Norman descendant Richard Spencer wants to give pedophiles child porn; Normans — nordic sell-outs like Churchill; Winnie a closet gay?

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…..Richard Spencer advocates giving pedophiles child porn

Thpenther doesn’t seem to understand that the videos or images used in child porn show actual children being sexually abused. Even if there were evidence that viewing such images made pedophiles less likely to offend, there is no ethical way to supply the material. Every instance of child “porn” is photographic/video evidence of a horrific crime. Pedophilia should be a capital crime and pedophiles EXECUTED. (I speak as a survivor.)  Spencer is repulsive.



Nick Gilliam This was a really stupid move on Richard’s part.. why should we even care about helping pedos? They should be executed.

John de Nugent At the least, he is callow. Of course, given his advocacy for gays such as Jack Donovan and Millennial Woes, who have addressed his 2015 and 2016 NPI conferences, his secret funder, a Key West lawyer, and his infamously effeminate voice and mannerisms, there may be more to the story.

Jack Donovan, 2015 NPI speaker on masculinity (sic)

John de Nugent “Someone, especially a young person, who is callow behaves in a way that shows they have little experience, confidence, or judgment:

Example: Mark was just a callow youth of 16 when he arrived in Paris.”

Nick Gilliam Thanks for the new word! I will stow this away in my arsenal of vocabulary.
Nick Gilliam There definitely needs to be a house cleaning on the Right.. too many homosexuals and crypto-j3wz have snuck in.
John de Nugent There needs to be a new Aryan religion to entirely remold the sick minds of the decadent whites of today. For every closet gay and crypto-J, there are also the heteros who are toxic narcissists, backstabbers, ingrates, and beyond them, the outright FBI infiltrators or, worse, bribed or blackmailed WNs who are assigned to go forth amongst their comrades to divide and conquer, such as Carlos Porter.
John de Nugent And then you have Jared Taylor, who is in a common-law marriage with a leftist Jewess…/jared-taylors-concubine…/Manage

……Famous British activist, fmr MEP and BNP chmn Nick Griffin against the gay takeover of WNism: “Alt Right NOT Right” (a pdf book)

Nick Griffin Alt Right Not Right




…….The Normans — Scandinavians who, since before the Conquest of 1066, have borrowed money from Jews and intermarried with them when broke to maintain their noble lifestyles

English activists of Saxon-Keltic ancestry still remember and denounce the Norman holocaust.



……Winston Spencer Churchill

Churchill yet another upper-class homosexual?

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Yet another reason to loathe this disgusting swine!


The arrogant little brat in his Blenheim Palace; his ancestor was ennobled for selling England out to the Jews in the early 1700s



I note that the article below asserts that Prof. Lindemann, the architect of the carpet bombing of Germany (and a Jew), was also a poofter.


After a British bombing raid on Mannheim, Germany


Baron Boothby (to the left of Churchill in the photo) was a Jew and a poofter also.


Winston Churchill confessed after 1945 to his private secretary, the bisexual part-Jew, Baron Robert Boothby: “Germany’s unforgivable crime before the second world war was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the world’s trading system and to create her own exchange mechanism which would deny world finance its opportunity to profit.”  ”  quoted in the Foreword, 2nd Ed. Sydney Rogerson, Propaganda in the Next War, 2001.

Robert Boothby (1900-86) was private secretary to Winston Churchill, who like him and other aristocrats was part-Jewish as well (through Winston’s American-Jewish mother, the dusky-complected Jenny Jacobson). Boothby was a Conservative member of Parliament for 62 years, and was made a Baron in 1958, despite seducing the wife of the then future prime minister Harold MacMillan, and sleeping with many men, including a male Jewish gangster, Ronald Kray [photo].

Basically, Jews like Boothby (or Shapiro) can do whatever they want once they control the money and media in a country.

IMO, Churchill was a Jew himself via his mother, Jenny Jerome, daughter of a “New York financier.”




