Terrified but unbroken — highly spiritual Corporal Hitler endures withering British machine gun fire and deadly poison gas

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People do not “get” why I am into spirituality. THIS is why — when the SHTF, you come out so much better.

If you KNOW you are immortal, you do not fear death.

What you fear instead is the wrath of Almighty God on cowards and shirkers!

You know that Bismarck was right.

Named for him, the great WWII battleship Bismarck had guns that fired shells accurately at 23 miles. It sank the mighty battleship of the Royal Navy HMS Hood (Wiki: “the largest, heaviest and fastest battleship in the world”) with a direct hit. 

After sinking HMS Hood, Bismarck fires at HMS Prince of Wales. This was a daylight photo (6 a.m. in late May of 1941), but the flash was so bright it overwhelmed the camera.   

When Bismarck was sunk by a pack of British warships, after a very lucky shot hit its rudder, the Brits vilely refused to pick up 95% of the survivors. In fact (another little-known fact about the All-Lies), using the FAKE excuse of imminent U-boat danger, the Brits took off after taking just 100 German sailors aboard, and drove right through the rest of them, who were treading the cold water, chopping them up with their giant propellers — as the 100 German survivors testified on a German video I was involved with.

Know this, comrades.

The Urantia book (The-Urantia-Book-1955-Guardian-Plates-600dpi_text) and many other sources are right.


This earth is not a Party Planet. 😉

This is a Purgatory Planet! Our world is a partial hell which we chose to undergo in order to grow, and to shed our disgusting weaknesses!

No pain, no gain!

So the more you willingly suffer to do what is right,

or accept your suffering after doing something wrong,

the more your incarnation is a success!

You are overcoming this evil world and your own egoic self!

So “embrace the suck!” 😉

And think of our white children!

My god-daughter in Cumbria, England – one of the last white areas of Britain – earlier this year. What is her future if we fail to give all?




Below is an except from “Corporal Hitler in the Great War 1914-18” on Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/Corporal-Hitler-Great-War-1914-1918/) and Amazon Kindle (https://read.amazon.com/?asin=B000OI114M) It appraises Hitler as a WWI soldier, and in a very slanted, negative and hostile manner, of course.

In my Amazon review I wrote:

Any book on Hitler has to bash him, or coldly downplay his strengths and achievements, or it will simply not be published. If one grasps this business reality, then this remains a good book.

I cannot think of a more relevant detail as to the question of Hitler’s soldierly prowess than that it was Hitler’s final commanding officer, Captain Hugo Gutmann (photo), who was Jewish, who awarded him the Iron Cross, First Class, a golden medal normally reserved to officers. That a Jew would decorate Hitler, even then a known antisemite, speaks volumes.

A previous chapter had explained how Corporal Hitler, when given a message by officers at Regimental Headquarters to deliver by hand (with Allied artillery fire deliberately and constantly severing the thin copper telephone lines), would not bite his lip, fret and half-freak out. He would mentally plan every step of the way, using natural cover, to get past British and French artillery, sniper, and machine-gun fire.

Btw, Gutman, mentioned in the chapter title below, was a jewish officer  — very rare —  and Hitler’s superior for the final eleven months of the war in 1918. Wiki:  [It was] “Gutmann [who] recommended [in 1918] Hitler’s award of the Iron Cross First Class (a decoration rarely awarded to one of Hitler’s Gefreiter rank).” 

(A former NCO, promoted to officer, he got the Iron Cross Second Class the same day as Hitler in 1914, and the First Class in 2015. Hitler ordered he not be overly persecuted, and he left Germany in 1939, living in St. Louis, Missouri and dying in San Diego in 1962. It is likely he knew in 1918 that his corporal, Hitler, was openly antisemitic. But maybe Gutmann was honest and “understanding” of why so many Germans were!)

As for Mend, he was an apolitical soldier who found Hitler too fanatic.

This book basically admits with gritted teeth that Adolf Hitler was an outstanding soldier, and, you see, he only revealed what a psychopath and holocauster he really was later on. 😉



Hitler’s golden Iron Cross, First Class, a medal which was awarded normally to officers, and only very rarely in WWI to enlisted men.


The Aryan prince Siddhartha Gautama knew the truth.

Spirituality is strength. So many “tough guys” without spiritual armor freak out when for months the SHTF!

This is why 22 veterans a day kill themselves!

Will you? Millions WILL in the coming, brutal civil war!


Why collapse when you are deep-down incredibly strong!? The Third Reich proved ordinary people like you can endure the Great Depression, world war, night bombings, bereavement, and not crack up! Your SOUL can become invincible! Your painful incarnation need not be wasted!





