Was AH a “nordicist”?

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Adolf Hitler absolutely was for the preservation of the nordic race (1) blond, 2) blue-eyed & 3) narrow- faced whites) as the natural ruling elite.

But Third Reich policies, statements and message were designed not to OFFEND the majority of Germans, who were, and are, good, smart, honest, industrious people of brown or dark-hair and somewhat round-face (“alpine”), except for northwest Germany (Low Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, etc.)


A rather “typical” German — brown hair, not blond, and a square, not long face, kind of like a Kleenex box 😉



My face is like that, neither wide nor narrow. British-Americans used to nickname German-Americans “square-heads.” 😉


Nordics are not superior in everything; they tend to be serious, loners, with a tendency toward naiveté. “Blue-eyed” has the secondary meaning of “gullible” in German, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian and Danish, and it is the tertiary meaning also in English. 🙁

Illustration in a major left-center major newspaper, Frankfurter Allgemeine, of a typical German mother and child whose “folkish” beliefs and rejection of sex-ed the school boards should “watch out for”….


Facial shape (Nordic/narrow, Alpine/wide and Mediterranean/narrow with tan skin) from the Madison Grant book “The Passing of the Great Race”


Nordics are better as aristocrats, leaders, officers and inventors than as the-life-of-the-party or the toiling masses.

Robert Patrick as the cop in “Terminator II”


King Edward I (“Longshanks”) was a classic nordic and stood 6’2″


Patrick McGoohan was perfectly cast as Longshanks; stern, cold, organized, systematic and resolute


If you want a great party, don’t invite a Swede; invite an Irishman, Russian or Italian. 😉



For Hitler, especially with World War Two approaching, a life-and-death struggle for Germany and the whole West, the unity of the nation, regardless of hair and eye coloring, and national solidarity (“the folk community”) were his alpha and omega.
Himmler, like most of Hitler’s key ministers, had dark hair.

Waffen-SS general Sepp Dietrich of Bavaria


But Hitler’s PERSONAL view is betrayed clearly, believe me, by this one scene: http://www.criticalpast.com/de/video/65675048103_Adolf-Hitler-besucht-seine-Kindheit-Schule_Gespr%C3%A4che-zur-Schule-Kinder_Schule-Lehrer

This is footage shot when he visited his childhood elementary school in Fischlham, Upper Austria in 1938. Watch 0:25-34 and see whom he specifically approaches and whose head he caresses. While almost all the kids have light-ish hair, as do most American or British kids,  he especially adores the little Viking girl. 🙂



……Why I expect I might understand Hitler a little bit better than those with all sorts of extensive book knowledge of him


…..First reaction to this blog

Neil A. Bucklew
Neil A. Bucklew John de Nugent nordics or nordicist?
John de Nugent
John de Nugent Neil A. Bucklew A nordicist is someone who prioritizes the nordic subrace, not a person who IS nordic.

· Reply · 7 mins

Neil A. Bucklew
Neil A. Bucklew im not sure the nordics were destined to be the ruling class but they should definitely be preserved. as far as nordicism, i am sure everyone would have worked that out among our white ass selves. at least he was racist for the european peoples over all. which group he thought should be on top does not bother me.

· Reply · 6 mins · Edited

John de Nugent
John de Nugent In the Marine Corps I could see that junior enlisted, NCOs, junior officers and senior officers were a gradual progression up the ladder from Alpine to Nordic.
Two Marine majors and a three-star general
Look at the Navy SEALS too — the super-elite — no blacks at all, and lots of nordic whites: https://johndenugent.com/…/newsweek-navy-seals-blond…..


  1. “A nordicist is someone who prioritizes the nordic subrace, not a person who IS nordic.” Himmler and some others knew most probably about the fight raging in the universe, the lying press tells of course as usual again nothing of the true background.

    Quite apart from the fact that a demonstrably operated, already for centuries implemented intentional extermination effort against the white resp. Nordic peoples led to a quite natural corresponding counter-reaction, in the form of possible partial overemphasis of race aspects during the 1930s, there were according to some researchers extremely solid practical reasons for the “backbreeding” of blond people. You, JdN, know about these aspects, but many others do not. Therefore, in the following a plausible explanation.

    Traugott Ickeroth [1] has explained in this lecture [2] why blond Nordic people were so important to the National Socialists. The whole video (92 minutes) is worth watching, here only a tiny excerpt, it is recommended to start much further in the beginning (there the Aryan tribes are also addressed), or to listen to the whole lecture, excerpt at 01:01:40:

    “[…] But, about this history of the earth different initiates must have known. And here I introduce two, the original worshippers of the Swastika were Atlantians or Aryans. Jörg Lanz von Liebenfeld, so the Arthur de Gobineau, claim that these were at war with the reptiloid beings, they just didn’t call it reptiloid, they called it something else.

