
      The homes of Donegal

      Donegal, Pride of all
      Donegal, Pride of all


      PPS Back when I was still on Faceberg, an attractive WN who is a Northern Irish gal and I corresponded about how things were over there.

      She said:

      People hardly go to church here any more, Protestant or Catholic, so why are they still fighting? How can you be a “Catholic” if you no longer believe in Catholicism or attend the Mass? Or a “Protestant” if you only go to baptisms, weddings and your own funeral? 😉

      Why do we fight, as you say, John, over which version of this imported jew religion cooked up by Saul is “better” than the other, when both are bad?

      “Turn the other cheek” when the jew strikes us?

      It is all just the hook-nosed ones yet again dividing and conquering us.

      Whether Saxon or Celt, it is time we all stand together.


      PPPS Negroes harass white motorists in Cork, Ireland, but it could be absolutely anywhere in the whole white world:

      If this were China, they would grind these worthless excuses for human beings up for dog meat. WHAT do these Blackies have to offer a modern, western, high-tech society?

  3. Jewsweek pushes more fear porn about the nonexistent “COVID-19 pandemic”:

    Jew Bloomberg pushes for forced COVID-19 vaccinations:

    This is clearly a Jewish agenda, which all Gentiles should refuse to participate in.

  4. It has become mandatory that all California schools teach anti-White “Critical Race Theory,” according to Paul Craig Roberts in a 5/18 article. Moreover, it appears that the teaching of “Critical Race Theory” is about to be mandated nationally by the Department of Homeland Security, along with an instinctual fear of certain ideas. Have the Jews not become paranoid?

      • John, good to hear you want to make a germanic religion. Do you really still believe jesus was an aryan reincarnated into a jew family ? Because if that is the case then i do not believe you will ever get a following. Can’t you see you are trying to mix in jewry with germanic heathenism (wich is our roots) by doing that ? I read that jesus also referred to non jews as being less than a jew, but i can’t remember where it was in the bible right now. Why try to blend judaism with germanicism ?

        • There are so many misunderstandings in this comment, comrade, that I cannot believe you have ever read anyting at all that I have clearly stated.

          My views are heavily based on Aryan teachings in Vedanta Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, in Pythagoras, in Plato, in Eckhart Tolle and in Neal Donald Walsch, not in germanic heathenism. Too much of that is fairy tales about gods, mead, thunderbolts, talking ravens, apples, etc.

          I said as Hitler and repeat today that a dead religion cannot come back. But, as Thomas Carlyle said, the good in a religion must be carried forward to the new religion. We cannot go back, not to gods that get eaten by a wolf or drink an oceanful of mead. 😉

        • Sort of, yes. Aside from it being a nice white nation (with some Palestinian residents, with no love for the jews), it is all-white, germanic-keltic, and if you can take the moderate cold and rainy weather, it is fine.

          An Italian activist who was being persecuted moved there, the Scandinavian Union having a treaty with the EU and thus with its member countries, such as Italy. He told me there has never been a single hate-speech prosecution in, or extradition from that country.

          He has an Icelandic gf and likes his life there.

          As a general rule, if a WN does not cause trouble by doing activism amongst the locals and in the local language, one is left alone. It is like a radar screen: big blips are noticed, and things heading toward you. Small blips might just be a flock of birds passing through. 😉

          I must added that Iceland is a sincerely liberal country and some years back had a big Gay Pride parade with 100,000 in attendance, a third of the population, but attending does not mean approval. …..

    • The Blacks are useful only to beat down the Whites but they would be exterminated too, esp. by the Chinese, whom the Blacks are already physically attacking.

      The NWO does not want 70 IQ slaves (African), but 90 IQ.

  5. Waffen SS leader predicting the future in 1981:

    White people must help each other, otherwise we will fall

    Black man kicks the money of a white homeless women away and threatens to injure her. Black commenters cheer his behaviour.

    Ancient Aryan wisdom

    Is there more to corona than one might think?

    Remember, in the end we will win, if everybody does what he can:

  6. The New Zealand false flag was conducted at the end of a deep state security / training event called CrisisX. You can still find info about it online.

    The purpose of the false flag was 1. to practice control and deletion of a video, 2. to grab some guns and patriotic whites in NZ in preparation for the Covid lockdowns. and 3. in a little known story, Jacinda [Ardern, the Labour Party prime minister since 2017] got a “well being” budget after the event.

