Tucker Carlson rips into Trump’s jew son-in-law Jared Kushner as a “liberal” having “contempt for Trump voters”

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Tucker Carlson [number-one host, with the top spot — 8-9 pm — on the number-one tv network!] said: “No one has more contempt for Donald Trump’s voters than Jared Kushner does.” | Richard Drew/AP Photo


06/01/2020 11:00 PM EDT

Updated: 06/01/2020 11:36 PM EDT

[source: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/06/01/tucker-carlson-trump-protest-295628]

Tucker Carlson, the Fox News host, expressed dismay at President Donald Trump’s leadership on Monday, criticizing the president’s handling of mass protests that have engulfed cities across the country and singling out an influential member of his family.

Carlson, who often uses his show to ardently defend the president and attack Trump’s foes, lambasted the nation’s leaders across the political spectrum for letting protests get out of hand. He also went after Jared Kushner, saying “no one has more contempt” for the president’s supporters than Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser. He accused Kushner of breaking starkly from Trump’s platform and talking Trump out of taking decisive actions.

Demonstrations have sprung up across the country after the death of George Floyd, a black Minnesota man who died after a white police officer pushed his knee into Floyd’s neck as he lay on the ground, and held the position for over eight minutes.

Protesters in Washington have since repeatedly gathered in Lafayette Square, across from the White House, facing off with heavily armed law enforcement officers. A Fox News reporter was also chased out of the area by protesters, which Carlson vehemently condemned.

Amid heated altercations between protesters and the Secret Service and local police, the White House temporarily went on partial lockdown last week, and Trump reportedly took shelter in a White House bunker.

“If you can’t keep a Fox News correspondent [Fox News anchor Leland Vittert; see below] from getting attacked [as was shown on tv, with blacks pursuing, cursing at, and hurling objects at a FOX reporter and his cameraman] directly across the street [in Lafayette Square] from your house [the White House], how can you protect my family?” Carlson said on his show. “How are you going to protect the country? How are you trying?”

He continued: “On Twitter the next morning, the president reassured America that he and his family were just fine. The federally funded bodyguards had kept them safe. He did not mention protecting the rest of the nation, much of which was then on fire. He seemed aware only of himself.”

Carlson also evoked Nero, who — according to legend — fiddled idly as Rome burned, implying Trump would be remembered similarly if he didn’t take decisive action to contain the protests. Still, Carlson acknowledged Trump’s Monday evening news briefing, where he promised a display of force if governors and mayors did not rein in the demonstrations.

Trump and Kushner weren’t Carlson’s only targets on his Monday show. The Fox News host took broad swipes at state and local leaders, as well, for supporting the protesters. Though many elected officials have spoken in support of demonstrators’ demands for racial justice, several cities have imposed curfews with additional force from the National Guard.

Kushner was also just one of some unnamed “key advisers” who Carlson said “don’t seem to understand … the gravity of the moment,” not only for the country but also for Trump’s reelection prospects.

“‘No matter what,’ they’ll tell you,” Carlson said of a handful of advisers around the president, “‘our voters aren’t going anywhere. The trailer parks are rock-solid. What choice do they have? They’ve got to vote for us.'”

He continued: “Jared Kusher, for one, has made that point out loud. No one has more contempt for Donald Trump’s voters than Jared Kushner does.”

Carlson added that Trump’s reelection was at risk unless he shored up his response to the protests.

“The first requirement of leadership is that you watch over the people in your care,” Carlson said. “Donald Trump is the president. Presidents save countries, and that’s their job and that’s why we hire them. It’s that simple.”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment. [End]

…..Daily Beast

[source: https://www.thedailybeast.com/tucker-carlson-blames-jared-kushner-for-trumps-protest-catastrophe]

Kicking off Tucker Carlson Tonight by raging against the increasingly chaotic demonstrations that have flared up over George Floyd’s death, Carlson first took issue with Republican leaders sympathizing with peaceful protesters.

“Who are you talking about?” Carlson growled.

“Is it the people spitting foam as they scream ‘F the police’? Is it the one sitting next to the arsonist doing nothing as they set fire to buildings? Is it the kids laughing as they filmed the looting and the beatings on their iPhones?”

