Why don’t Nordics save us? Actually, they HAVE BEEN saving us — patiently — for decades; Spanish Navy investigates “Swedish-looking” aliens; Pleiadians tie Corona to flu shot

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At a US Navy base in western Australia, the Pleiadians, derided by President Nixon as “space hippies,” began closely monitoring in a huge black sphere a key military installation which would transmit the launch codes for thermonuclear war.

On 6 October 1973 Egyptian and Syrian forces launched a surprise attack on Israel, which made great progress until the US intervened, airlifting huge quantities of arms to IsraHell from Wiesbaden USAFB in Germany, and stripping NATO defenses in anti-tank weapons bare.


I  know because I heard a classified briefing about this outrage as a member of the 35th Interrogator-Translator Team [“35th ITT” — see third  item, left column] of the USMC Reserve at Washington Navy Yard, Wash DC.


On 25 October U.S. forces, under orders from President Richard Nixon, went on Defense Condition (DEFCON) III alert status, as possible intervention by the Soviet Union against our beloved Israel was feared.

Pitiful — America endangering the whole planet earth with thermonucelar war for  the jews….

This was the exact same Nixon who told major evangelist Billy Graham several times in recorded phone conversations that someone had to do something about the jews.


Nordics, Pleiadians, became alarmed –and a huge black sphere was sighted at a key US Navy base in western Australia which would have been used to send missile launch signals to US “boomer” submarines (ICBM launchers). (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballistic_missile_submarine)

The USS Rayburn, an ICBM-launching submarine, a “boomer,” with its missile hatches open


Some patriotard commented:

brian ally

The apparent interest in our weapons and defense facilities is overwhelmingly clear. And, why shouldn’t they keep a close eye on all of that? Friendly, they may be, but it behooves them — to coin a phrase — to pay close attention to our capabilities.

John de Nugent
1 second ago
“Our capabilities” are laughable to them — except for the prospect of a full-scale nuclear war damaging their planets and their bases which are located deep underground on other planets in our solar system.


Putin says if America wants war, we Russians will be gone and so will they. Why should America be around if Russia is gone?


…..Spanish Navy encounters “Swedish-looking” aliens

……Gosia relays that Nordics say Corona is activated by heavy-metal-poisoned flu shot; says they say they are taking action against DUMBS full of abducted children

It take great courage to put out this sort of information which turns many skeptical readers “off.” When I began writing about reincarnation and aliens, I lost 50% of my readers, but it was no big loss. 😉 Now, a fake Nordic-Aliens channel would only churn out stuff that the audience likes, especially a female audience, such as Pleiadians (Taygetans) as cuddly space hippies sprinkling love and peace. 😉
John de Nugent
As confirmation of one item in this video: The flu shot increases risks from Covid-19 . https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/vaccine-misinformation-flu-shots-equal-health/ Robert Kennedy Jr:
“A 2020 US Pentagon study that found that the flu shot INCREASES the risks from coronavirus by 36%. ‘Receiving influenza vaccination may increase the risk of other respiratory viruses, a phenomenon known as “virus interference…’vaccine derived’ virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus…’ ”
I have been unsubscribed from this channel without even knowing. Have been waiting for the new videos to be released, went to check the channel to find out that I’m not subscribed anymore. These low life people really work day and night to prevent people from learning the truth.
John de Nugent
I am subscribed, and never get ANY notifications.

……See also

UFOs, the Third Reich after 1945, and the Pleiadians

Especially important blogs






  1. Look at these healthcare workers dancing around and acting like fools while they are supposedly in the midst of a “pandemic” with people supposedly dying left and right in their hospitals. More proof that very little is happening in their hospitals, and that they have way too much time on their hands:


    I can personally attest that many healthcare workers are selfish, inconsiderate jerks, who act like little tin gods. When my elderly mother was dying in the hospital last summer, a little faggot male nurse had the gall to scold me for making his female nurse coworker cry! I was completely distraught after realizing that my mom was going to die and there was nothing I could do to help her, and my mom’s female nurse had walked in and caught me crying in my mom’s hospital room. Later that day, this little faggot male nurse came in, and proceeded to lecture and scold me, saying that I was making too many requests of his female nurse coworker for medical tests for my mom, and that as a result, she (the female nurse) had been crying all day. Like a fool, I apologized to him, when I should have kicked his ass for being an inconsiderate, selfish little jerk. So, seeing these entitled healthcare workers dancing around like fools and preventing people from working, really ticks me off. Heroes, my ass – inconsiderate jerks is more like it.

  2. https://sharonandivo.weebly.com/blog/archives/04-2020
    Studia questa pagina,ci sono messaggi importanti.Ci sono messaggi nuovi anche dal comandante Ashtar.
    Ho trovato questa pagina su una nuova foto del Comandante.
    Ho anche scoperto che i Siriani sono in contatto con una Donna Romana.
    Ci sono anche gli Aghartiani(Lemuriani).Sono tutti preoccupati per questo Pianeta.
    Ma io credo in TE.. è come superare l’ultimo gradino,il più difficile per la Vetta.

  3. I fear my questions into these Nordics may have cost you readership.
    But It is good to see the whole picture; bigger than before.
    I hope to make it worth your while in the future.
    Gdspeed John.

  4. http://swaruudeerra.com/la-tierra/
    Swaruu dice il il Fuhrer era in contatto con i Draconi,(Rettili)tutti i Nazisti lo erano.Quando qualcuno vuol farmi incazzare davvero deve veicolare queste “stronzate”. Perché continuano a distorcere le informazioni?!!Gli Aghartiani sono Lemuriani (iperboriani)..popolo che si distaccò da Atlantide e dalla magia Nera.

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