It’s a suggestion many will consider an outrageous “ and utterly implausible “ slur on Britain’s great hero. But in an intriguing new book a respected historian asks ¦ Was Winston Churchill secretly GAY?

  • Churchill acquired a reputation as a misogynist who could be notoriously rude to women 
  • He seemed relaxed in company of homosexuals and regarded their (illegal) activities as a subject for good-natured ribaldry
  • He married Clementine Hozier which is usually regarded as a love-match but reality seems cold-blooded
  • He became very close to Minister of Information Brendan Bracken and private secretary Edward Marsh

A respected historian has questioned Sir Winston Churchill's sexuality  

While still in his 20s, Winston Churchill acquired a reputation, which he would never lose, as a misogynist who could be notoriously rude to the women he sat next to at dinner parties.

Even his first meeting with the woman who later became his wife was inauspicious. Characteristically, the young politician began by lecturing Clementine Hozier at the dinner table about himself, finally ignoring her altogether.

Did Churchill subsequently fall head-over heels? His marriage to Clemmie in his mid-30s is usually regarded as a love-match (he concludes the memoirs of his early life with the bald statement that they ˜lived happily ever afterwards’). In reality, it seems to have been rather cold-blooded.

By the time he proposed in the romantic surroundings of Blenheim Palace, his birthplace and ancestral home, he had become a privy counsellor and Cabinet minister.

Intensely ambitious, he needed a wife for career reasons. With his strong dynastic sense, he also wanted children. Clemmie, with her virginal beauty and upright character, seemed the best of the candidates on offer. According to some who knew him well, his approach to marriage was certainly less than romantic.

Violet Asquith, the sharp-witted daughter of the Liberal Prime Minister, would have liked to marry Churchill but she consoled herself with the reflection: ˜his wife could never be more to him than an ornamental sideboard.’ Similarly, Jock Colville, his future private secretary, wrote that Churchill looked to his wife to provide him with ˜a well-run household, ambrosial food, children and a loyal heart’.

Clemmie certainly supplied all this, but he seems to have taken her contribution for granted. He thought nothing, for instance, of buying Chartwell, his country house in Kent, without even consulting her, or of abandoning her for months on end, often to stay with one of the many friends she disapproved of.

Between the wars, Clemmie became increasingly exasperated by his emotional unresponsiveness and constant demands, and on several occasions considered leaving him. She bore him five children, but Churchill seems to have had a low sex-drive and to have been uninterested in lovemaking except for procreative purposes. On the other hand, he had strong romantic feelings which were generally focused on his own sex.

Was it possible that the man who led his country to victory in World War II had a gay side? I asked myself this question, not just about Churchill but also various other 20th century politicians, after completing a biography of former Liberal leader Jeremy Thorpe. Although Thorpe was gallant with ˜the ladies’, married twice, and fathered a son, he led a secret homosexual life.

Indeed, like all politicians of similar persuasion, he had to keep his gay life secret ” for all homosexual activity was illegal until 1967, and continued to attract intense social disapproval for long after that.

A man's man: During his career, Churchill was close to his Minister of Information Brendan Bracken (pictured together around 1941)

I noticed that the skills which Thorpe developed as a clandestine homosexual (or ˜closet queen’, to use an expression which came in during the Sixties) were not dissimilar to those which made him such an effective politician; quick wits, acting ability, a talent for intrigue and subterfuge, a capacity for taking calculated risks.

In Thorpe’s case, there also seemed to be a psychological link between the thrill of ˜feasting with panthers’ (as Oscar Wilde described the dangerous allure of casual homosexual encounters) and the general excitement of politics. I wondered whether the same might be true of other homosexual or bisexual politicians, of which I suspected there might be more than generally supposed, because the fact of their being actors, risk-takers and intriguers would tend to draw them towards the profession.

Churchill had a passion for silk underwear

Identifying my subjects was not easy; closet queens are by nature secretive. They do not, as a rule, keep diaries or write letters casting light on their sexuality, nor, if they can help it, do they allow gossip to circulate regarding their tastes.