After wondering aloud why he should be “required to be upset about” an unarmed black man’s death at the hands of police, Carlson then turned his attention to the president, whom he has almost never personally criticized on his show.

Noting that Fox News anchor Leland Vittert was harassed by protesters outside the White House on Friday night, Carlson asked Trump: “If you can’t keep a Fox News correspondent from getting attacked directly across from your house, how can you protect my family? How are you going to protect the country? How hard are you trying?”



…..Someone has to NAME THE JEW

I had a talk last night with a nice local gal, wife and mom who, like many working-class whites, has been through the wringer during much of her life.

She asked me what I had against the jews, and said she had been to my site and found it hard to understand. [And she is quite conspiracy-minded, but more into Illuminati, Masons, Jesuits, etc.]

And she added, “So you must like Hitler, because he was against the jews.”

What I run up against with such good folks is, one, they sort-of respect the Bible, and two, they kind-of go along with the notion of the jews as God’s people.

However, on the former, she recognized that “The Bible has been translated and retranslated, then edited by the Emperor Constantine, and taught according to his wishes — the Nicene Creed, etc. This pagan emperor decided what the doctrine was!”

I was friendly, as always, and said, with a mischievous smile, “Well, the Jews are indeed God’s people — according to the book they wrote. ;-)”

She smiled and said:

“My husband might agree with you about everything — except about Hitler.” 😉

(It is of course amusing for me when people who actually like me tell ME this, of all people, how they dislike Hitler. 😉 )

A comrade made a very good comment on my site recently that America cannot be won over until we address the idea that Hitler was against the most “sacred cow” there is in our American national mythology, freedom.

And I get it. I incarnated here to “get it” more.

To go into the heart of the freedom beast, knowing Americans are actually not free at all, but instead tightly manipulated from cradle to grave, watched every second, brainwashed day-and-night, injected with lethal poisons in their air, food and water and via vaccines to dullen their minds, sicken their bodies and slow-kill them, and absolutely terrified to say anything that the media and Big Tech companies have made taboo which could get them 1) fired (with, on average, just one month’s worth of pay kept in their savings account) and 2) painfully ostracized.

But anyone who has ever been at the mercy of a bully in the schoolyard (or on the bus, walking to school, or in a corridor or bathroom), or has worked and suffered under a tyrannical boss, or has been under the thumb of a domineering spouse, hates losing their freedom.

No one likes being dominated and a slave.

The Americans truly did not want to break away from England in the early 1770s, but when England sent troops in, refused to allow the Americans any seats in Parliament, and said they did to have permission even to manufacture anything (England would do all that), it really was about a searing lack of freedom and respect for their rights as very loyal British subjects. We started off just demanding freedom and our rights, not anarchy and chaos, nor a police state.

The real mission I have now is to make it clear:

As with the Ancient Romans, dictatorship and emergency powers are a necessary evil until the crisis is past.

The real way to end dictatorship, however, is for the people to change and be ready to handle freedom.

And that means a new organized religion that

1) retrains and reprograms our often selfish, individualistic people to think of the good of the whole, care about others, and be “into” noble things like duty and service, not just sex, money, shopping and self.

2) enables them to get a serious grip on their own mind, stop thinking thoughts that make them miserable and are largely toxic jew ideas and anti-values

3) It must drive home that we are multidimensional beings, eternal souls, who are here to learn and grow in many incarnations, not one-life-only biological things that live fairly meaningless lives of struggle and grief — with constant family, financial and marriage issues — then sicken and finally “croak” ( = die).

Despite the zillions of churches, this is really how Americans see life:

Our Founding Fathers, creating a new and quite weak country in the late 1780s via the Constitution, failed totally in three areas:

  1. Getting on our feet financially, we avoided facing the absolutely crucial Jewish Problem, so we were taken over by their banks
  2. They avoided the race problem
  3. They said “Go to the church of your choice to learn about God and morality,” while ALL of them were Deists, which was obvious in Washington Adams, and Franklin, plus in the key writer Thomas Paine, and especially so in the “anti-priest,” “anti-superstition” writings of Thomas Jefferson. They scoffed privately at key Christian teachings! And yet this faulty, worm-eaten old form of Christianity that no highly educated person took completely seriously any more was supposed to keep us a good people!

