How California once was; Nixon on race and the jews

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James Phelan was a great Irish-American mayor of the then non-libtard San Francisco and helped rebuild his city after the horrible 1905 quake. Then, as a US senator 1915-21, he became a fierce opponent of Chinese and Japanese immigration to his state.

This video BELOW about the Nixon Library shows what a Caucasian state California once was, and many had Southern accents, too, or Okie (Oklahoma), or Midwestern, and there was a large cowboy culture.

Julie Nixon Eisenhower’s tour of the Nixon Birthplace
Julie Nixon Eisenhower toured her father’s, President Richard Nixon’s, Birthplace at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum

The Cali we see today and shudder at did not exist back then. It was a very, very conservative state, with amazing universities (such as Stanford and UC Berkeley), gorgeous cities like San Francisco, and it banned Chinese immigration all on its own.

When San Francisco & all California were NOT libtard — and BANNED East Asian immigrants

Btw, my dad was good friends with Nixon, who was of distant Irish ancestry — like Ronald  Reagan, another Californian (of sorts — being born in Dixon, Illinois).

My mother did not like him, however, and said he was very ugly with beady, darting little black eyes.

He also was the one who started massive “affirmative action” for blacks and integrated the public schools and neighborhoods, which as a supposed “conservative” he got Americans to swallow more than any Demoncrat could do.

To be fair, however, Nixon felt that given all the white liberals and leftist media, the blacks could not be shipped back to Africa, and so his forcing businesses to hire them was the only solution and way to avoid a race war.



A fascinating recording of a 1971 conversation between President Richard Nixon and his advisor, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, was recently released (embedded below). It shows that both Nixon and Moynihan knew about group differences in IQ, and fully understood their policy implications. And yet, for reasons neither explains, they insist that differences of this kind must be kept a secret.

The 25-minute conversation begins with a discussion about an article called “IQ” that Richard Herrnstein had just published in The Atlantic and that Moynihan had sent to Nixon. This was a comprehensive, 18-page explanation of the heritability of intelligence, its correlation with success in life and ”most controversially ”the suggestion that the black/white gap in average IQ is due, at least in part, to genetic differences.

Nixon: Nobody on the staff even knows I read the goddamn article.

Moynihan: Oh, good.

Nixon: . . . The Herrnstein stuff and all the rest: First, nobody must know we are thinking about it, and second, if we do find out it’s correct we must never tell anybody.

Moynihan: I’m afraid that’s just the case. Yep, yep.

Nixon: . . .  I reluctantly concluded . . . that what Herrnstein says, and ”what’s that earlier, by [Arthur] Jensen? ”and so forth is probably very close to the truth.

Nixon clearly thinks Herrnstein and Jensen are right. He even describes how the facts could be made more palatable.

Nixon: Then you counter that by saying something the racists would never agree with, that within groups there are geniuses. There are geniuses within black groups, [but] there are more within Asian groups. And, incidentally, it was a rather neat trick to point out that the Asians are number one, and Caucasians are number two, and the . . .

Moynihan: The Eskimos [Moynihan is clearly suggesting the word “Eskimos” as a euphemism for Jews].

Nixon: . . . the Eskimos are above the whites, which is good. And also your little deal about the English and the Irish [Moynihan was of Irish ancestry]. Now, that is the best example of the fact that this is knowledge, but it is knowledge that is better not to know. [Nixon is referring to evidence that the Irish have a lower average IQ than the English.] At least, good God, it would cause another war. They’re having enough damn problems in Northern Ireland now. And, basically, there are Irish geniuses.

Nixon then explains why it is important for him to know the truth about race and IQ.

Nixon: . . . You can pass this on to Herrnstein, but the reason I have to know it is that as I go for programs, I must know that they have basic weaknesses.

In other words, some programs will not work because different groups do not have the same abilities. It is important for the President to know this even if he does not talk about it openly. Nixon then talks of the danger of people becoming dependent on welfare and making it a way of life. He refers to Sweden, where he believes social programs have not made people lazy, but clearly thinks blacks are susceptible to welfare dependency.

Nixon: [In Sweden,] they still have a tremendous emphasis on the work ethic, that going on welfare is sort of ain’t the thing people ought to do. Now, that is, of course, why the work requirement thing [for receiving welfare in the United States] is so important here.