In addition, they often destroy their papers or arrange for them to be destroyed after their deaths. If their biographies are written, their families usually ensure that the homosexual or bisexual aspect of their lives is barely mentioned.

So, is it fair to pose questions about the sexuality of long-dead politicians who can no longer answer back? In the not so distant past, to describe anyone, let alone a public figure, as a homosexual was a slur, but now that in most Western societies homosexuality is generally accepted, it is surely time to try to understand the strain of ˜closet-queenery’ which runs through recent political history.

This certainly implies no disrespect to these often brave and gifted men, and to the tribulations and disappointments they endured.

The British Prime Minister was also close with his private secretary Edward Marsh (pictured together in 1907)

The British Prime Minister was also close with his private secretary Edward Marsh (pictured together in 1907)

Were these men hypocrites? Possibly, but hypocrisy is not one of the seven deadly sins; it can spare feelings, avert trouble and act as a useful social lubricant. It is, after all, said to be a very British quality.

As a schoolboy, Churchill may have had some encounter with the phenomenon at Harrow, which had one of the more homosexual reputations among the major public schools.

And then there was a curious episode at the outset of his career. Around the time of Churchill’s 21st birthday, one A. C. Bruce, a fellow subaltern in the Fourth Hussars, accused him of having ˜participated in acts of gross immorality of the Oscar Wilde type’ while they had been cadets at Sandhurst a couple of years earlier.

Bruce had just resigned from the regiment, claiming that Churchill and others had hounded him out of the Army on grounds of snobbery. His ˜case’ was taken up by the journal, Truth.

Wary of libel, Truth did not refer directly to the homosexual allegations, but Bruce’s father mentioned them in February 1896 in a letter to an officer who was buying his son’s military gear.

While still in his 20s, Winston Churchill acquired a reputation, which he would never lose, as a misogynist

While still in his 20s, Winston Churchill acquired a reputation, which he would never lose, as a misogynist

Less than a year after the trial of Oscar Wilde, which had ended with his being imprisoned for homosexual acts, this was the most serious imaginable slur. On being shown the letter, Churchill issued a writ for libel. Unable to prove the veracity of what he had written, Bruce senior settled the matter by issuing an apology and paying Churchill £500.

From boyhood onwards, Churchill had been consumed with ambition. If he did indeed have homosexual inclinations, Bruce’s allegations would have given him a serious fright and determined him to keep such feelings firmly under control.

Certainly there were elements in Churchill’s make-up which might have aroused suspicions of homosexuality. He was intensely narcissistic and exhibitionistic. He had an emotional personality, being easily moved to tears; he was a sybarite with a passion for silk underwear and he felt self-conscious about his short and hairless body, seeking to compensate for it with daring feats of endurance.

There were also elements in his background which might have nurtured a homosexual outlook. In boyhood, he worshipped his mother and his nanny while seeing little of his father, the maverick politician Lord Randolph Churchill. Moreover, during his teens, Churchill was profoundly affected by his father’s rapid physical and mental decline (rumoured to have been the result of syphilis).

This may have instilled a generalised suspicion of women which possibly explains why, unusually for a dashing cavalry officer, he seems to have had no significant physical experience of women before marrying.

In 1900, Churchill, now a war hero after his greatly self-publicised exploits in India, the Sudan and South Africa, entered the House of Commons as a Conservative. For the next three years, his closest friends were four other rebellious young Tory MPs, of whom one was outstandingly handsome and the other three were confirmed bachelors.

They called themselves ˜the Hughligans’, after Lord Hugh Cecil, youngest son of the Prime Minister Lord Salisbury. They also regarded Lord Rosebery, the former Liberal prime minister who was widely rumoured to be homosexual, as their mentor.