    NZ is a totally cabal-controlled place and a police state. They welcome the rich because they will liquidate them.

      • John, the norse myths are metaphors for reproduction/nature for the survival of our race, not litteral. We are our ancestors, not jesus. Not once has jesus mentioned our race, that should tell us everything. I wish you good Hamingja.

      • Why did you delete my last comment – i donated to you ? I will ask again -do you still believe jesus was an Aryan despite all the evidence that he was jewish by both his mother and father ?

        • I thank you sincerely for your donations. I did not censor your comments, though I have every right to, this being my site, dedicated to my ideas, and I pay $1200 a month for it. This is not a forum; this is 😉

          The egoic mind makes you imagine over and over that I will adopt your ideas and embrace an Odinism which died out a thousand years ago and no one has succeeded in reviving, for all their good intentions. The neo-heathens reject the imported cult of Paulianity and wish instead to honor their ancestors, which is noble and good.

          As for the gods being mere allegories, I vehemently disagree. How can you ignore my hundreds of blogs on UFOs and aliens, things which now even the Pentagon confirms? Odin, Thor, Zeus, Horus, Osiris, Enki, Enlil, and Yahweh, these were all real people, and, as the TV series says, they were ancient aliens.

          I would invite you to start your own website, brother, and promote Germanic heathenism, and see if it has legs. I opposed it in Mein Kampf in 1924 and I do so today as well.

          And never one single time in eleven years of blogs have I said germanic heathenism has to come back, yet you wrote a comment just above saying that I wanted this.

          Are you trying to cajole or force me to admit you are right? Make me stop what I am doing, and go with your idea instead?

          The egoic mind wants to argue, to win arguments, and be “right” and the other guy wrong.

          My goal is not to argue but to save the white race, and the way forward is a new religion that is credible to our best thinkers and doers.

          I have seen good folks in Iceland, America, and other northern European areas try to revive the old gods and rituals, and it has always remained a micro-cult. And you will doubtless concede this. Maybe you are thinking these people need me to lead it…..

          But like the Buddha or Tolle, I am not into gods. I am into the Creator of all things, and struggle, race, leadership and victory.

          I will add these practical observations:

          1) As you will concede, Jesus was extremely antisemitic, the Jews murdered him, and the white world is full of beautiful buildings and music honoring him.

          2) Also, Germanic heathenism has no appeal to Kelts, Slavs and Mediterraneans, who are half of our race. If not even 1% of Danes are interested in Odin, what percentage of Frenchmen or Russians would be? Not 1 in 1000. And the English are only half-germanic, the other half being keltic and mediterranean, and they do no not identify as teutons. The Norman Conquest actually brought them into the French and Latin world.

          3) The most serious problem, which I noticed in Munich, was the neo-heathens talked big but wouldn’t join the stormtroops, the SA. When the Red Front thugs came to physically attack us and shut our meetings down, the guys with bearskin coats and meadhorns were nowhere to be found. 🙁

          In my concluding remarks at the 1934 Party rally in Nuremberg, I said a basic NS principle:

          It is not enough to say “I believe.” You must also say “I will fight.”

          Then we are worthy of our ancestors!

          I know you mean very well, brother. 🙂 And I thank you again for your financial help in an age of do-nothing, miserly readers. When Margi had to go without an inportant med for three days recently — I had just paid a huge website expense, we were then broke, and almost no one was donating — I became quite disgusted and I remain angry to this day over it.

          Why should I blog for freeloaders? (or answer the same questions over and over from someone who does not read what I write?)

          Jews donate heavily to their causes. This is why they win.

          Peace, comrade. 🙂

          Margi suffers from narcolepsy partly due to all the radiation and chemo she took to beat her Stage III throat cancer. When I recently paid the way overdue website bills, we had no money to pay for more Modafinil when suddenly the insurance company said it was no longer covered. She went into withdrawal as the drug dwindled in her system, and I became furious that my readers want me to neglect my wife — and just blog on and on about the fucking Jews when it is my own readers who are the problem. JEWS donate! Why don’t you?

