Lyndon Johnson reveals how he really thinks about “God-damned n—ers”

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…..My radio show on John Kennedy

…a man who, as an Irish-American, knew about oppression in the history of his native Ireland,ä and cared about all Americans…

jfk-amerindian-chiefIMO this was a great radio interview by Chad Josiah, black conservative radio host in Georgia (, of me on the topic of the murder of John Kennedy 50 years ago, and the hypocritical man who murdered him, Lyndon Johnson, who despised Blacks.

His “civil rights” motives were just to harm Whites for the benefit of his true cause, supreme power for HIS people, the Jews.ä(Go to 11/22/13 show)

…..The truth about “LBJ”


As JFK assassination historian Robert Morrow of Alabama and Texas relates:

LBJ called up [segregationist] Gov. George Wallace [of Alabama] to visit him in the White House in 1965.


Wallace vowed to “stand in the schoolhouse door” and block integration of Black schoolkids into a white school, but the tough-talking little governor wussed out as predicted — and let federal marshals escort the Black children in.


Wallace brought along his right hand man and #1 Alabama political operative, Seymore Trammell (photo). His son Warren Trammell is one of my [Morrow’s] Facebook friends.

george-wallace-assistant-seymore-trammellHere is how the meeting of Lyndon Johnson and George Wallace went. This meeting was on March 13, 1965. It was the following Saturday after the previous “Bloody Sunday” in Selma. [….]

Go to LBJ’s presidential schedule and look up March 13, 1965:

On the diary it says 12:05PM Meeting – LBJ, George Wallace, Seymour Trammell, Katzenbach, [White House press secretary] Bill Moyers and Burke Marshall.


Jewish US Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach of Philadelphia, who replaced Bobby Kennedy. (Johnson had RFK murdered in the spring of 1968.)


By the way, like Wallace and the Trammells, I am a native of Alabama so this is of special interest to me.


On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 5:52 PM, Warren Trammell (photo) wrote to Robert Morrow:

“To Robert Morrow: to whom it may concern….my father’s (Seymore Trammell) memories of his and Alabama Governor George Wallace’s private and not really publicized meeting, with President Lyndon Johnson in his Oval Office, concerning the racial violence in the Southeast in the 60s. It’s been impossible to nail down the exact day since it was not well publicized.

In the mid 1960s in America, white/black racial unrest had reached the most violent levels the South had ever seen in modern times!



Alabama Governor George Wallace and his number-one adviser, my father Seymore Trammell, had their hands full “managing” the black/white racial violence, which all the Southern politicians thought was caused by the Reverend Martin Luther King and his growing crowds of black followers!


The new MLK monument in Washington DC — which to the shock of White and Black Americans both was made entirely in China by Chinese, in a Chinese-communist-style, and is made of Chinese marble. Is a Chinese takeover what MLK fought for?

mlk-monument-side-viewAt the same time in a lesser known part of the world, the LBJ’s USA was deeply embroiled in a massive war in North Viet Nam over oil (the real reason we know today).


America’s President at that time, in charge of “managing” these two violent situations, was Lyndon Baines Johnson, affectionately know by his Southern political buddies as just LBJ or just Lyndon.


Unknown to the public, Southern politicians privately shared Lyndon’s hatred of what he called in private, “niggers”.


Lyndon hated “niggers”! He called them “niggers” in private. He cussed “niggers” every day, my father said, and called them all kinds of vile names! He had his hands full with the Vietnam war and hated being “bothered by those G–damned niggers” — as my father said Lyndon said.

To rid his hands of those “G-damned niggers” he called my father and Governor Wallace to his Oval Office officially to have a “friendly informative talk” about the disturbing violence in the South. George and Seymore were very excited! They just knew their buddy Lyndon was going to give the massive help in “managing those niggers” Lyndon said.


However, in typical trickster style, when George and Seymore got into Lyndon’s Oval Office, they were shocked! Lyndon began to cuss like a sailor and ask them, “What in the hell are you boys [Lyndon called them “boys”] doing with those G–damned niggers down there?” Shocked and taken back, the “Guvna” said “Well Mr. President, we’re doing the best we can! What do ya want us to do?”

At that Lyndon began to cuss “niggers” again. They were sitting on either side of a narrow coffee table in the Oval Office and big Lyndon with his long strong arms and big powerful Texas rough hands reached over and slapped both Seymore and George hard on their knees, and held their legs a moment, and said:

“Now you boys, you gotta get your G–damned asses back down to Alabama and make those G–damned niggers act right and calm the hell down! I am G–damned tired of hearing ’bout those G–damned niggers on the G–damned news every night!”