When he first met his future wife, the young politician began by lecturing Clementine Hozier (pictured on the occasion of their engagement 1908) at the dinner table about himself

When he first met his future wife, the young politician began by lecturing Clementine Hozier (pictured on the occasion of their engagement 1908) at the dinner table about himself

Churchill subsequently switched to the Liberals. When they came to power in 1905 and gave him junior office as Undersecretary for the Colonies at the age of 31, he caused surprise by demanding to have a minor official named Eddie Marsh, whom he had recently met at a party, as his private secretary.

Marsh, two years older than him, was good-looking in a rather prim way; he had a high-pitched voice and effeminate mannerisms and was already known for his ˜crushes’ on handsome young writers and actors. He was also a foot-fetishist, who enjoyed pulling off the boots of young men returning from hunting at country-house parties.

After becoming Churchill’s private secretary, Marsh became slavishly devoted to his master, whom he continued to serve in the same relatively humble capacity in every ministerial post Churchill occupied for the next quarter of a century.

His aide was an effeminate foot-fetishist

˜Few people have been as lucky as me,’ wrote Churchill to Marsh in 1908, ˜as to find in the dull & grimy recesses of the Colonial Office a friend whom I shall cherish & hold on to all my life.’

Churchill was introduced by Marsh to such ˜queer’ theatrical personalities, as Ivor Novello and Noel Coward, in whose company the politician seems to have been at ease.

In 1914, Churchill, then First Lord of the Admiralty, met Marsh’s bisexual protege Rupert Brooke, and arranged for ˜England’s handsomest poet’ to be commissioned into a military unit under his control.

When Brooke died the following year, it was Churchill who wrote the eulogy in the Times: ˜Joyous, fearless, versatile, deeply instructed, with classic symmetry of mind and body, all that one would wish England’s noblest sons to be.’ There was another youth of almost equally angelic beauty, with whom he established a close and mutually dependent relationship lasting a decade. Sir Archibald Sinclair, a Scottish baronet and cavalry officer, hoped to become a Liberal MP and Churchill offered to launch his career, though the baronet’s looks were not matched by much in the way of brains.

He married 'Clemmie' in his mid-30s in what is usually regarded as a love-match (he concludes the memoirs of his early life with the bald statement that they  ˜lived happily ever afterwards'). In reality, it seems to have been rather cold-blooded

He married ˜Clemmie’ in his mid-30s in what is usually regarded as a love-match (he concludes the memoirs of his early life with the bald statement that they ˜lived happily ever afterwards’). In reality, it seems to have been rather cold-blooded

When war broke out, Churchill was determined to ˜keep Archie safe’, securing for him the appointment of aide de camp to a friend who was a general.

In 1916, when Churchill went to command a battalion on the Western Front, he pleaded, successfully, to have Sinclair appointed his second-in-command. More jobs for Archie followed: as his friend’s military secretary in 1919, as his ˜assistant, confidant and Man Friday’ in 1921, and as Churchill’s air minister in 1940.

The baronet’s subservience to the prime minister earned him the nickname ˜the head boy’s fag’. Much of their early correspondence seems to have been lost, but what survives shows a mutual affection that verges on the amorous.

Churchill also fell for another handsome Scot: Robert ˜Bob’ Boothby, a charismatic bisexual rake who became the youngest Tory MP in 1924. Soon afterwards, he became Churchill’s parliamentary private secretary.

While having relationships with women (including the wife of fellow Tory MP, Harold Macmillan), Boothby also had a lifelong taste for working-class ˜rough trade’, eventually becoming a friend of the Kray Twins.

Sinclair, Boothby and Marsh came from backgrounds not altogether unlike Churchill’s. The same could not be said of Brendan Bracken, a wild youth who was not yet 22 when he swept the 48-year-old politician off his feet in 1923.

He was a conman on the make, claiming (among other tall stories) to be an Australian orphan educated at an English public school. In fact, Bracken was from Tipperary, the self-educated son of an Irish stonemason of republican sympathies. Though not exactly handsome, he had a striking appearance: tall and perky with a shock of flaming red hair.

