On David Cole

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I am FB “friends” now with David Cole (https://www.facebook.com/BigInfidel), who, as a young Jew with a yarmulke on his head, did amazing Holo and Auschwitz revisionist work (partly with Ernst Zündel) — https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2llsuq —  then backtracked after dire, serious death threats, changed his name and then was “outed” anyway, because he was a conservative Republican in leftist Hollywood, which was his newest “crime.”
Now he takes a sort-of David Irving stance on the Holo (there was a Shoah with bullets and maybe Jews were gassed at Treblinka….).
He just be “stayin’ alive,” my brotha….

I wrote him:
“Dear David,

Gave been following you for three decades in your various permutations with benevolent understanding. My father, as a Marine officer in Korea (half his class was killed or severely wounded and evacuated, as he was) had to do a “Shoah with bullets” on a whole village, communist-infested, which, despite two earnest warnings from his two sergeants to the village elders, kept firing mortar rounds on his trenches.

He was never uninvited from the Nixon, Ford (here) or Reagan White House over that.

When MORE mortar fire came down on his Marines, that triggered the end of the village —  and of the problem……
This is what always happens with partisan-supporting “civilians” when your soldiers and marines start to die. (I served in the Marines too.) …..
Anyway, best wishes, David. (Nice pic of you and Ann Coulter.)


2008 photo of me by a comrade named Henrik Holappa who got discouraged, dropped out, and married a Chinese girl. Many do give up, but not me. A new faith is my mission, one that changes humans from the animals they have become.



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  1. Conosco Davide Cole, ne ho sentito parlare..prima di iniziare le mie ricerche,so che era ricercato per le sue affermazioni.

    La nostra povera Liliana Segre (senatrice a vita) ha appena avuto la sua bella scorta perché alcuni nazisti la perseguitano! Posso ridere di gusto?oggi una fiaccolata di solidarietà per la povera signora vittima della Shoah..che serpente velenoso! Falsa, bugiarda e spudorata. Tutti i santi giorni parlano delle minaccie che sta ricevendo..quando poi ci sono notizie più gravi. Vorrei dire parolacce..ma per rispetto mi trattengo. Questa fantastica signora (che mangia con i nostri soldi) ha fatto approvare una legge contro l’antisemitismo e il Razzismo. Solo la Lega di Salvini si è astenuta. Il resto tutti unanimi.

    La nostra Italia è piena di gente solidale.

    • Transl:

      I know of David Cole, heard about him before I started my research, and I know he was sought by his fies for his statements.

      Our poor [Jewish] Liliana Segre (a life senator) has just hired some big bodyguards because some Nazis scare her! Can I laugh now with gusto? Today there was a torchlight procession of solidarity for the poor lady, victim of the Shoah … that poisonous snake! False, lying and shameless!

      Every day they [Jews] talk about the threats they are receiving ..

      But now there is even more serious news. I would like to say some salty words .. but out of decency, I will hold them back.

      This fantastical lady (who eats because of our money) has gotten passed [through Parliament] a new law against anti-Semitism and racism. Only the League [the anti-migrant party] of Matteo Salvini abstained. The rest [of the parties] all voted unanimously [against free speech].

      Our Italy is full of “solidarity,” all right!

  2. Let me introduce you to The Mass Psychology of Fascism [img]JPG [full pdf]. A book, published in 1933, the year that Hitler was elected, by one Wilhelm Reich. Subtitle: “On the Sexual Economy of Political Reactionism and on the Sexual Policies of the Proletariat”.

    Wilhelm Reich [img]JPG, being a follower of Freud, practiced psychoanalysis and psychiatry in Vienna, Austria. There, he joined first the Socialist Party in 1928 and, later in 1930, switched to the German Communist Party when he moved to Berlin. He was, of course, as you might have guessed, though purely by cohencidence… a Jew.

    In The Mass Psychology of Fascism, he argues that the reason Fascism succeeded over Communism in Germany is specifically because they were sexually repressed, citing the sexual liberalism in Russia as evidence of a better outcome. He argues that German children being sexually repressed by their parents is what drove them to authoritarian idealism.