…… To donate



  1. „Wenn man Gott erkannt hat, wird man von allen Fesseln frei“ – die kurze Schrift mit dem leicht sperrigen Titel „Das religiöse Artbild der Indogermanen und der Allgott der Arier“ ist nicht arm an markanten Sätzen, doch der oben zitierte hat sich mir besonders ins Gedächtnis gebrannt. Die Schrift ist ein 1937 publizierter Auszug aus dem Gesamtwerk des bekannten deutschen Indologen und Religionswissenschaftler Jakob Wilhelm Hauer.

    Der Funke Gottes (Gott = Godan (Odins Name bei den Goten) = Wotan = Odin) wohnt in unserem Blut.
    Odin = Odem = Atem.
    Der Sage nach, hauchte Odin einem Eschenstamm Leben ein (die 2 ersten Menschen). Die Esche ist das Symbol des Lebensbaumes (Irminsul), also unsere DNS.

    Odin der Erste. Tuisto der Zweite.
    Tuisto = Tiwisko =Ziu = Teutz = Teutsch = Deutsch.

    Gott mit uns, denn Gott lebt in unserem Blut!

    “When one has recognized God, one is freed from all fetters” – the short writing with the slightly unwieldy title “The Religious Image of the Indo-Germanic and the All-God of the Aryans” is not lacking in distinctive sentences, but the one quoted above is particularly etched in my memory. The writing is an excerpt from the complete works of the well-known German Indologist and religious scholar Jakob Wilhelm Hauer, published in 1937.

    The spark of God (God = Godan (Odin’s name among the Goths) = Wotan = Odin) lives in our blood.
    Odin = breath = breath.
    According to the legend, Odin breathed life into an ash tree (the first 2 humans). The ash tree is the symbol of the tree of life (Irminsul), our DNA.

    Odin the first. Tuisto the Second.
    Tuisto = Tiwisko =Ziu = Teutz = German = German.

    God with us, because God lives in our blood!

  2. …………………………..

    “The historian Richard J Evans wrote that, by 1939, 95% of Germans still called themselves Protestant or Catholic, while 3.5% identified as “Gottgläubig” (lit. “believers in God”), a neo-pagan outlook on God beliefs, predominately based on pantheistic and deistic views.”


    ‘God-Belief German Piety.’

    “In the beginning was the urge!’ And the urge existed from eternity! And the urge was a creation of God, and God himself was this urge. And the urge was the spark of life, which resides in us as well.”

    “Let it not be said that Christianity brought man the life of the soul, for that evolution was in the natural order of things.”

    “When one says that God provokes the lightning, that’s true in a sense; but what is certain is that God does not direct the thunderbolt, as the Church claims. The Church’s explanation of natural phenomena is an abuse, for the Church has ulterior interests. True piety is the characteristic of the being who is aware of his weakness and ignorance. Whoever sees God only in an oak or in a tabernacle, instead of seeing Him everywhere, is not truly pious.”

    ” I merely call attention to the fact that one cannot escape this world entirely. The elements of which our body is made belong to the cycle of Nature; and as for our soul, it’s possible that it might return to limbo, until it gets an opportunity to reincarnate itself.”

    “The German is serious in everything he undertakes. He wants to be either a Christian or a heathen. He cannot be both. For our people it is decisive whether they acknowledge the Jewish Christ-creed with its effeminate pity-ethics, or a strong, heroic belief in God in Nature, God in our own people, in our destiny, in our blood.”

    “Yes, man has to be passed and surpassed. Nietzsche did, it is true, realized something of this, in his way. He went so far as to recognize the superman as a new biological variety. But he was not too sure of it. Man is becoming God—that is the simple fact. Man is God in the making.”

    ‘Gottestum Im Volkstum’ (Divinity Manifested In Folk-National Essence).

    “I believe in our own divinity when millions of Germans are leagued around one Leader, I know God to be in the force (Kraft) of our blood alone.”

    -Profession of faith of the group “Volkische Aktion.”

    Mit Brennender Sorge, Encyclical of Pope Pius XI
    Given at the Vatican on Passion Sunday, March 14, 1937.

    7. Whoever identifies, by pantheistic confusion, God and the universe, by either lowering God to the dimensions of the world, or raising the world to the dimensions of God, is not a believer in God. Whoever follows that so-called pre-Christian Germanic conception of substituting a dark and impersonal destiny for the personal God, denies thereby the Wisdom and Providence of God who “Reacheth from end to end mightily, and ordereth all things sweetly” (Wisdom viii. 1). Neither is he a believer in God.