Violet Asquith, the sharp-witted daughter of the Liberal Prime Minister, would have liked to marry Churchill but she consoled herself with the reflection:  ˜his wife could never be more to him than an ornamental sideboard'

Violet Asquith, the sharp-witted daughter of the Liberal Prime Minister, would have liked to marry Churchill but she consoled herself with the reflection: ˜his wife could never be more to him than an ornamental sideboard’

In his early 20s, while serving first as a prep-school master who was famed for his flogging, then as a junior employee of a publishing firm, Bracken used to gatecrash smart parties in London and boldly introduce himself to well-known personalities. Some were sufficiently impressed to ask him to dinner.

One was the editor of the Observer, at whose table Bracken met Churchill. The politician was immediately smitten. ˜Who is this extraordinary young friend you’ve been hiding away?’ he asked the Observer editor, ˜I would like to see him again.’

He did not have long to wait: within days, Bracken found an excuse to visit Churchill at his London house in Sussex Square.

The only obstacle to their friendship was Clemmie, who was antagonistic towards Bracken and could not understand why Winston liked him. Because of her hostility, they ceased to meet in Sussex Square, but during 1923 Churchill moved into Chartwell, where Bracken became a constant visitor.

As Clemmie acidly remarked: ˜Mr Bracken arrived with the furniture and he never left.’

Indeed, Bracken became Churchill’s devoted fixer and henchman and, when war came, his parliamentary private secretary and then minister for information, a role to which this great fantasist and fixer was ideally suited. Churchill appointed him First Lord of the Admiralty in 1945, then asked him to serve with him again in 1951, saying: ˜I want you beside me, my dear.’

Was Bracken (who never married) homosexual? A diary he wrote as a young man hinted at goings-on involving Boy Scouts, and among the friends who helped him up the ladder, while also lending him large sums of money, were two rakish homosexual heirs to fortunes and peerages: Gavin Henderson and Evan Morgan. Later, Bracken’s two handsome (and heterosexual) assistants, Robert Lutyens and Garrett Moore, believed he was in love with them.

Churchill also fell for another handsome Scot: Robert  ˜Bob' Boothby (pictured with Churchill and his daughter Diana)

Churchill also fell for another handsome Scot: Robert ˜Bob’ Boothby (pictured with Churchill and his daughter Diana)

Bracken was one of a trio of devoted Churchill henchmen in the Thirties and Forties. The others were the intelligence officer Desmond Morton and the Oxford physics professor Frederick Lindemann (later Viscount Cherwell). Both of them were bachelors and Morton (who arranged for his papers to be posthumously destroyed) was reputed to be homosexual.

There is no shortage of other examples of Churchill taking a fancy to young men. These included the attractive homosexual Conservative MPs Victor Cazalet, Alan Lennox-Boyd, Ronnie Cartland and Jack Macnamara (a great favourite whom he promoted to important military roles during World War II).

Churchill also liked the writer Somerset Maugham’s ˜queer’ nephew Robin Maugham, whom he encouraged (unsuccessfully) to enter politics and to seek the hand of his youngest daughter.

He even warmed to the raffish Soviet agent Guy Burgess, then a 27-year-old BBC talks producer, whom he invited to Chartwell, presented with a signed copy of his speeches and offered to employ in the event of war.

The list goes on and on. He was taken with Anthony Eden’s handsome private secretary Valentine Lawford (later the lover of the male photographer Horst), whom he often ˜borrowed’, and was devoted to his wartime stenographer Patrick Kinna, still fondly remembered in Brighton’s gay community.

During the war, he became infatuated with Andre de Staercke, a seductive young Belgian diplomat who frequently found himself summoned to late-night drinking sessions by Churchill.