Every night at midnight, I hafta get on that damned Red Phone over there on my desk and give the G–damned orders for the B-52 Bombers to fly over the Ho Chi Minh trail and all over that G–damned North Viet Nam and bomb the the hell outta the whole G-damned country every G–damned night and this G–damned war is killing me!”

“You boys got it lucky. Hell George [Lyndon called the governor “George” and “boy”), all the hell you got is those G–damned niggers throwing rocks and tot’in signs!

Hell, here, I had to get the Secret Service to put-up double-thick bullet-proof glass to the White House windows cause these G–damn niggers and hippies up here are shootin’ bullets at me and my wife and 2 little girls are scared to death! I hate those G–damned niggers and hippies.”

At that point my father tried to tell Lyndon something, but again Lyndon slapped him hard on his knee and said “Now be quiet, boy, here, take this pad and pencil and take some G–damned notes”.

My father gave me the pad and pencil with the Presidential Seal on them!

The short meeting was over and Lyndon lastly said

“You boys go back to Alabama and get them G–damned niggers quiet! And I don’t want to hear nothin’ else on the news about them G–damned niggers!”


At that point Lyndon said to the “Guvna”, “Come-on boy we gotta go outside, wave at the press and tell’em we had a very productive meeting ’bout them G–damned niggers!” As they stepped up to the mike, Lyndon said kind words about the blacks in the South and indicated that the “Guvna” agreed with him and was going back to Alabama to help them get their justice.

Lyndon grabbed George by the arm before he could speak, turned him around and with his huge hand on the Guvna’s back, pushed him back into the Oval Office and out the door to get on one of the Presidential Planes back to Alabama! The “Guvna” and Seymore were sadly disappointed and grumbled all the way back to Alabama, the Guvna angrily chewing on his cigar and Seymore clutching his blank Presidential note pad with great frustration.”

…..Nicholas Katzenbach on LBJäs racial attitudes and his telling of änigger jokesä

äAfter that he would get on an old fire engine that some admirers had presented to him and drive me around ä me sitting beside him in my Brooks Brothers suit and tie, LBJ driving in his ten-gallon hat, flannel shirt, and blue jeans. He would point out sights of interest, and when he saw one of his black workers in a field he would stand up (the fire engine still moving), wave his hand, sound the siren, and shout, äCome over here, boy, and meet your Attorney General.ä

I would cringe beside him. It was almost as if he did not associate any of his workers with the civil rights leaders he regularly met with in Washington, although I am sure in fact he did.


LBJ signs the 1965 Voting Rights Act


In 1964 LBJ signs the Civil Rights Act, with MLK directly behind him, the same man LBJ would later have murdered.


In Act of State, MLK friend, lawyer and author William Pepper details how the FBI clearly murdered MLK.

Act of State

The King family itself met with and exonerated James Earl Ray as the killer. The real killers were LBJ, the blackmailed transvestite J. Edgar Hoover — and snipers from the FBI. The innocent Ray was bullied by the FBI into a confession with the threat of a certain death penalty hanging over him, then renounced it and STOOD BY HIS INNOCENCE UNTIL THE DAY HE DIED DECADES LATER IN PRISON.



It was just a southern way of life that he was used to and felt comfortable with, just as he often did with the stories and jokes he told about blacks. They made me feel uncomfortable, but this president who did so much to secure equal rights saw no impropriety and no inconsistency between his stories, where blacks were the butt of a joke and his convictions about racial equality.ä

[Nicolas Katzenbach, äSome of It Was Fun: Working With RFK and LBJ,ä p. 207 ]

…Daughter Luci Baines Johnson a “chip off the old block”

Luci Baines Johnson screams:

“Damn you! You go find my nigger right now!”

I wonder where Luci got that from?

See the bottom of page 33, and top of page 34, inä Inside the White House

Lynda Bird Johnson and her sister Luci Baines Johnson; I never understood, as a boy in 1964, how these girls, of supposedly English and German ancestry, looked so “Mediterranean” — but that is how most Jews look.