    8. Whoever exalts race, or the people, or the State, or a particular form of State, or the depositories of power, or any other fundamental value of the human community – however necessary and honorable be their function in worldly things – whoever raises these notions above their standard value and divinizes them to an idolatrous level, distorts and perverts an order of the world planned and created by God; he is far from the true faith in God and from the concept of life which that faith upholds.

    11. None but superficial minds could stumble into concepts of a national God, of a national religion; or attempt to lock within the frontiers of a single people, within the narrow limits of a single race, God, the Creator of the universe, King and Legislator of all nations before whose immensity they are “as a drop of a bucket” (Isaiah xI, 15).

    13. We thank you, Venerable Brethren, your priests and Faithful, who have persisted in their Christian duty and in the defence of God’s rights in the teeth of an aggressive paganism. Our gratitude, warmer still and admiring, goes out to those who, in fulfilment of their duty, have been deemed worthy of sacrifice and suffering for the love of God.

    Part One: German Faith Movement

    The German Faith Movement (Deutsche Glaubensbewegung) was a religious movement in Germany closely associated with University of Tübingen professor Jakob Wilhelm Hauer. The movement sought to move Germans away from Christianity towards a deistic religiosity based on neo-paganism. It was later disbanded and morphed into the Gottgläubig movement.

    Faith in God without the Church

    Jakob Wilhelm Hauer

    “There has been no reintroduction of the worship of Nordic deities such as Thor, Wotan, and the rest of the Scandinavian pantheon. Hauer makes the point as strongly as possible, in one of the articles that follow. Nor, on the other hand, is the German Faith Movement an atheistic movement. It claims to be a counter-religion to Christianity, and to worship a more than human God.”

    “The figures of the Edda we feel to be spirit of our spirit, nature of our nature. Therefore we gladly absorb ourselves in these ancient poems, the creations of the Nordic spirit, for we feel that they have been born from the same soul from which sprung our own deepest moral and religious impulses. The figures in these poems are truly nearer to us than the figures of the Old Testament. But we should have to regard prayers to Wotan, or hymns and sacrifices to Thor, as a parody of German Faith. What we mean by German Faith is something very near to the present; it is an offspring of today, and adapted to today. At the same time we are convinced that this faith in its fundamental nature is as old as the Nordic soul, just as much as we are convinced that its fundamental nature is diametrically opposed to Christian credulism with its Oriental bondage to dogma.”

    “A second focal point is the life and teaching of Eckhart. Eckhart is one of the greatest of the essentially German masters of life and thought. Soon after Christianity had achieved external success, he won an inward victory over the alien, through the strength of his German nature – however much he still moved within the sphere of Christian imagery and thought-forms, and however little he was conscious of the fact that he really was not a Christian at all.”

    “We must see the movement in its historical connections and its modern context. The history of all religious philosophies is necessarily dominated by two main trends of thought. The one regards God as immanent in the world, that is, as discoverable only in Nature and the human genius, and leads logically to one or other of the many forms of pantheism; the other school puts God completely outside the world and regards him as operative in it only through occasional interventions such as, in Christian thought, the creation, or the redemption achieved by Christ. The one school regards the knowledge of God as accessible to all without the help of sacrament or priest; the other finds approach to god impossible without a mediator of some sort, whether it be priest or church or bible. But whereas we are accustomed to find attempts, more or less successful, to discover a compromise between the two points of view, the German mind finds such solutions difficult to entertain and seems to regard itself as forced to one or other of the two lines of thought to the bitter end.

    Meister Eckhart, of whom a great deal will be heard in these pages, the mystic of the fourteenth century, condemned by the Catholic Church as a heretic and later reinstated, is the first prominent member of the immanentist school in Germany. Until the Reformation, and to a more limited extent after it, many members of this school were inside the fold of the church, either Catholic or Protestant, for example Tauler and the German mystics of the fifteenth and the pietists of the seventeenth century; and after the Reformation we find Goethe, Holderlin, Fichte, and Nietzsche outside the church. Hauer definitely takes his place as the latest in this succession.”

    “And we who hold the German Faith are convinced that men, and especially the Germans, have the capacity for religious independence, since it is true that everyone has an immediate relation to God, is, in fact, in the depths of his heart one with the eternal Ground of the world. That is why we reject the whole concept of mediation, whether through a sacred person, a sacred book, or a sacred rite (Deism). We do not in any way desire to deprive those who still need that sort of thing, of any of their aids to faith. They must live their own religious life. But we are compelled to reject such things, not indeed because we deny the existence of God or of the eternal powers that govern life, but because we have found from experience that it is possible to have immediate contact with those powers.”