    His words:

    Suppression of the natural sexuality in the child, particularly of its genital sexuality, makes the child apprehensive, shy, obedient, afraid of authority, good and adjusted in the authoritarian sense; it paralyzes the rebellious forces because any rebellion is laden with anxiety; it produces, by inhibiting sexual curiosity and sexual thinking in the child, a general inhibition of thinking and of critical faculties. In brief, the goal of sexual suppression is that of producing an individual who is adjusted to the authoritarian order and who will submit to it in spite of all misery and degradation. Initially, the child has to submit to the structure of the authoritarian miniature state, the family, which process makes it capable of later subordination to the general authoritarian system. The formation of the authoritarian structure takes place through the anchoring of sexual inhibition and anxiety.

    The solution, then, is obvious. Spread “sexual liberation” to destroy the authoritarian order. To that end, he published another book in 1936. Sexuality in the Cultur War. Subtitle: “Towards Socialistic Restructuring of Humanity”.

    This book was effectively a manifesto, outlining the steps that needed to be taken so as to destroy the existing order:

    To undermine the idea of monogamous marriage, which he called “compulsive marriage”
    To cease suppression of infantile sexuality, which, paradoxically, he claimed only led to perversion later in life
    To push for candid sexual education and sexual freedom for adolescents in school
    To end the persecution of unnatural sexualities such as homosexuality
    To legalize abortion and make it easily available
    To justify divorce for no reason other than “incompatibility”, and ultimately abolish marriage as a legal concept

    Any of this sound familiar?

    Porn is just another weapon in this war against our nature and our souls, to undermine and destroy all that we are.

    A Jewish war. Against European nature. Because what to us is beautiful, to them is ugly. What to us is right, to them is cruel injustice.

    For all that we love, they feel only hate. And then they accuse us of their own sins.

    • Great post, and thanks!

      Sex, family and love are at the core of our species, and in the white race, the genders are very different.

      Easy prey therefore for the Jew, following his eternal game plan of divide-and-conquer.

      The new Aryan faith that is coming will study, educate about, and glory in very feminine women and very masculine men, in sturdy children and loving families and clans. This no blog or vid can do! 😉

    • Hi. Yes, indeed, he did some real good.


      But Patrick also came across as very arrogant and even vulgar at times, like certain Marines I have known. (I was in the Corps myself.)

      I sent him a nice donation and a warm letter, with some sage advice based on my 41 years in this Cause, and some ideas, yet he never responded. Big, big ego.

      At this point I would say he is merely the latest young, good-looking, macho guy (I was once one myself 🙂 ) who thought he was going to set the world on fire based on his personal qualities: good looks, courage, good talker, bad-ass charisma, whatever.

      Yours truly in 1990, age 36, running for US Congress in Tennessee – I did very well, but the Jews used electronic vote fraud openly to make me lose the Republican primary.

      Mike Delaney was another — handsome, fearless, charismatic, and smart guy. He did the amazing 911 movie “911 Missing Links” and created TruTube, a needed WN version of YouTube (which, however, took in almost no donations, truly outrageously, and now Bitchute has stepped into its place). These days he just focuses on being a good dad to his many well-behaved, well-loved white kids.


      (Photo from his FB “Pro-think” page)


      Yes, Little, and I, and Delaney, have all tried using the same old (and perfectly valid) themes we WNs have been using for the last 100 years — racial differences/Jewish control/black crime, etc., imagining that WE as hotshots would then put these issues over the top. (You know you ARE good at it when white people really listen, but that is about all they do, LISTEN and sorta agree. 🙂 )

      It struck me in 2008-14 in western Pennsylvania — which really hated Obama and blacks in general, and was chock-full of angry, poor whites, and especially veterans, the same ones who landslid for Trump in 2016 — that after a hundred really good conversations I had with them, and with them asking me directly for my website and email address, that NOT ONE, NOT ONE of all those people I spent an hour talking to (and you could see it was all “clicking” in their minds) ever contacted me again.

      Not one — out of a hundred good conversations.

      Was I unconvincing, unlikable, or too butt-ugly? 🙂

      The great German physicist Werner Heisenberg, who was also discreetly pro-NS, once said in a famous interview in the 1960s,

      “Only God can save us now.”