The great French writer and americanophile Alexis de Toqueville, author of the brilliant 1835 book Democracy in America, said it best (and this is a paraphrase of his ideas on the importance of having a good religion, not an exact quote):

But if this same churchy religion teaches the totally false ideas that:

-the jews (of all people) are God’s people

we get just one life, then go forever to heaven or hell

–believing Jesus’ death on the cross washed away our sins (having “the right belief”) sends us eternally to heaven, as sexless eunuchs, strumming harps on a cloud

Our real goal is heaven, not making earth a better place

All four ideas are fiercely wrong and dangerous.

Ad so this “Christianity” which a pagan Roman emperor (who later killed his own wife and son) imposed on the West 1700 years ago (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constantine_the_Great)…..

— is something that started out wonderful, but became horribly infected with terrible lies.

The core of a new faith is

  1. mastering your own mind so vital truths about ourselves and our world no longer are screened out
  2. rejecting the jews
  3. overcoming, via self-mind-control, the greedy, selfish, using, lying, betraying inner jew that exists in us all.

Now, here in Ontonagon there are basically no jews and no blacks. Yes, life is tough here.  😉

What this means is that, unless, due to the bad economy, Yoopers have left the UP to get work — often military, but also civilian jobs — and they learned a ton the hard way in other states about the non-whites and the jews, the problem here, for the Stay-At-Home-Yoopers, is that all the a–holes they have ever known and all the bastards who have harmed them are white people, too.

I know an attractive natural blonde here in town whose husband beat her so bad she was in the hospital for weeks. (He got five years in prison for that.) She is a leftist, and you just cannot tell her how wonderful the white race is. Unh-unh.

What I can, or could, tell her, though her mind is closed, is that we national socialists do not worship the white race as it is and has been over the centuries of so many ups and downs.

We love it because as a mother loves her child, we love our folk, warts  and all. It is our people.

We do cherish our blood. We are proud of our heritage, and we know that, at its best, our race IS wonderful. And we know how amazing it can become under loving, firm leadership and true ideas, because from 1933-45, a major country was under our power, and this Germany suddenly became astonishingly excellent and happy in every way imaginable during that time we ran it, both in peace and at war.

We are not proposing a theory; we are pointing to our fabulous track record in the real world.

This gal listened when I said: “The Germans loved Hitler. He got them out of the Depression in two years.  And because they loved him and he did so much for them, it took the whole world six years to beat down one single little country.”

Now the great task is to win over America, and that means explaining to this country founded on the idea of freedom (which fearful Americans, whispering to me their questions, certainly do not actually enjoy) that our goal is this:

educating a truly, profoundly moral people who can handle freedom

–and do not need a dictator any more, or a Gestapo, or concentration camps, or censorship,

–because every man and woman can tell right from wrong themselves without any laws or cops,

–based on a credible religion,

–the truths of which flourish in their own hearts and impel good living.

I am going to add something from an Italian website which a dear comrade sent me:


“Enlightenment is not achieved by imagining figures of light, but by bringing [our own] inner darkness into consciousness. Those who look outside dream; those who look inside wake up”. (Carl Gustav Jung)

“Man, know yourself — [then] you will know the Universe and the Gods” (Inscription on the temple of the Oracle of Delphi)


  1. E se ti dicessi che Gesù era profondamente Atoniano, profondamente devoto al Dio Toro Wotan, che poi ha assunto nel corso del tempo tanti nomi così da creare confusione.

    Ma questa è stata una tattica ebraica..come ti dicevo.

    Gesù aveva compreso l’inganno.

    È strano da dirsi ma oggi ho salvato nuovamente Wotan dalla confusione.

    Poi Lilith,Inanna, Astarte,Ishtar,Netfti hanno già rimediato al Danno fatto in passato.

    Da prostituta di Babilonia a Vergine vestita di Sole,Spirito di Wotan e lupo Bianco!

    Tutto questo provocherà uno Shock nelle persone,come canalizzato dal Cristo(Quando io ero Gesù [..])

    Gesù lascia le Redini,n on vuole più responsabilità terrene, non vuole essere più accusato del malessere dell’umanità.

    L’uomo crea la sua Realtà!

    La Chiesa è stata la più grande ingannatrice di questi tempi, perché doveva proteggere il suo messaggio di Pace, scagliarsi contro il vecchio testamento e contro quel Dio crudele e vendicativo.

