TEN French generals sign open letter accusing Macron of treason for signing satanic UN Migration Pact

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General Piquemal, former head of the French Foreign Legion, was one of the signers. You can be sure this man also has every personal reason to hate the current anti-white system.

In February 2016, he participated at a rally against further immigration in Calais, way up in in the north of France, across from the White Cliffs of Dover, England, near where an infamous, illegal rapefugee camp was located.

The local prefect (sort of like the US marshal in the American system) high-handedly banned the rally on the grounds “it might lead to disorders“!

Then General Piquemal courageously took the microphone.

He is a retired four-star general and former commandant of the revered Legion, which (though composed of foreigners who get French citizenship at the end of their enlistment) is truly beloved, and has a status of combat heroism like the US or Royal Marines.

These guys go right into battle; they don’t stack up boxes of condoms in an army warehouse 50 miles behind the front lines!

Many of the troops are Slavs. After WWII, they were also often Waffen-SS. They get a totally new name, identity and French citizenship after their service is satisfactorily completed.

(LOL, some examples of NON-elite troops 😉 ..


Though General Piquemal said nothing controversial at the mike, French cops brutally seized the then 75-year-old man who had served his country, dragged him off, tear-gassed people sympathizing with him and following behind the cops dragging him away, and then, totally unnecessary — viciously threw this white military veteran, GENERAL, and senior citizen to the ground like a serial killer to handcuff him!

Kneeling on his body, and pressing his head onto the concrete!

As we know from the recent atrocity in Strasbourg, in the Jew-ruled France of today….

….any Arab terrorists can go for months committing numerous crimes, “with a thick police record for crimes including armed robbery,” as even the jews-papers reported, and not be caught, despite being in the “S” category — meaning “arrest immediately”.

The cops acted only after he opened up on a Christmas market, killing or wounding twelve, six of them very severely and who are in critical condition.

Cherif Cherkatt, a common criminal who became a muslim terrorist – a very common pattern. This semite grew up in Strasbourg (I stayed there briefly in the spring of 2004) and then proceeded to slaughter his fellow citizens. 


Then leftist French legislators said the general should be stripped of his pension after 40 years of military service for disgracing his uniform by racism!

Piquemal, to the disappointment of many, then issued a kind of apology, and charges against him of rioting were dismissed by the court.

But his brutal arrest and the threat to cut off his retirement had a good — that, is, a radicalizing — effect on all of France.

And now we see the Yellow Vests taking to the streets en masse every weekend against the juvenile, arrogant, ratlike puppet of Jewry, Emanuel Macron!, This former employee of the Rothschild Bank of France is a childless weirdo who is “married” to a woman 20 years older, and is very widely rumored to be a homosexual!


The narrow eyes and very small teeth may indicate a semitic ancestor.


So, General de Gaulle, this is what you got for fighting me in World War Two, a totally judaized, degenerate France that is  going black and brown!

You did not win – the jews did! Nor did the people of Britain or America!




Open letter says French citizens have another reason to “revolt”

A group of French military generals have written an open letter to Emmanuel Macron accusing the French President of committing “treason” by signing the UN migration pact.

The pact, which was signed by 164 nations on Monday, including France, is not legally binding but greases the skids for unlimited migration to be treated as a human right and criticism of mass migration to be treated as hate speech.

A letter written by General Antoine Martinez and signed by ten other generals, an admiral and a colonel, as well as former French Minister of Defense Charles Millon, warns Macron that the move strips France of more sovereignty and provides an additional reason for “an already battered people” to “revolt”.

The letter accuses Macron of being “guilty of a denial of democracy or treason against the nation” for signing the pact without putting it to the people.

“The French state is late in coming to realize the impossibility of integrating too many people, in addition to totally different cultures, who have regrouped in the last forty years in areas that no longer submit to the laws of the Republic,” states the letter, adding that mass immigration is erasing France’s “civilizational landmarks”.

According to British MEP Janice Atkinson, the UN pact would lead to Europe being flooded with 59 million new migrants within the next 6 years.

Warning that the plan would lead to European countries having their “culture and identity crushed,” Atkinson also pointed out that the pact could lead to hate speech laws that make it illegal to use the term “illegal migrants,” replacing it instead with “irregular migrants”.

“It will be illegal not to use their prescribed language,” warned Atkinson, adding that European citizens could “say goodbye to your democracy and your way of life” if the pact is implemented.

President Macron’s approval rating has sunk to 18% amidst a wave of protests riots against a number of issues, including fuel taxes and mass immigration.

Read the full letter from the French generals below (translated).

Mister President,

You are about to sign the “Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration” on 10 and 11 December, which establishes aan actual “right to migration.”

It may end up imposing itself on top of our own national legislation through being a pre-existing treaty or via the principle of common responsibility that is set out in this pact.

It seems to us that the only sovereignty that will remain for France will consist in how we implement the objectives of the pact. You cannot give up this new segment of our national sovereignty without a public debate.

Eighty percent of the French population considers that it is necessary to stop immigration, or regulate it drastically. By deciding, all alone, to sign this pact, you would add an additional reason for open revolt to the already major anger of an already battered people. You would be guilty of a denial of democracy, the rule by the people, or even treason against our nation.