          Margi proofreading the recent Modi/hydroxychloroquine/Trump article

          Car insurance reinstated thanks to one Frenchman:

          Do white people deserve to be saved? Yes, about five whole percent of them do. 😉

          The French, see, know what it is like to have zero freedom of speech and zero guns. The French know what it is like when Muslims cut your teacher’s head off as he leaves the school building. Teacher Samuel Paty, ordered by the Education Ministry to teach a class on the kinds of free speech that might offend people, showed his pupils an anti-Mohammed cartoon, but he had said in advance that any Muslim pupil who might be offended was excused from attending this one class.

          Nevertheless, a rabid muslim parent waited for the unarmed teacher, stabbed him to death, then cut his head off, taking this photo to show his friends. Islam and Judaism are 10 out of 10 on the egoic-mind scale. They tell nasty, ugly semitic losers they are the master race!

          “If you can believe absurdities, you can commit atrocities” — Voltaire

  7. A comrade wrote me, after reading my WN bio:


    Hello, I sent you the Jack Bernstein link earlier, before I read this page. Man, how great this was to read. You are a great man. God bless you. I too was on the inchon, in 70, in Vietnam. Also, I too know there is something else after death. I have studied this for 26 years, and have made regular contact for the last 18 years. I could send you my first evp if you’d like. It was written about in the aaevp journal. I knew Sarah Estep. If you would, I would so appreciate if you would tell me about the Jack Bernstein book. Fact or fiction? I see that you were inspired by it as you say on your site, as was I. Man, you are the stuff of legend! Thomas Williams Rawlings.


    I responded:

    Hi, comrade.

    I think the Bernstein book was real. There are tons of evidence the white European jews in Israel treat the dark, sephardic jews with contempt.

    I can imagine how useful the USS Inchon was as a helicopter carrier during the Vietnam conflict, just parked out there and attacking the communists with impunity.

    The US then had an overwhelmingly naval dominance in the South China Sea that is gone now. If the Vietnam War were replayed today, the Chinese navy is modern and huge.

    But I would be very careful about Electronic Voice Phenomena.

    It might be a loved one, or it might be someone else.

    There are seriously malevolent spirits who hang out around gullible humans, fake being nice at first, and then reel us into their sadistic little games.

    Now this book does reveal an EVP, but it was brief and beneficent.

    I would not go looking for anything necromantic or occult, however. We are here in the flesh to fully participate in this world, and then, in the interlife, review our life with guardian angels and deceasd loved ones who are wise.

    Then we come back here for more learning and doing.

    This world is our assignment. 🙂 HERE is where we can apply what we have learned in theory on the other side. Here is where the rubber meets the road.

    • I got The Mindful Universe. It looks good. I’ve been reading about the great Germanic peoples for years, and now I’ve gotten to interact with one! I’m honored that you replied. I will think about what you said.

  8. Incredible book. Listened to a lot of it on laptop. I have a lot of experience with the spirit people, but thanks for the advice, it all helps. In my Christian care for you may I say this, don’t let this Khazar Kontrolled world control you. Stay a beautiful spirit forever. How about those paintings of the Aryan children crying. Oh my God. Quite distressing to see. But good to see that side of life sometimes to better appreciate the other. Can you imagine the mind of the painter??? Like Zundel said… These people are not like us! Would you take a check through the mail? I would like to contribute. About out of data on this phone for now. God be with you and with us all.

    • Yes, brother, a check is fine to 306 S. Steel Street, Ontonagon, Michigan 49953.

      I was in the MK-ULTRA program myself as a child, so I can assure the world that the Big Jews are real and beyond the word “wicked.”

      Earth is where we get our minds and hearts under control and then confront radical evil with selfless heroism.

      I am creating a new, credible faith for our times so we fear not death, a delusion, but only dishonor. The time is ripe.

  9. On the jews:

    Never surrender:

    Know your enemy.
    “”COVID-19: The Great Reset” is a guide for anyone who wants to understand how COVID-19 disrupted our social and economic systems, and what changes will be needed to create a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable world going forward. Klaus Schwab, founder and executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, and Thierry Malleret, founder of the Monthly Barometer, explore what the root causes of this crisis were, and why they lead to a need for a Great Reset.

    Theirs is a worrying, yet hopeful analysis. COVID-19 has created a great disruptive reset of our global social, economic, and political systems. But the power of human beings lies in being foresighted and having the ingenuity, at least to a certain extent, to take their destiny into their hands and to plan for a better future. This is the purpose of this book: to shake up and to show the deficiencies which were manifest in our global system, even before COVID broke out.”

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