Everybody says, “Well, the work requirement is only for the purpose of making these poor colored women, you know, who can’t work, and have little babies coming every month or, sorry, every nine months, I believe. 😉 . . . The whole point is, as you well know, that we just not get into the sort of psychology that welfare is a good way of life.

Nixon then repeats the warning that social programs that ignore race will fail:

Nixon: On family assistance, on anything we do, we’ve got to recognize the limits of social policy. If we don’t, we’re going to raise these expectations and then have the dull thud. That was the problem with [Lyndon] Johnson. . . . He carried out a lot of things [the social assistance that became known as “Great Society” programs] . . . I think he convinced himself all this stuff was going to work.

Nixon then gets back to race:

Nixon: Of the 40 or 45 black countries that have representatives at the United Nations, not one has a president or a prime minister who is there as a result of a contested election, such as we were insisting on in Vietnam. . . .

I’m not saying that blacks cannot govern. I am saying they have a hell of a time. Now, that must demonstrate something.

Now, having said that, let’s look at Latin America. Latin America has had 150 years of trying at it, and they don’t have much going down there, either. . . .As you compare the Latin dictatorships, etc., their forms of government, they at least do it their way. It is an orderly way, which works relatively well. They have been able to run the damn place.

Looking at the black countries, of course, there are only two old ones. Haiti is an old one, and Liberia is a very old one. Ethiopia is a very old one. But they have a hell of a time running the place. . . .

It’s right beneath the surface, this whole black-white deal. It’s gonna come out: the fact that Asians are capable of governing themselves, one way or another, we Caucasians have learned it after having slaughtered each other in religious wars and other wars for many, many years including a couple in this last century. The Latins do it in a miserable way, but they do it. But the Africans just can’t run things.

Now, that’s a very, very fundamental point in the international scene. . . .

Nixon then talks about African diplomats.

Nixon: I receive their ambassadors; they change all the time. I love them, they’re so kind and so nice, and they’re children. Children.

Moynihan: And they always want something, like children.



…..Amazing comment

John de Nugent A comrade who, like me, was once active in the NSWPP founded by Cmdr George Lincoln Rockwell, just wrote me something fascinating regarding President Richard Nixon.


John de Nugent
John de Nugent “John, I just read your excellent page about Nixon and Moynihan. I don’t know if you ever ran into him, but a [comrade] named Rick G[] told me that Nixon used to go on recon missions to McDonald’s, near the White House, dressed in a trench coat and sunglasses like a Spy-versus-Spy caricature, just to escape the WH.


John de Nugent
John de Nugent “Anyway, on one of these missions he ran smack-dab into the Arlington gang [NSWPP stormtroopers] picketing the WH in uniform! Rick says that Nixon and he were eye-to-eye, and Nixon got a good look at the placard he was carrying — before [this comrade] was chased off by the Secret Service. Rick claimed that the [famous] Nixon-Graham conversation [about the J-Team] took place shortly after this incident.”

John de Nugent

John de Nugent I wrote this comrade:


John de Nugent
John de Nugent Yes, I had heard of G[]! Wow, that is amazing! I can tell you this: All these Republi-cons know the score. But democracy actually weeds out the GOOD ones, the ones with backbone and character. They get so disgusted, they quit, and it’s the scumbags that stay! Negative selection!

He also vowed to do something about the Jews to evangelist Billy Graham, who wanted him to do so, but of course he did not.

…..Nixon and the Reverend Billy Graham discuss the Jews

Nixon blasted Jews even to Kissinger

[source: major Israeli newspaper]

By  [Jewish Telegraph Agency] | Aug. 23, 2013 | 1:58 AM|

nixon-points-indexFormer President Richard Nixon is heard making anti-Semitic statements in discussions with visitors to the Oval Office and by telephone in White House tapes that were released on Thursday .

The 340 hours of tapes, which cover the period from April 9, 1973 to July 12, 1973, were released by the Nixon Presidential Library. They are the last set of tapes that will be released by the library.

In a phone discussion in mid-April with Henry Kissinger, a Jew who at the time was the national security adviser, Nixon expresses concerns that Jews would torpedo an upcoming U.S.-Soviet summit.

“If that happened,” Nixon said, “Let me say, Henry, it’s gonna be the worst thing that happened to Jews in American history.”

He added, “If they torpedo this summit,  and it might go down for other reasons, I’m gonna put the blame on them, and I’m going to do it publicly at 9 o’clock at night before 80 million people.”