    “God meets us in the realities of the world, of our Aryan world, in such fashion that we cannot escape him unless we live a superficial life. We do not want to fasten our gaze on the past, but on the reality of the present moment. Our piety is a faith in the realities of natural law, in contrast to the other-worldly piety of Christianity.”

  3. …………………………………………………….
    Part Two: The Seed Of God is Within Us.

    “The seed of God is within us. If the seed had a good, wise and industrious cultivator, it would thrive all the more and grow up to God whose seed it is, and the fruit would be equal to the nature of God. Now the seed of a pear tree grows into a pear tree, a hazel seed into a hazel tree, and the seed of God into God.”

    “Nature’s intent is neither food, nor drink, nor clothing, nor comfort, nor anything else in which God is left out. Whether you like it or not, whether you know it or not, secretly Nature seeks, hunts, tries to ferret out the track on which God may be found.”

    “The moral task of man is a process of spiritualization. All creatures are go-betweens, and we are placed in time that by diligence in spiritual business we may grow liker and nearer to God. The aim of man is beyond the temporal – in the serene region of the everlasting Present.”

    “We are all meant to be mothers of God, for God is always needing to be born.”

    -Meister Eckhart



    Gottgläubig is a natural, panentheistic and pagan religion which expresses fundamental spiritual truths in a beautiful, profound and unaffected way. In contrast to the majority of other major religions which exist today, and which are all of Occidental or Eastern origin, Gottgläubig is not a religion of priests, ritual, and obedience to the words of some revealed book, as it does not have, nor need, Churches and Temples. Neither does it teach the renunciation of the physical world. Instead it seeks to change the physical world and make it a more spiritual, a more noble, place, believing as it does that this is the better way to develop individuals. Thus it is a positive, life-enhancing religion which expresses the conscious understanding, or wisdom, that we as a species have achieved through thousands of years of civilization. It makes us aware of what is numinous, or sacred, in a practical way consistent with our capacity to think – to behave and live in a civilized, higher, way.

    The purpose of this religiosity is to free us – to reveal to us our unique evolutionary Destiny, as human beings. Other religions also tend to separate Nature from the spiritual, and deny the spiritual importance, and the numinosity, of natural creations such as human diversity. They thus are anti-evolutionary and deny the essence of our humanity because they do not recognize that all of Nature, and all that Nature has laboured to evolve, is sacred.


    Basically, ‘cosmology’ – when applied to religion (rather than to astronomy) – means a particular explanation of the “whole scheme of things”: with who we, as individuals are; with what our life means; how we came to be who we are, and how the cosmos itself came to be what it is. In the simple sense, a religious cosmology is a particular explanation of our place, as individuals, ‘in the scheme of things’; with what is sacred, and what is profane.

    The Cosmic Being

    We as individuals are part of Nature, and Nature herself is understood as being an expression of the evolution of the cosmos as this evolution occurs on this particular planet of ours. The cosmos is beyond and above us – we are created by the cosmos, born because of the cosmos, just as when we die we return to the cosmos. Gottgläubigers understand the cosmos, and thus Nature, to be a type of Being – something alive which has existence, which changes, and which causes or brings about changes in those other types of Being which are part of the cosmos and thus part of Nature.

    This type of Being which the cosmos is, is thus super-human, as it controls, or directs, or causes, the changes which we as individuals undergo or are subject to. However, according to this panentheistic religiosity, this type of Being which is the cosmos is not ‘anthropomorphic’ – that is, it is not viewed, understood or believed to be, ‘of human form’ – as conventional ‘gods’ or deities are anthropomorphic. Rather, it is a unique, suprahuman type of Being, which we as individuals can only know and understand by direct experience of it – it is beyond our power to describe or depict. At best, we can sense this Being; we can experience it; we can be aware of its numinosity, as sometimes we can feel it is actually ‘present’ or exists in certain physical things – particularly in aspects of Nature. For us, as human beings, this cosmic Being is most manifest in Nature. Thus Gottgläubigers hold Nature, and her creations, in respect.

    Gottgläubigers are thus pagans who revere Nature, as they accept that this Being which is the cosmos exists in us all, as individuals, because we are born from the cosmos and because we belong to the cosmos. It is the cosmos, and those aspects of the cosmos of which we are aware – such as Nature – which is divine. Essentially, for Gottgläubigers, divinity is the cosmos and the aspects of the cosmos.