    Non solo,non doveva marciare sulla figura di Gesù come Salvatore del Mondo,perché Gesù doveva risolvere anche dopo tutti i problemi.

    Dice chiaramente che non è riuscito a risolvere nulla..

    Come si può recuperare la fede di tutte le persone ora?

    Questa è una sfida titanica..

    La tua Religione.

    • Transl:

      And if I told you that Jesus was deeply Atonian [from Aton, Egypt], deeply devoted to the god Taurus Wotan, who then took on many other names over time so as to create confusion.

      But this was an originally Jewish tactic..as I told you.

      Jesus understood the deception.

      It’s strange to say but today I saved Wotan again from the confusion.

      Then Lilith, Inanna, Astarte, Ishtar, Netfti have already remedied the damage done in the past.

      From the Whore of Babylon to the Virgin dressed in the Sun, to the Spirit of Wotan and the White Wolf!

      All this will cause a shock in people, as channeled by Christ (When I was Jesus [..])

      Jesus drops the reins; He does not want more earthly responsibilities; He does not want to be accused of humanity’s malaise anymore, for man creates his own [dismal] reality!

      The Church was the greatest deceiver of these times, because she had to protect her message of peace, to lash out against the Old Testament and against its cruel and vindictive god.

      Not only that, she dared not step on the face of Jesus as Savior of the World, because Jesus was supposed to solve even after His death and leaving all the problems.

      It clearly says that He was unable to solve anything ..

      How can all the faith be recovered now?

      This is a titanic challenge … for your religion. [End]

      Thanks. The greatest challenge is to NOT allow any more god-worship (Buddha was right), but to become godlike ourselves, grow up, stop begging someone else to wave a wand, hurl a thunderbolt, and change the world while we sit, mope, and make excuses. People want to worship gods, or heroes, and then let them do everything.

      Like children, infantile!

      A religion, if spiritual, can be maturing, or, if based on worshiping some god or hero, simply infantilizing.

      And there is no point in replacing one set of old lies with another, newer lies.

      • indeed Wotan is the highest God and is not above us like the judeo christian god, but Wotan is a part of us ,-) if Jesus was aryan then the truth will be known -good to know that he liked Wotan too -Hails Brother ,-)

  2. George Floyd was an ex-convict with an extensive criminal record:



    What a surprise that he was an ex-convict, eh? “He a good boy and an aspirin’ porn star, just tryin’ ta git his life togetha! He dindu nuffin!”

    Good riddance! We should give Derek Chauvin a medal for taking out the garbage.

  3. NYPD cop beaten by subhuman blacks as other subhuman blacks film it and curse the cop while listening to rap music. Stupid animals:


    Why do we tolerate these low-IQ, violent black animals in our society? Enough is enough! They are destroying our country, and they all need to be shipped back to Africa, where they can be the subhuman animals that they are. They don’t belong here!

  4. https://alteraveritasedizioni.wordpress.com/2020/05/14/svelata-lidentita-di-yhwh-avila-pronipote-di-noe-e-fratello-di-nimrod/
    Rothschild aplogruppo J2A1 contro i veri Kurgan costruttori R1B1a2.
    Quindi mi chiedo…come mai questi Impostori(Pastori di pecore)hanno preso potere?Credo tramite Aronne e Mosè che sono fuggiti e hanno fatto un patto con questi pastori e sappiamo la storia!In effetti i “Leviti” che non si sono mai piegati a Babilonia,sono proprio la classe sacerdotale che discende da Aronne,con tutto il loro Horror;pedofilia,incesto,mangiatori di feti,sacrifici umani…ecc.
    Pratiche e costumi che forse Akhenaton stava cercando di eliminare.
    Alessandro non crede nei Rettiliani ma queste pratiche diaboliche portano proprio al “Dominio” di queste Entità malefiche.Suo figlio(Alessio De Angelis)crede che Trump farà il suo colpo finale.Fatti un giro su questa pagina…e scoprirai altre cose importanti.Io non vedo l’ora che tutti questi loschi personaggi saltino in aria davvero.Gesu’ condanna il Cristianesimo lascivo,esalta il Guerriero;per questo i Vichinghi restano ancora il vero modello di resistenza!Prega e combatti…