He continued: “They put the Jewish interest above America’s interest, and it’s about goddamn time that the Jew in America realizes he’s an American first and a Jew second.”


Nixon with the esteemed evangelist, the Reverend Billy Graham, at a prayer rally in North Carolina


The Reverend Billy Graham, the most famous evangelist in the world for 30 years, said by phone to President Richard Nixon on February 23, 1973 (

Well, you know, I told you one time that the Bible talks about two kinds of Jews. One is called “the synagogue of Satan.” They’re the ones putting out the pornographic literature, they’re the ones putting out these obscene films. And the people [the Bible-believing Christian Zionists and Israel-supporters] that have been the most pro-Israel are the ones that are being attacked now by the Jews.

(Nixon said in a later phone conversation with Reverend Graham that after he was re-elected in 1972 he wanted to “do something” about Jewish control of the US media.

But then came Watergate and the media hysteria against Nixon, just like what we now see against Trump. The worst of all is TV. You can FEEL the evil coming out of that box!


All these politicos are spineless, for all their bravado, and so the J-Teamers took him down using Watergate.
However, in fairness to Nixon, there was simply no Internet back then and no Twitter for him to get his own message out, unlike Trump today, who has 74 million followers there.

All communications back then from even the White House had to flow to the American people via the MSM: the enemy-owned newspapers, magazines, and the networks ABC, CBS and NBC!!! 🙁

And, of course, toxic liars are on Twitter too! Gee, look how much this guy loves white folks…





….See also

President Richard Nixon proposed single-payer National Health Insurance in 1974; Demoncrats shot it down; Nixon on the Jews; Trump, strike the Jews before they strike you

….Comment on FB

Mike Ervin
It was very different back then. I can only remember ONE Mexican restaurant in my town and there was only one Spanish-speaking radio channel on an AM band…

Northern California is still an overwhelmingly conservative base and has had Republican representation for over 30 years. We have been trying to split from California since the 1940’s and form the State of Jefferson. It has been ruined since after 1964.
John De Nugent Aufdeutsch
Indeed. I did a lot of business there for Willis Carto in the 1987-93 period, and it was still a beautiful state back then, with high-quality Caucasians.


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch

That’s the California I remember and loved…

Christopher Tsombanis

As far as climate and topographical variety (mountains, deserts, forests and varied micro climates) and around a thousand miles of coastline, it is the best state in the Union and I’ve visited nearly all the states.


This draws all the nutjobs, queers and homeless from all the other states. It is not the majority of native Californians that are messed up, but it has become a magnet for libs and idiots since the 1960’s when all came to visit and never left.


Then the existing libs trashed Cali and migrated up to Oregon to trash that state when Cali had become crowded.


Mike Ervin What blew my mind as I worked in this same time period of 1987-93 in Oregon and Wash State was how many white Cali libtards CONTINUED to vote liberal even after they had fled their beautiful state which liberalism had destroyed!
In other states, white flight led to people becoming more rightwing and conservative — but not the hopeless Cali libtards.
Same thing is true of the Massachusetts libtards who moved north, across the border into southern New Hampshire. They kept on voting Demoncrat, and now NH, once rock-ribbed conservative, a state that the likes of Pat Buchanan carried in the 1976 NH GOP primary for president, has elected many Demoncrat governors and US senators!




  1. I think Nixon’s primary concern was the power and influence of the working class, which was White in those days. I think he promoted racial integration because he thought it would weaken the working class. I think his desire to weaken the working class was also why he “opened up” China and had our manufacturing jobs replaced by Chinese labor.

    • My father knew him and saw him as a sincere, bright nerd who lacked the great looks, charisma and wealth of a Kennedy — and was eaten up by resentment that he had tough going at every step in his life.

      He was absolutely working-class himself and lived in a shack without electricity and running water while at Whittier College. (He had been forced to turn down a scholarship to Harvard University entirely due to poverty and inability to pay the peripheral expenses of living in expensive Boston.)

      He said “it is politically impossible to send the blacks back to Africa, and if we let them stay here and they remain poor, they will listen to the communists.” So he in effect forced whites to school and hire them. .. which he knew was a poor “solution.”

      He sought détente with China entirely to aggravate the split between communist Russia and communist China, which was good for the West.

      As I often say, “comprendre, c’est pardonner.” Nixon was in a way just a typical democratic politician, which means a relentless compromiser.

      Only national socialism takes every bull by the horns and rejects all half-measures in matters of grave importance.

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