    The cosmos exists, as a unique type of Being, and this Being is made manifest in the creations of this Being. These creations are what results from change, or evolution. Thus in a fundamental sense, evolution (or change) and what results from it is how this Being exists and lives. The evolutionary creations of which we are aware (such as Nature) and of which we ourselves are a part, are thus, in a descriptive and simplistic sense, ‘the body of the cosmic Being’ – part of the very life of this Being. In a way, we human beings are the very essence of this suprapersonal Being because we are unique, on this planet, in possessing the faculty of ‘Thought’ – that is, we are, or can be, the consciousness of the cosmos itself.

    It is the cosmos which controls our lives, because we are subject to the ‘laws’ or processes of the cosmos. It is the cosmos which gives us our Destiny, our Fate, as it is the cosmos which provides us with good fortune or with misfortune. We are who we are because of this Being, and the purpose of our lives is to discover who we are, act on the understanding this discovery brings, and live in such a way that we can appropriate more and more of the divine – that is, act in such a way that we enhance the life of this cosmic Being. Acting in a profane way means acting in a way detrimental or harmful to the life of this cosmic Being.Thus we as individuals can harm or aid this Being. If we harm this Being, we are in effect only harming ourselves, and we will assuredly suffer because of it.

    There is no abstract ‘morality’ here – just a simple wisdom. If we aid this Being, we ourselves can evolve into higher beings, and thus fulfil the purpose of our individual existence. In respect of harming this Being, a simple analogy would be an individual who deliberately did things harmful to their own welfare and well-being – by doing such things, they are making themselves unhealthy.

    Instead of increasing their vitality and evolving further, they are at best merely existing, in a dumb animal sort of way, and at worst destroying their own lives. Thus do they harm themselves and the cosmic Being of which they are a part. They – or their descendants – will assuredly suffer the consequences of such unhealthy and harmful acts, just as a woman who smokes cigarettes while pregnant can harm her child.

    Respecting Nature

    To evolve, and thus aid the Being of the cosmos, we must respect what is of this Being. For our own species this means, at the present time – since we exist on this planet – respecting Nature, since Nature is how this Being is made manifest to us; Nature is how this Being ‘works’, or exists, here on this planet which we call ‘Earth’. To continue to evolve – to continue to express our humanity – what Nature has produced must be nurtured and used as the foundation to create more human evolution. Anything other than this is anti-evolutionary, inhuman, and against Nature, and will assuredly undermine and then destroy our evolutionary destiny as a species.

    Further evolution means a continuation of what Nature has produced – it means nurturing what Nature has produced so that there is more, and higher, development. This higher, or evolutionary, development by definition must be toward more diversity and difference. We must seek to nurture this diversity and difference, and not destroy it.

    Those ‘progressive’ egalitarians whose actions and beliefs are destroying human diversity through anti-evolutionary ideologies such as cultural Marxism and consumer-globalism, arrogantly believe that a mere idea, a mere dogma, a mere belief is more powerful than Nature. These social engineers believe in their profane, foolish and immature arrogance that we, as a species, are somehow ‘above Nature’ and not subject to those forces and processes which all other living organisms are subject to. Furthermore, these profane people are trampling upon and destroying everything that is sacred, everything that is beautiful, and everything that is divine. If these profane policies finally triumph a bland uniformity will be created, what is special about us will be destroyed for aeons.


    If we live in the correct way, and so evolve, in consciousness and health, we can transcend beyond what we are, in this physical world, and actually become a part of this suprapersonal Being. Thus will we live on, in another kind of time and space, after our own physical death, achieving Immortality.

    Immortals transcend to become the cosmos itself; they become the awareness, or the consciousness, of the cosmos, of all creation. The individuality which they possessed in their mortal existence expands so that they become a part of the suprahuman Being which is the cosmos. Thus do they expand this Being, and make further evolution possible. Thus do they because of their life and their death, make further positive change, further creation, possible.

    They exist as this new type of Being ‘beyond the physical world’, and beyond the individuality which they were. However, this does not mean that they become a ‘heavenly’ type of being living a tedious and boring and ‘morally pure’ disembodied existence. It means they have become, in a profound way it is difficult to conceptualize, the cosmos itself and the creations of the cosmos, such as Nature. These individuals become our present and our future – they become the substance which makes further evolution possible. In the simple sense, they become embodied in their Volk, in the soil and those aspects of Nature which allows this living cosmic Being composed of countless individual souls to survive and flourish. They thus exist in and become the living spirit or psyche of their people.