      THAT is my mission, to bring divine power back to our race in this tortured world.

      As for the Jews, they are professionals at subversion, highly organized, with 3,000 years of experience, and are staggeringly well-financed.

      Only God, and a new message of His will for us, and a new messenger of His commands, can save us now. Heisenberg was right.

      Listen to the giants of the past. Little did not even answer my letter or thank me for my donation. He is just another ego-driven guy who learned the hard way: unless God wants something built, the carpenters labor in vain. It will just be knocked down.

      There is no hotshot out there who can stop by himself the Jew juggernaut.

      What is insanity? Trying the same failed thing over and over.

      That failed thing is white nationalism without God, the soul, the afterlife.

  3. https://i0.wp.com/opposition24.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/j%C3%B6rg-haider.jpg?resize=696%2C466&ssl=1

    Erstmals Ermittlungen wegen Mordes nach §75 des Strafgesetzbuches

    Wien: Der ehemalige Oberrabbiner Moshe A. Friedman hat am 12.11.2019 eine Anzeige bei der StA Wien eingebracht, in welcher er konkrete Angaben zum Mord an Dr. Jörg Haider macht. Bei der Anzeige legte er sein Buch „Der Rabbi, der Mossad und der Mord an Jörg Haider“ vor, in welchem Friedman belegt, daß Jörg Haider nicht durch einen Unfall ums Leben kam.

    Bei der Sachverhaltsdarstellung gegenüber der Staatsanwaltschaft ging Friedman auf einige hochbrisante Details ein, welche in weiteren Einvernahmen detailliert behandelt werden sollen.

    Es wird nun erstmals Ermittlungen nach §75 des Strafgesetzbuches – Mord geben. Friedman macht in seiner Anzeige genaue Angaben zu den Tätern.

    Gespannt darf man sein, wie nach den vorliegenden Erkenntnissen und nunmehr laufenden Ermittlungen die StA Klagenfurt argumentieren wird. Diese hat ja gebetsmühlenartig eine Wiederaufnahme des Verfahrens abgelehnt, da ohnehin alles in der Sache Haider ermittelt sei. Auch wird der Frage nachzugehen sein, warum die StA Klagenfurt nicht in Richtung Mord ermittelt hat.

    Fragen nach Unterdrückung von Beweismaterialien werden neu aufgerollt und behandelt werden müssen, z.B. wer gab den Auftrag zur Vernichtung der Haider-Blutproben, wer gab den Auftrag zu Einbalsamierung seines Leichnams?

    Das BZÖ Kärnten hat in einer Vortragsserie in der ersten Jahreshälfte 2019 viele Fragen zum Tod von Jörg Haider aufgeworfen, die bis dato unbeantwortet geblieben sind, siehe


    Investigations into murder for the first time in accordance with §75 of the Criminal Code

    Vienna: The former Chief Rabbi Moshe A. Friedman filed a complaint with StA Wien on 12.11.2019 in which he provided concrete information on the murder of Dr. Jörg Haider. In the report he presented his book “Der Rabbi, der Mossad und der Mord an Jörg Haider” (“The Rabbi, the Mossad and the Murder of Jörg Haider”) in which Friedman proves that Jörg Haider did not die in an accident.

    During the presentation of the facts to the public prosecutor Friedman went into some highly explosive details, which will be dealt with in detail in further interrogations.

    Now for the first time there will be investigations according to §75 of the penal code – murder. In his report, Friedman gives precise information about the perpetrators.

    It will be interesting to see how the StA Klagenfurt will argue on the basis of the available findings and ongoing investigations. The StA Klagenfurt has rejected a resumption of the proceedings like a prayer wheel, as everything in the Haider case had been investigated anyway. It will also be necessary to investigate why the StA did not investigate Klagenfurt in the direction of murder.

    Questions about the suppression of evidence will have to be reopened and dealt with, e.g. who gave the order to destroy the Haider blood samples, who gave the order to embalm his body?

    In a series of lectures in the first half of 2019, the BZÖ Kärnten raised many questions about the death of Jörg Haider, which have not yet been answered.

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