Jewess Lady Bird Johnson, Jew LBJ and LBJ’s mother, the Jewess Rachel Baines


See my:

Dr. Ray Hagins on “the illegitimate people” and the great White leader who opposed them (


More of the
Ugly Truth on
Lyndon Johnson
Lyndon Johnson murdered a lotämore people than just John Kennedy. Roger Stone’s book: ä
LBJ also orchestrated the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty in his most heinous crime ever. Read the book Operation Cyanide for info on that. 34 Americans dead and 171 wounded in an LBJ-directed Israeli Defense Force attack on the USS Liberty (a false-flag attack to be blamed on Egypt).
Lyndon Johnson also stole an astounding 6 million troy ounces of gold from Victorio Peak at White Sands Missile Testing Range in 1969. That amount of gold was worth $1.2 billion (in todayäs dollars) or if the Johnson family still has the gold $8.5 billion today. John Clarence has written a blockbuster trilogy of books called The Gold House on that topic.
LBJ was also a textbook psychopath, a pathological liar, and a man who scored off the charts both in sadism and racism. LBJäs corruption was of Biblical proportions.
Lyndon Johnson also had sexual relations with his grandmother and I mean that in a literal and actual sense.äRay Hill read LBJ’säsexual history at the Kinsey Institute.äSo LBJ was not your average “motherfucker”–ä Lyndon Johnson was so depraved that “grandmotherfucker” more accurately describes this lunatic whose scary mental instabilities have been detailed by scores of people close to him (McGeorge Bundy, Bill Moyers, Richard Goodwin, journalist Hugh Sidey, George Reedy, numerous others).
Lyndon Johnson deserves absolutely no credit for coming out for civil rights 5 days after he murdered John Kenndy. The man had to or he was going to be the #1 suspect in the JFK assassination or perhaps the Democratic party would nominate Robert Kennedy foräpresidentäin 1964.
It was unthinkable that LBJ would not come out for äcivil rightsä after a lifetime of murdering his political opponents. LBJ had to superserve JFKäs agenda (but not on Vietnam, Cuba policy) or else be subject to the withering glare of justified suspicion in the JFK assassination.
Robert Morrowääää Austin, TXää 512-306-1510
Robert Caro on LBJ’s Sadism
& Racism
“A stereotype that had currency in the Hill Country was that Negroes were terrified of all snakes. Sometimes Johnson or one of his Hill Country friends would catch a snake, sometimes a harmless snake, sometimes a rattlesnake. Johnson would put in the trunk of his car, and drive to a gas station at which a Negro was working as the gas pump attendant. Pulling up to the pump to get gas, he would tell the attendant that he thought the spare tire in his trunk might need air, and would ask him to take a look at it. Often this practical joke was successful; relating this story, he said, about one Negro attendant,
‘Boy, you should have seen that big buck jump!’ He went on playing this joke not only when he was in college, but when he was a congressional assistant — when he was a congressman, in fact. Once, when he played it while he was a congressman — in 1945 or 1946 at a service station at the corner of First Street and Congress Avenue in Austin — the joke had a different denouement. While Lyndon was ‘standing there laughing’ at the attendant’s shock, the black man picked up a tire iron and, threatening to wrap it around Johnson’s neck, shouted, ‘I’ll make you a bow tie out of this!’
The manager of the service station had to hustle Johnson out a back door to get him away.”
Pulitzer-Prize-winning author Robert Caro (a liberal who admires LBJ’s domestic policies), in Master of the Senate, The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Volume 3, p. 715. 2002.

Robert Parker’s – Capitol Hill in Black and White: Revelations of the Inside – and Underside – of power politics by the black former maà®tre d’ of the Senate Dining Room (1986) – Robert Parker was an LBJ insider and a black man.


It didn’t take long for the enemies of Lyndon Johnson to crawl out of the Capitol woodwork. “Old LBJ must have had something to do with it,” I heard them say the very next day. The suspicion echoed in every corridor from Senate staff attorneys, legislative aides, waitresses, and tourists. Their grief for John F. Kennedy more their cynicism and dislike of Lyndon Johnson even more intense.

Blacks, who as a group had always mistrusted LBJ, were no exception. A few days after President Kennedy was buried, Clarence Mitchell, director of the NCAAP’s Washington office, got into a heated discussion about President Johnson with Whitney Young, director of the Urban League. They were standing in the corridor outside the Senate Dining Room. Mitchell called me over. Like most people in the Kennedy camp, Young was upset. It was bad enough to lose a dynamic leader like John Kennedy, but to get Lyndon Johnson in exchange was to rub salt in the wounds of grief. Young was telling Mitchell that everywhere he went he heard someone say LBJ was behind the assassination of Kennedy. Young was concerned about the gossip.

“Johnson’s not that kind of man,” Mitchell said. Then he turned to me. “Tell him, Robert! You’ve known Johnson ever since you were a kid.”

As depressed as I was over the death of the president, the accusations of murder leveled at Lyndon Johnson made me even sadder. Although he could be the meanest man in Washington, I knew he was no killer. I defended him. I felt that people like the ones Whitney Young were gossiping didn’t understand LBJ and were not being fair to him. That Lyndon Johnson was bored as vice president was clear to anyone who cared enough to watch him. I had seen him often on the Hill between January 1961, when he took his oath of office, and November 1963, when President Kennedy was assassinated. I had served dozens of his private lunches, as well as hideaway parties, which he attended for old times’ sake. President Kennedy had turned him into his messenger boy on the Hill. And Johnson had let it be known that he didn’t like being a toothless old lion.