    Thus, when mortals of a particular Volk who are living revere Nature; when they revere the soil, the homeland where they dwell; when they revere and honour what is best, excellent, beautiful and profound in specific individuals of their Volk; when they revere and respect and honour what is divine, then these living members of that Volk are revering, honouring and respecting those, such as their own ancestors, who because of their deeds, have ‘passed-on’ to become embodied in all these things. It is the spirit of these ancestors, of these other once mortal members of our Volk, who we can often sense in such things as these – and it is their spirit which is urging us, beyond words, to take care of, to nurture, and to further evolve such things as these.

    To become and be an Immortal means to become and be a part of the numinous creations of the cosmos; it means a moving-on to become the cause, the genesis, of future evolution, future accessing of the divine. However, if we live in a harmful way – in a way which contradicts the basic processes or ‘laws’ of Nature – we cannot evolve, and thus lose the chance we have of achieving this Immortality, this ‘becoming one’ with the Being of the cosmos.

    Beyond Good and Evil

    Since the cosmos is a unity, there should be no problem of evil in cosmology or ‘theology’. What exists, is either evolutionary, or anti-evolutionary. Evolution is a change toward increased order. What is anti-evolutionary is a change toward disorder or chaos.

    Evolution may be considered to be positive, and anti-evolution, negative, and while evolution and thus order is beneficial to us, as beings who exist on this planet in our particular solar system, it cannot exist without what we describe as its opposite. Order arises out of chaos, and it returns to chaos in a natural way. However, it has to be understood that in the cosmic sense there is no division – one is necessary for the other; one creates the other, or makes the change of the other possible. There is a fundamental dialectic involved in this process – order arises; this order declines over time with the intrusion of chaos; and from this decline, further order arises.

    Fundamentally, evil, as an abstraction, does not exist. What does exist is chaos. Chaos can be described as the primal, or primitive, state of existence. Evolution, or order, arises from chaos, as it naturally returns to chaos over causal time, if there is no further creative, or evolutionary, input, or energy.

    Bringing Order to Chaos

    The ‘cosmic Being’ is a striving to create and maintain order from the natural chaos which exists and which would exist without this cosmic Being. The order or life which exists in our physical universe is an expression of the very life of this cosmic Being. We ourselves are this Being made manifest in our particular physical form, and we have evolved because of this cosmic Being. Over vast aeonic spans of time we have evolved consciousness.

    Our consciousness is a means to maintain and increase order and thus intervene in the natural, unconscious, process of the dialectic of change. Consciousness gives us the ability to enhance order, and thus continue with the work of the cosmic Being. Fundamentally, civilization like evolution, express order – they expresses a higher form of existence.

    We are inextricably bound with this cosmic Being; we are this Being, and we can either aid this Being, or harm it. The vitality, or essence, of this Being is the creative force, or energy, which produces order and which thus causes evolution. The existence, the health, the future change of this Being depends to some extent on us because we are the very eyes, the very consciousness of this Being. We are also its soul – we express the desire of this Being to continue with evolution; we are the desire of this Being to improve ourselves, to expand outwards into the universe and explore and discover and so increase the knowledge of this Being, bringing order to chaos.


    We represent – or rather we should represent – order. Our unique Destiny as beings is to create order from chaos; to be creative, inventive, discovering, evolving beings. Furthermore, of our own species, we humans are special and unique because we have special qualities – we at present possess more of this divine Being than other creatures; we are more advanced; more capable of fulfilling the Destiny of this Being. Indeed, this Being has made us special and given us a unique Destiny – to civilize; to strive for excellence and so bring order to the cosmos itself. We have evolved, or been created, to do this. However, to create order, there must be struggle – a striving – for otherwise the natural entropy of chaos will bring about the decline of order and civilisation.

    In a profound way, we as a species – a creative people – can make future evolution possible; we can keep the cosmic Being alive and so keep alive the possibility of future order. This requires us to quest for excellence, to struggle for order; to fight against chaos. Furthermore, it requires us to spread our civilizing message among other peoples. Were we to cease to quest, cease to strive for order, then chaos would return, with future evolution made impossible. Without us – without our kind, its qualities, its potential to strive, and its divine revelation – the cosmic Being would die. We, as a species, are special because we are the very essence of this Being. This brings us great gifts – but also great responsibilities.

