So-called “antisemitic canards” about how the Talmud reviles Jesus and Mary are all true, Princeton professor admits; gets big promotion

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Let me re-emphasize that for decades the Jews have denied that their Talmud reviled Jesus….
But even Martin Luther saw this was a lie, because he had learned Hebrew to translate the Old Testament into German, and then began reading the Talmud as well in Hebrew, and was shocked by what he read, meant for Jewish eyes only, to his very core.


  1. Dear Christians,

    When will you stop thinking of jews as “noble, holy people” that are your “older brothers” and as such love you dearly?

    What do you need to finaly realize that they actually are your deadly, and superbly organized, enemy?

    If Jesus said they are sons of the devil, why do you insist that they are holy and chosen by God and that you, as christians, must serve them? – Did Jesus come to enslave you to jews or to liberate your soul?

    You seem to never learn.

    Have you learned nothing since that times of the Lions in Rome, in front of which you landed thanks to jews’ intrigues against you?

    More recently but crafty snakes as always, jews made you bloodlustily go, not one but two times, in horrible wars to kill other people who, if you honestly take on you the pains of digging out true history, will learn were better christians than you!

    And they also managed, both times, to make you feel great and proud after having killed savagely so many fellow christians, man, woman, and child, who had done nothing evil to you.

    Yes, I know your mind…first, you were fighting “huns”. But with time it became obvious that those you were killing hadn’t mongolian faces at all, and looked the same as you. So, the second time it was “boches”.

    Did you know that, should the “need” arrive to send you to kill a third time the same people, you as christian will be fighting “the Assyrians”? – A well chosen “enemy”, I have to admit. Very biblical, perfect for baiting you once again. Some tweaking of meanings and history, and presto! – you will go out once again with a fury to kill as much fellow christians as possible.

    There is a saying in the Bible that a time would come when those that kill christians will imagine they are doing a good work for God.

    This of course includes especially you, christian mass-murderers of other christians, who imagine to be doing something good before God.

    Are you aware that you have been lured by your enemy into a great sin?

    Do you remember that you must repent of any and all of your sins, and make restitution?

    But what do we see today?

    This enemy still controls your mind and heart for your destruction and damnation. And you seem to love it.

    Dear Christians, I recommend you be watchful and wise, so in that day you so much expect, you don’t get rebuked instead of being promoted:

    “Truly, I don’t know you…get out of my way, you evildoers!”

    BTW, forget that by supporting jews and Israel no matter what they do or how evil they are you will be jettisoned out of the “Great Tribulation”. The apostles weren’t spared of tribulation, so why would you?. Additionally, by supporting jews and Israel, you will be partly responsible for the coming of the “Great Tribulation” in the first place, so it wouldn’t be fair for you to be “jettisoned out”. You will get what you deserve, instead.

    Better start cleaning your house.

    Please excuse for the strong words, but….YOU MUST WAKE UP!

    • Thank you, comrade. One of your very best comments!

      A certain perversion of Christianity is truly a kind of mind control, where one loves his enemy and reveres the killers of the Christ!

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