Chruchill, pictured on the quarter-deck of warship on way to North Africa during World War II, summarised the traditions of the Royal Navy as  ˜rum, sodomy and the lash'

Chruchill, pictured on the quarter-deck of warship on way to North Africa during World War II, summarised the traditions of the Royal Navy as ˜rum, sodomy and the lash’

Churchill’s quixotic attempt to help Edward VIII save his throne in 1936, made against the advice of his friends and at some cost to his career, may have owed something to the sovereign’s Prince Charming looks.

As a rule, Churchill disliked women. He had been the member of the pre-1914 government most vehemently opposed to the suffragettes.

Apart from a few relations with whom he played cards, and his younger daughters Sarah and Mary, the only women whose company he enjoyed were pretty young ones who flattered and made a fuss of him, such as the Duke of Rutland’s daughter Diana Cooper in the Twenties, his socialite daughter-in-law Pamela (later Harriman) in the Forties, and Wendy Reeves, the wife of his literary agent, in the Fifties.

On the other hand, he seems to have felt relaxed in the company of homosexuals and regarded their (illegal) activities as a subject for good-natured ribaldry.

When the louche homosexual MP Tom Driberg caused surprise in 1951 by marrying an unattractive woman, Churchill quipped: ˜b*****s can’t be choosers.’ He also summarised the traditions of the Royal Navy as ˜rum, sodomy and the lash’.

When, in November 1958, the Foreign Office minister Ian Harvey was caught with a guardsman in St James’s Park, Churchill commented: ˜On the coldest night of the year? It makes you proud to be British.’

In old age, Somerset Maugham is said to have asked Churchill whether he had ever had a homosexual experience. Churchill allegedly replied: ˜I once went to bed with [the musical comedy composer and star] Ivor Novello: it was very musical.’

If such an event took place, we may assume that it was incidental. Yet it seems clear that his closest relationships were with men, even if they stopped short of the physical.

  • Adapted from Closet Queens: Some 20th Century British Politicians by Michael Bloch, published by Little, Brown on May 28 at £25. © Michael Bloch 2015. To buy a copy for £20, visit or call 0808 272 0808. Discount until May 30, free p&p for a limited time only.

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¦ ¦How Normans like Churchill (really a Spencer and a Norman) ruined England

Norman knight Bayeux Tapestry


¦A Briton reacts, partly tongue-in-cheek

How dare you speak the truth about our gays! Don’t you know we British invented “gaydar”? 😉 It’s so poofters can spot each other. Any more telling the truth from you, and we’ll burn down the White House again, as in 1812, but this time with Obummer inside!


A long time ago I received a doc regarding Churchill’s Sandhurst records stating

“Churchill is not to be left alone with younger subalterns as he is a raving homo.”

Am doing an article ˜Return to Dunkirk ˜ ” my grandfather was killed there in  WWII. He was with his brother Percy, both Grenadiers. They waited for four hours in chest-deep water for a rowing boat to take them to a waiting ship. They came under Luftwaffe attack; both ducked under the waves for protection, but only Percy surfaced. William was never seen again.


When Percy  got to Britain he visited my gran and mum, who was then just five years old. My mum asked: “Have you seen my daddy? When’s my daddy coming home?” not knowing he was already dead.


All this British suffering and death just so a load of immigrants can have a good life.


Germany invaded Poland on 1st Sept (1939) and we declared war on Germany. But we didn’t declare war on Russia on Sept 17th when THEY invaded Poland! 


The Jew bankers were responsible for WW2.

Regards, CM


I replied:

Had my Goole, Yorkshire grandfather stayed in England and not come to America, I bet he would have been killed too. His ancestors all served in the Guards.

I would like very much to see that Sandhurst document, comrade.
The Jews understand that to defeat a people, their heroes must no longer be worshipped. (“Take down Cecil Rhodes statue at Oxford!”)
Winnie the Poo-fter is a hero to the fools, and so anything, brother CM, which  deservedly blackens this vile fudge-packer’s name is good. It sickens me to see the destroyer of the British Empire glorified!
 Your grandfather was killed in 1940 at Dunkirk? What were the circumstances? As we all know, Hitler tried to spare the boxed-in British Expeditionary Force as yet another peace gesture. and let them escape.
He admired Britain, rightly feared its power, and wanted nothing more than an German-British alliance.
CM replied:
This will interest you, John:

T. Stokes “ London

While Oscar Wilde liked teenage boys in school uniform, Bosie liked them a little younger, and after one huge row Bosie gave away his lover’s clothes to some young male prostitutes. Unfortunately, the pockets contained some letters with incriminating evidence of the worst type, which Wilde had been using for blackmail.