    Excellence of Individual Character

    For us as beings, what increases or enhances order are individual character and ideals. Character means an individual will being channelled by a noble instinct or a noble ideal, and the most fundamental means whereby order is enhanced in individuals is honour. Civilization – or order on a large scale – itself derives from honour; it is honour made manifest in a practical way; it is the creation of a society based on the noble ideals deriving from honour.

    What is good is what is honourable; what is bad is what is dis-honourable. What is honourable creates or enhances order and evolution; what is bad undermines or destroys order and evolution.

    In the abstract sense, what is ‘true’ and real is what is observed, or what is established by observation; what is known or discovered by reasoned observation. In the personal sense, what is ‘true’ is what is honourable; what is false is what is dis-honourable. Thus it is honourable to be truthful and honest; dis-honourable to be dishonest and lie.

    By being honourable, by upholding noble ideals such as duty and loyalty, and by striving for excellence, an individual enhances the vitality, the life, of the cosmic Being itself – they uphold order, and participate in the evolution of the cosmos. Thus they are fulfilling that which they were born, or created, for. By being dishonourable and by ignoring duty and loyalty, a person is actively undermining order, and causing chaos – they are harming the cosmos itself.

    • All good …..

      BUT, sorry, it must teach the immortality of the conscious, individual human soul, or it is just a philosophy that will intrigue a few intellectuals, not a religion that will take off, fire up the masses, and change the world.

      • ………………………………………………………………………………

        Minister Tells Of Eichmann Struggle: Interview



        What was the God that Eichmann believed in? According to Hull, Eichmann said he saw God in Nature and the order of the universe and that God isn’t the kind who will punish one for his sins but will give only love. He also believed that the soul would be literally born at death to some higher degree of existence…​​​​
        It was during the same interview that Eichmann also said, “I do not believe in Satan. There is no Satan.”

        Hull: You say that your way is a new way.​​​​
        Eichmann: No, no, it is an old way. In the old days people worshipped Nature, the stars, the moon, etc., but only now is it being publicized in books.​​​​
        …What I see in Nature is the handwriting of God, but the Bible is written by man. ​​​​
        Hull: What do you mean by Nature?​​​​
        Eichmann: “I will give you an example. The most important thing is the soul, not the body. (Just what we had tried to indicate to him, but from the standpoint of judgment.)​​​​
        My thinking up to this point is based on this modern thought of God in Nature in conflict with the teaching of the Bible. It is my belief that I will live on earth as long as my body exists, and after the death of my body my soul lives on forever. What we understand as death is nothing but the setting​​ free of the soul. The soul is alive within the body but not free; it is bound by the body until released by death. The most important thing for man is his soul. What we believe is reflected in our life while living. In the cosmos everything is in order. The creator and leader of the cosmos is God, according to my belief. The soul is born after the body dies (later discussions indicated that he did not mean “birth”; he meant “release” or “to be set free”), and according to my belief of the laws of the cosmos it is blended with all other souls and becomes a small part of the whole. Everything I have said I believe, but anything else which is not supported by the cosmos belief does not interest me. That is what I am trying to say.​​​​

        “Man as a species is still young; our entire universe is not yet old. There is still egoism, envy, bad instincts. But these are being ground away in the process of development and are being replaced by charity, peace and joy. Some philosophers—” so I went on—”think that later more perfect generations may even move on from the love of their neighbors to love of those farthest away as a goal of ethics. War and destruction will disappear through man’s development toward goodness and become relics of a dark past. Surely,” so I went on in my letter, “it must be our task to struggle against our lower instincts, because the sum of innumerable thoughts of generations shape the reality.” “Furthermore I wrote to my brother, “One is certainly justified in asking oneself, what is the good of all this; what is the higher sense of our lives; what is right and what is justice? ​​​​
        What is the meaning of all these transcendent conceptions such as honor, fidelity, right and so on? And as seen from a lower point of view, it can really drive one to despair.” Then, in effect, I told my brother all the things I told you on the previous pages. I added that my inner ego is the total of all the experiences and thoughts of my ancestors, plus my own small experience. This is my thinking, the spiritual part of me. That is the truly human—the uniqueness. From generation to generation it becomes more perfect. Our former animal instincts will disappear by our own efforts within ourselves. But human development toward perfection must be measured not in generations but in aeons. I am just a small part of the total; only a small link in an endlessly long chain. I have the task to pass on with love and care that which has been entrusted to me (the spiritual values) so that it will continue to develop toward perfection. The eternal track of love carries this on, according to the will of the Creator. This for me is the higher sense of my existence as a human being. In my conception God, because of his almightiness, is not a punisher, not an angry God, but rather an all-embracing God in whose order I have been placed. And his order (fate) regulates everything. All being and becoming—including me—is subject to this order. Thus I have tried, very briefly, to answer your questions one and two.​​​​