    Therefore, some representatives of National Socialism tried to regain the psychic powers with which the first war against the reptiloids on Mu was won, by genetic backbreeding of the blond and blue-eyed ones, and this explains the Lebensborn project.

    [Note on the Lebensborn home photo, next to it a photo with Himmler and his daughter:] That’s a Lebensborn home in the Taunus. And they literally worshipped the blond and blue-eyed ones here, and as a little boy I always wondered, well, my grandfather always told me history and everything that happened in the war, and he was pretty fit about it, and I never understood why they did that, because they didn’t correspond to their own ideal.

    But if you know what’s behind it, then I understood it only many years later. It explains their obsession with blond and blue-eyed children, although they themselves did not correspond to their own ideal, because they wanted to practically breed back these psychic abilities, which is hidden in genetics in the RNA.

    The goal was thus the creation or regeneration of an Aryan race, in order to exist in the fight against the reptiloid race. That is ultimately the secret behind this Ahnenerbe or mainly Lebensborn. And the others, of course, have their other helpers [slide photo].

    The genetic backbreeding to obtain psychic powers to exist in the war against the reptiloid race, that is the corresponding/decisive point. To nip this approach in the bud, globally, but especially in Germany, multiculti was introduced […].”

    [1] https://traugott-ickeroth.com/liveticker

    [2] “2. Allstern-Kongress Teil 4/6 Traugott Ickeroth – Weltreligion & Aliens | Bewusst.TV 24.4.2015”, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L15hXk5STK4

    in German:

    “A nordicist is someone who prioritizes the nordic subrace, not a person who IS nordic.” Himmler und einige andere wußten höchstwahrscheinlich um den Kampf, der im Weltall tobt, die Lügenpresse erzählt natürlich wie üblich wieder mal nichts von den wahren Hintergründen.

    Ganz abgesehen davon, daß eine nachweislich betriebene, bereits seit Jahrhunderten umgesetzte vorsätzliche Vernichtungsbestrebung gegen die weißen bzw. nordischen Völker zu einer ganz natürlichen entsprechenden Gegenreaktion führte, in Form von eventueller partieller Überbetonung von Rasseaspekten während der 1930er Jahre, gab es gemäß einiger Forscher äußerst handfeste praktische Gründe für die “Rückzüchtung” blonder Menschen. Sie, JdN, wisssen um diese Aspekte, aber so manch anderer nicht. Daher im folgenden eine plausible Erklärung.

    Traugott Ickeroth [1] hat in diesem Vortrag [2] erläutert, weshalb den Nationalsozialisten blonde nordische Menschen so wichtig waren. Das gesamte Video (92 Minuten) ist sehenswert, hier nur ein winziger Auszug, es empfiehlt sich, viel weiter vorne anzufangen (da werden auch die Arier-Stämme angesprochen), bzw. den ganzen Vortrag zu hören, Auszug bei 01:01:40:

    “[…] Aber, um diese Geschichte der Erde müssen verschiedene Eingeweihte gewußt haben. Und hier stelle ich zwei vor, die ursprünglichen Verehrer des Swastikas waren Atlanter oder Arier. Jörg Lanz von Liebenfeld, so der Arthur de Gobineau, behaupten, daß diese im Krieg mit den reptiloiden Wesen stünden, sie haben es nur nicht reptiloid genannt, sie haben es anders genannt.

    Daher versuchten einige Vertreter des Nationalsozialismus durch genetische Rückzucht der blonden und blauäuigigen die Wiedererlangung der psychischen Kräfte, mit denen ja der erste Krieg gegen die Reptiloiden auf Mu gewonnen wurde, und das erklärt das Projekt Lebensborn.

    [Anmerkung zu Lebensbornhaus-Foto, daneben ein Bild mit Himmler und seiner Tochter:] Das ist so ein Lebensborn-Heim im Taunus. und die haben ja hier die blonden und blauäugigen förmlich verehrt, und ich hab’ mich als kleiner Bub immer gefragt, also mein Opa hat mir immer Geschichte erzählt und was so alles im Krieg passiert ist und der war da ziemlich fit, und das hab’ ich nie verstanden, warum die das gemacht haben, weil die haben ja ihrem eigenen Ideal nicht entsprochen.

    Aber wenn man weiß, was dahintersteht, dann habe ich das erst viele Jahre später verstanden. Es erklärt ihre Besessenheit von blonden und blauäugigen Kindern, obwohl sie ja selbst nicht ihrem eigenen Ideal entsprachen, weil sie wollten praktisch diese psychischen Fähigkeiten, die in der Genetik in der RNA verborgen ist, wieder zurückzüchten.