A few weeks before Lyndon Johnson moved into the White House, I was in the Inner Sanctum when Senator Jordan walked to join a half-dozen of his southern friends. “Did y’all hear about ol’ Lyndon?” he asked even before he sat down. “He’s got himself in trouble already.”

Jordan began fleshing out a story I had read that morning in The Washington Post. I’m sure he got his information from Johnson aides, who were itching to take over the White House.

“Ol’ Lyndon got on the phone and called Mrs. Kennedy the other day,” Jordan drawled as if he were savoring each word. “He told her, ˜Sweetheart, listen, you don’t have to move out until you’re good and ready. We’re not rushing you.'”

Jordan and his friends laughed because they knew “ol’ Lyndon” couldn’t wait to swivel in the Oval Office chair.

Jordan continued, “Jackie slammed down the phone and huffed to an aide, ˜How dare that oversize cowpunching son-of-a-bitch call me sweetheart! I want to speak to him about it.’ The aide went over to ol’ Lyndon’s office.”

Jordan paused for the punchline.

“Well, ol’ Lyndon  pounded the desk with that big fist of his, got out of his chair, stretched tall, and said, “‘I’m sick and tired of this horseshit! Where I come from, we always call our ladies “sweetheart” and they call us southern gentleman “honey.”‘”

Jordan could hardly stop laughing.

“Well, ol’ Lyndon better not try being a southern gentleman with Jackie again!” he said.


[Robert Parker – Capitol Hill in Black and White: Revelations of the Inside – and Underside – of power politics by the black former maà®tre d’ of the Senate Dining Room, pp. 131-133. ]


And also LBJ to Robert Parker:

  • As long as you are black, and you’re gonna be black till the day you die, no one’s gonna call you by your goddamn name. So no matter what you are called, nigger, you just let it roll off your back like water, and you’ll make it. Just pretend you’re a goddamn piece of furniture.
    • Said to his chauffer, Robert Parker, when Parker said he’d prefer to be referred to by his name rather than “boy,” “nigger” or “chief.” Source: Parker, Robert; Rashke, Richard L. (1989). Capitol Hill in Black and White. United States. p. v. ISBN 0515101893. Retrieved on 6 January 2015. 00:38, 7 January 2015 (UTC)


Word from LBJ: “This nigger drives for me.”


Before I left for Washington, Jenkins handed me a letter signed by LBJ. “Don’t get smart if you’re stopped again,” he warned. “Just keep your mouth shut and show them this.”

I stuffed the letter into the glove compartment without looking at it and began the trip back to Washington. When I stopped for gas, I read it. “To whom is may concern,” it said. “This nigger drives for me.”

I was hurt and angry at Lyndon Johnson. To him, I was nothing more than a no-name nigger. On the lonely drive home, I debated whether to show the letter to the police if I was stopped. In the end, I decided I would use it only as a last resort. Better another humiliation than death.

Over the next twenty years, I frequently pulled out that old letter. The more I read it, the more I realized that the “nigger letter” was a piece of political wisdom. If Johnson had written of me with respect or even used my name, no one would have believed the letter came from him. I would have been lynched as fast as you can say LBJ. I began directing my anger away from Johnson toward the system that made “nigger letters” necessary and toward those who kept the system alive.

Although Johnson’s letter was destroyed by a flood in my basement in the 1960’s, my anger never cooled. That letter became the one thing that managed to destroy my inner peace every time I thought of it. There was nothing I could do to make the hurt go away.


[Robert Parker – Capitol Hill in Black and White: Revelations of the Inside – and Underside – of power politics by the black former maà®tre d’ of the Senate Dining Room, pp. 51-52. ]


LBJ would often call his driver Robert Parker “nigger” so he could show off in front of the Southern senators


“Annapolis had been one fo the biggest slave markets on the East Coast, and in the mid-1940’s its attitude toward blacks was just as hostile as it had been before emancipation. I would drive Johnson and his party up to the front gate of Navy stadium with instructions to be waiting there when they walked out after the game. Whevever I was late, no matter what the reason, Johnson called me a lazy, good-for-nothing nigger. He especially liked to call me nigger in front of southerners and racists like Richard Russell. It was, I soon learned, LBJ’s way of being one of the boys.”


[Robert Parker – Capitol Hill in Black and White: Revelations of the Inside – and Underside – of power politics by the black former maà®tre d’ of the Senate Dining Room, p.16.]

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