        Hull:. “On what do you base your hope for a future life after death?”​​​​
        Even the human body consists of only matter and energy. The spirit within me, my inner being, are my thoughts and my feelings. In my opinion these are energy. According to the law of Nature, no energy will be lost. Matter is subjected to an eternal change; energy may be changed. There is no fixed being, there is no rest, there is no nothingness; (there is also no “death”) “Everything is in flux,” said the ancient and say the modern philosophers. The end of the human being is the birth of the soul. This is a logical development toward further perfection, it is only an other, further step in the development of being. This form of development must, according to my logic (in regard to the natural law) gradually lead to a form higher than the human being. For me this is another manifestation of the greatness of the divine creative will.​​​​
        If someone should come back from the “beyond” to give us a report on the world of the souls it would cause mankind to commit suicide. Doubtless man is the first step in the development of the soul, a divine order of creation. Who will prove to me that it is not so? I believe in my conception. And thereby I have answered your question number three on which my hope for a future life is based. Again this is only a sketch. (However, I would like to amend your question concerning the word “hope” and to put instead the definitive word “conception” or “belief.”)​​​​

        Summary of Eichmann’s faith:

        ​​​​1. He believes that there is a God. All Nature and the order of the universe prove this to him.​​​​
        2. He believes that God is absolutely kind and loving.​​​​
        3. He believes that man is in a process of improvement which will finally result in a perfect man. Animal instincts will disappear as man labors toward perfection.​​​​
        4. He believes that God is not a God of judgment and punishment, but only of love.​​​​
        5. He believes that God orders and regulates all things (he calls it fate) and thus he (Eichmann) submits to this.​​​​
        6. He believes that death is a release of the soul and that this is only another step in the individual’s development. He compares the release of the soul with the release of the child’s body at birth. Arms, legs, and other members which were of no use prior to birth become available for use after birth. Thus the soul develops after the death of the body.​​​​

  4. ………………………………………………………………………..
    A brief summary of how the cosmic Being works in Nature

    1) Our universe is a dynamic whole governed by polarities, for every action has its equal and opposite reaction. Furthermore, every positive has its ‘negative’ aspect, and every negative has its ‘positive’ aspect.

    2) That there exists an Eternal Creator, or ‘God’, and that this Being creates, or can create, order from chaos. Order is the very life of this Being. Order itself is a new, a better, more evolved, or more excellent, arrangement of things.

    3) That organic life itself is an expression, or manifestation, of the order which the living God creates, and is thus an expression of the life, the spirit, of the Eternal Creator.

    4) That change is a natural part of the evolution of order from chaos and that this, for organic life, involves the organic process of birth-life-death-renewal.

    5) That death is not the final end of life, but the beginning of further change, a renewal of the cosmic order itself.

    6) That what we call Nature is the cosmic Being – the order created by this Being – made manifest on this planet we call Earth. The creative force, or energy, which is present in Nature, and which produces, and causes changes in, living things – including ourselves – is the cosmic Being, living and evolving, that is, creating more order.

    7) That we, as individuals, are the cosmic Being – the very cosmos itself – made manifest. We sentient beings are the striving of the living God for more cosmic order.

    8) That our evolution, as human beings, is an increase in the cosmic order and expresses the purpose, the life, or the will of the Eternal Creator. Thus the striving, or struggle, for order (or excellence) – for evolution toward higher forms – here on this planet, is how the cosmic Being works in Nature, and is thus natural and necessary, for without it, there would be no order and no evolution toward higher forms.

    9) That the cosmic Being evolves, or functions, in us through honour (or fairness), through curiosity (or reason) and through struggle (or triumph of individual will).

    Thus, an honourable individual is someone who is doing the will, or accomplishing the work, of the Eternal Creator.

    10) That our universe is co-eternal with God. That God is not separate from the universe. There was no creation ex nihilo, only a becoming. God and universe are one.

    11) That diversity and excellence of individual character express the will of this divine Being – of this Being working through Nature to bring more order, more diversity and more difference through evolution.

    Thus, diversity is one way in which cosmic Being is manifest to us, as human beings on this planet of ours. Diversity thus expresses the essence of our humanity – of what makes us human. To preserve, and to further evolve, each unique group of people is to act in accord with the will, the purpose, of the universe, while to undermine or seek to destroy diversity and difference is to act against the will of the Eternal Creator.

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