These letters mentioned the war effort, W WI in general and, among others, mentions  Winston Churchill’s mother being a high-class whore, and his father being a promiscuous syphilis sufferer.

Tthey also claimed Winston Churchill was a Jewish stooge for WWI, and the sinking of the H.M.S Hampshire was a British false-flag operation,  and a Churchill/Jewish plot to kill Lord Kitchener, who was trying to plan a peace meeting.


Churchill sued Bosie over the claims, and in 1923, with pressure from the Masonic lodge he won both the case and Bosies silence, and Bosie got 6 months.

Part of this was an alleged homosexual relationship involving Churchill himself, which was used by Ernest Cassels to move Churchill the way the banking cartels wanted for another war.

Churchill’s original Sandhurst military file, describes him as a drunken, aggressive homosexual, and only his mother sleeping with Prince of Wales, stopped him from being  prosecuted for sodomy.

Psychologists understand now that putting same-sex children together in boarding schools for years and hot-housing their development with no contact with the opposite sex breeds homosexuality, the term “Fagging” meant the younger boys being bullied to do jobs for the older ones, and same-sex relations grew from this at a colossal rate, as told in detail by Guy Burgess.

Arthur Ransome (1884-1967),  the author best known for his “Swallows and Amazons” stories, was an expert on Russian affairs, having spent some time over there cultivating friendships with both Lenin and Trotsky, and reporting back to Britain with letters addressed to P O Box 850, the old British intelligence address, was a high-ranking operative with the codename S76.

This man, according to Winston Churchill’s nanny, Elizabeth Anne Everest, knew first-hand from Russia of Churchill’s duplicity, that Churchill was indeed working for Rothschild interests, not Britain’s, and many British intellectuals have suspected this.

Walter Thompson, Churchill’s bodyguard, said Churchill felt more at risk of assassination from betraying his own people in Britain than from the enemies he made abroad.

The wartime taxi drivers outside Leaconsfield House, the British intelligence dept of the time, were in the main Jews with Soviet sympathies who collected info for Russia, and Stalin was concerned that Churchill’s own people might kill him.

Churchill received Jewish money paid into a secret account in the name of Colonel Arden. Maxim Litvinov, the senior Soviet political activist, has certain omissions from his security file, but he was from a wealthy Jewish banking family, and, according to Constantin Volkov, also paid money to Churchill. It was Volkov’s knowledge of this and his documents tabling it, which caused [Soviet agent and traitor] Kim Philby to bring about Volkov’s murder.

Churchill was a possible descendant of the 7th duke of Marlborough. The first duke came to fame during the reign of Queen Anne; this John Churchill played the prime part in the overthrow of James II, when [the amazingly Jewish-looking Dutchman], William of Orange, arrived in Britain.

William-of-Orange 1650-1702 1689_king

John Churchill, the first Duke of Marlborough, was paid 6,000 pounds sterling per year [ = millions today] by the Jew, Solomon of Medina. The other Jewish merchants paid William of Orange 2 million gilders. William III then, with John Churchill, founded the Bank of England in 1692, for the Jews to run and they still own it and us now. They converted the English people to tax and national-debt slaves, and so each newborn babe in Britain today  already owes the Jewish banksters 15 ,347 pounds each and it’s rising.

So when the Jews call us to war on our Saxon brothers in Germany, or Muslims not bothering us, as in Iraq, we have to go.

A recent 20 pound note had a star of David depicted on it, showing we are all Jewish property.


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