  5. http://lastellarossa.blogspot.com/2016/07/la-scintilla-divina-di-enki.html?m=1
    Questo è un riassunto ben fatto di tutto quello che ti ho scritto.
    L’archetipo è quel Dio mitico che dobbiamo risvegliare dentro noi stessi..
    Enki rappresenta proprio questo Dio.
    Quello che la Gente non comprende è questo,tirare fuori i propri talenti,la propria forza per difendersi da Parassiti come i Rothschild.
    Solo una persona al Mondo è stata in grado di fare tutto ciò.
    E ora si ripete nuovamente…

  6. https://youtu.be/YBvpyaDC8L0
    Evidentemente la situazione è davvero drammatica per aver cambiato idea,questo rappresenta solo un passaggio all’età dell’oro entro quest’anno.(i tre giorni di buio della profezia?)
    La Gente non sa neanche della loro esistenza.L’idea delle astronavi mi piace davvero.I nostri Fratelli Galattici.

    • Transl:

      Evidently the situation is truly dramatic to have changed his mind. This represents only a transition to the golden age within this year. (The three dark days of prophecy?)
      People don’t even know about their existence. I really like the idea of the spaceships of our galactic brothers.

  7. Something important about Trump, and I know this is probably all just a repeat news show for you, john, but it is worthy of saying to those readers confused enough to still think Trump is just ‘bought’ or a puppet. Some things like this need to be repeatedly said until everyone ‘gets’ it and otherwise the information just gets totally forgotten.

    The reason he wasn’t an owned puppet for the first time in decades is because he was an independently wealthy billionare businessman who’d never been a politician before. All the conditions were there for it to be possible.

    Yes, he traded and buddied up with Jews in New York, but he was a businessman in New York, so of course he did.

    The real weakness he got was obviously when Kushner became part of his family. The Donald’s not exactly the smartest guy out there in all ways, but he is miles better than any other candidate we could’ve gotten in 2016. He is not like George Bush, who is an obvious Jew by appearance.

    Trump being president was basically the only reason we didn’t get into WW3. I have not forgotten the no-fly zone plan Hillary was planning to enforce in Syria against Russia and i hope you haven’t forgotten it either; it was likely going to cause WW3. Meanwhile Hillary also probably would’ve gotten rid of all the rifles as ‘assault weapons’ already, which would’ve made the recent riots far worse, and increased taxes in some way or another to pay for her proposed healthcare program, all of which would just be used as an excuse to extort everyone.

    It just surprises me to no end how easily these things are forgotten by the ‘alt-right’ community. There is this extreme present-focused mentality. There is no routine at all where they try to just look at the past few years or decades from time to time and report how it’s all gone. Usually their future-focused mentality, although it is sometimes accurate, is limited in scope and only in response to the danger that’ll come up if another candidate wins.

    I’m just saying there are some serious mental flaws/weaknesses in the right in general, and it will be all too easy for the recent past crimes of the Jews in the last 2 decades to get forgotten if there is no routine collection of data and detailed recording of what happens.

    We need to remember who supported the Iraq War, among other things, and those guys need to become removed from politics and lose all credibility in either it or the news media if they promoted it on the news.

    It also obviously needs to be declared illegal for news corporations to lie and it is currently NOT. It is the ‘Post Literate’ culture we are in right now, which basically started with the invention of TV where the Jewsmedia tells us all to be dumb and only look at the headlines they show on the news to keep us afraid of the next big danger they tell us about.

    Meanwhile the Alt Right websites have the same old routine of just having a steady stream of articles saying what’s happening right now or what they think is going to happen in the future, prophesying doom. It is far too easy for the past to get forgotten as we keep up with all the shit the Jews are throwing at us.

    You have a far better approach to this than most with your key articles and so on but I’m just saying it’s a big issue and that kind of approach can be very effective in reminding people of the truth.

    For example, Tucker Carlson explained on Fox News recently how there were only 10 unarmed black guys shot by the police in ALL of 2019, and half of those fought in some way and justified it. Here’s the source:


    And the murder rates of black guys by police have actually been getting LOWER over time, so 10 is actually less than it used to be. Clearly the Jew narrative here of systematic killing of black guys by the police is bullshit, and this kind of data collection is exactly what we need to show they are wrong. I hope that was a good enough summary.

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