    Ziel war also die Erschaffung oder Regenerierung einer arischen Rasse, um im Kampf gegen die reptiloide Rasse zu bestehen. Das ist letztlich das Geheimnis, was hinter diesem Ahnenerbe bzw. hauptsächlich Lebensborn steht. Und die anderen haben natürlich ihre anderen Helfer [Folien-Foto]

    Die genetische Rückzucht zur Erlangung psychischer Kräfte, um im Krieg gegen die reptiloide Rasse zu bestehen, das ist der entsprechend/entscheidende Punkt. Um dieses Ansinnen im Keim zu ersticken wurde global, aber insbesondere in Deutschland, Multikulti eingeführt […].”

    [1] https://traugott-ickeroth.com/liveticker

    [2] “2. Allstern-Kongress Teil 4/6 Traugott Ickeroth – Weltreligion & Aliens | Bewusst.TV 24.4.2015”, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L15hXk5STK4

  2. The Handling of Racial Differences within a Volk Community

    p. 213-215, Otto Wagener

    “If… we examine the advantages and disadvantages of keeping the races and tribes apart in our German fatherland, we can see nothing but disadvantages! The German Volk would only be more splintered, set against one another, atomized by stirring up the racial problems; so it would be rendered insignificant as far as foreign policy goes. That is why I have forbidden more than once — and at the next Gauleiter conference I shall unequivocally repeat my prohibition against — any talk or writing about racial theory and the racial problem. We must do precisely the opposite! The community of the Volk, the community of the Volk, the community of the Volk — that must be our battle cry! Everything that unites and allies the strata must be brought out, cultivated, and promoted, and everything that separates them, everything that serves to awaken the old prejudices must be avoided, fought against, removed… Like Christ, we must preach, ‘You are all brothers! Love one another!’

    “Only we alone can and must think clearly about racial questions. You, and I, and Rosenberg, and one or two others. For to us, these questions are a key and a signpost. But for the public at large, they are poison! Besides, such discussion would only rouse superiority and inferiority complexes. And these are the surest way to destroy a Volk community.

    “Much as I gaze in awe at the Jews’ laws for maintaining and preserving the purity of their race, I must nevertheless proceed from my belief that racial theories, should they become the subject of public discussion, may prove a national disaster rather than a blessing.

    “We must accept the mixing of blood as it is. We must not call one blood worse than another, one mixture better than another. Rather, we must employ other means to breed a higher form from this gray mass. We must try to bring to the surface the valuable traits of the people living in Germany, to cultivate and to develop them, and we must find ways and means to prevent the propagation of all the bad, inferior, criminal, and decadent tendencies and all the congenital diseases so damaging to the Volk.

    “Furthermore, we must educate the young people in the beauty of movement, the beauty of the body, and the beauty of the spirit. Athletics, personal grooming, physical training, public performances of competitive games and contests, and a revival of the performing arts along the old Greek models will contribute to making a girl see how the man who is worthy of her should look and appear, as well as letting a boy know what his ideal woman is like..

    “And such selective breeding will become all the more a matter of course the more we bring the German Volk together and weld it into one. In their earliest childhood, in kindergarten, in elementary school, in the Hitler Youth and the League of German Girls, all classes must meet. No distinction should be allowed to be made between the rich and the poor, between high and low, between city and country, between employer and employee; rather, there is only the distinction between respectable and disreputable, between companionable and uncompanionable, between above board and furtive, between truth and lies, between courage and cowardice, and between health and sickness.

    “Then, when these children grow up, they will use their feet to cast aside all this party rubbish, and in every district they will elect the man, the only one, who represents them and goes to the Reichstag on their behalf. Only then will we see true democracy! And it is ridiculous to think that among these elected candidates there would be even a single one who is not a genuine paragon and prototypical representative of the German spirit, a German person — representative, in short, of this German Volk that from generation to generation rises ever higher from the oozing slime in which Europe, in which the Old World is still wading.”

    Suddenly, his voice somewhat subdued, Hitler said:

    “Sometimes I have the feeling that it is not granted us to experience this great future, that only a coming generation will be mature enough to translate our ideas and plans into action. But it is our mission to bring about the basis fo

  3. The psychology of these European races isn’t inherently tied to said races.

    I for one am more concerned with the genetic aspect of European races, especially the Nordic Race.

    The Nordic Race itself is the only race that can call itself racially pure because this race does have some anatomical differences or non-variable differences which makes them an entirely separate and different race which is thoroughly proven here.

    Other kinds of Europeans are mixed with this race and other Brown races which also makes them anatomically different because both Nordic and non-Nordic anatomies work together when they are mixed but with a brown/black color dominance. Non-Nordic Europeans are therefore not the same as those pure Black Non-European. Non-White “races” inhabit the rest of the world so the Nordic race is purely non-Black colored while other Europeans are of mixed color and given Black predominance; the Nordic Race can be wiped out quite easily with enough mixed European people and pure Black/Brown people to grow overwhelmingly larger than the Nordics themselves.

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