In addition, the finances of our country are drained and our debt is growing. You cannot take the risk of an expensive call for air migration [flying in asylum-seekers by passenger jet!!!] without first showing that you will not have to resort to even more taxes to meet the objectives of this pact.

On the other hand, you must be able, in terms of security, to curb the consequences linked to the arrival of even more extra-European populations.

Finally, you cannot ignore that the very essence of public policy must be to ensure security on the outside and harmony within.

However, this concord can be obtained only if we maintain a certain internal coherence within society, which alone makes it capable of doing things together, a task which is becoming more and more problematic today.

In fact, the French state is very late in coming to realize the impossibility of integrating too many people, in addition to totally different cultures — peoples who have grouped themselves over the last forty years into areas that no longer submit to the laws of our republic.

You cannot decide alone to erase our civilizational landmarks and deprive us of our literal homeland.

We therefore ask you to defer the signing of this pact and call by referendum the French to vote on this document. You are accountable to the French for your actions. Your election [as president in 2017] was not a blank check.

We support the initiative of General MARTINEZ against the signing of this [Right to Migration] pact, which is set to be adopted by the Member States of the UN at the Intergovernmental Conference of Marrakech [, Morocco].

General Antoine MARTINEZ

Charles MILLON – Former Minister of Defense

General Marc BERTUCCHI

General Philippe CHATENOUD

General André COUSTOU

General Roland DUBOIS

General Daniel GROSMAIRE

General Christian HOUDET

General Michel ISSAVERDENS

Admiral Patrick MARTIN

General Christian PIQUEMAL

General Daniel SCHAEFFER

General Didier TAUZIN

Colonel Jean Louis CHANAS



……Thank you! to a Mary in Indiana

She wrote me she has a hand impairment, so the handwriting is a bit off, but God bless her!.


That is a very thoughtful card, and a beautiful coin which contains a silver coin made by the Australian Royal Mint!

Thank you, Mary,

and Merry Christmas to you!

(I will also write you personally.)


Margi says thanks too, fighting cancer and losing weight during her battle.



  1. Coming soon to a place called America! America is blessed with many traitorous scum and an insouciant, apathetic citizenry that is temporarily blinded by the latest electronic wizardry.
    We replace one debauched president with another over and over. We don’t see, apparently, that we are being set up for eventual serfdom.
    Erwacht [“Awaken” — this was the Dietrich Eckart phrase which Hitler adopted], Amerikanski!

    Get with it — or else…

    • I agree!

      But the searing problem of mental blindness is thousands of years old, and is only somewhat worsened by, as you write, “the latest electronic wizardry.”

      As the Jew who founded modern Satanism, Howard Levy, alias Anton Levay, once said, wrily:

      “Man is the only animal who can lie to himself — and then believe it.”

      This guy recognized that humanity was literally insane 1,848 years ago:

      Was the action by my Margi Huffstickler’s Mennonite-German ancestor, Jacob Hochstätter, a devout, pacifist Christian, on September 19, 1757 in ordering his sons to lower their hunting rifles when hostile Indians burst into their Pennsylvania cabin, not insane?

      due to his wishful thinking, the Indians then wiped out or enslaved much the entire family, and stabbed his wife right through the heart.

      History of the Jacob Hochstetler Family

      Was the British attempt to crush the far-away, resolute, powerful and heavily armed Americans — using economic, political and military savagery — a policy which triggered the otherwise totally avoidable American Revolution, not a policy reflecting arrogant insanity?

      Was the Northern invasion of the South in 1861 to free “the poor blacks” not insane? Did the loss of 750,000 white men solve anything about our negro problem?

      Hurray, now illiterate negroes can leave Alabama, come on up and rape our daughters in Philadelphia! What do these Southerners know anyway about the blacks? They’ve only been around ’em for two hundred years!


      Was not the French war psychosis against Germany of 1870-1914 insane, which caused World War One and 20 MILLION DEAD?

      The French swore vengeance against Berlin over losing the Alsace and Lorraine areas in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870.

      But those regions which Germany took BACK from France in 1870 were German-speaking, German-culture, German-blood areas!

      THIS architecture is French????

      300,000 Frenchmen lie buried at Verdun in Lorraine, fighting to take German-speaking areas away from Germany! “Speak of it never — think of it always!” was the French motto.

      Did the Versailles Treaty, which disarmed and impoverished Germany just as the mass-murdering communists in the Soviet Union were consolidating their awful power right next door, not qualify as insanity?

      Bolshevik Valery Blokhin — a gentile and a Slav who later ruefully killed himself with alcoholism in the 1950s — shoots two anti-communists, kneeling in their underpants on the ground.

      Germany could have easily crushed these monstrous bolsheviks in the 1920s, ENDING COMMUNISM, way back when the USSR was young and weak, if only the US, UK and France had not hobbled Germany using the Versailles Treaty, which gave Germany only a micro-army of 100,000 men. (France had FIVE MILLION!)

      I wish to thank Elizabeth Carto, widow of the late, great publisher Willis Carto, for sending me all these books, among them especially the Das Dritte Reich books.

      Americans have simply no idea how or why Hitler came to power, no concept of what atrocious suffering the German people endured during the Weimar Republic years…. no inkling of why they voted Hitler in — to get rid of 13 years of chaos, divisiveness, poverty and degeneracy during a jew-run “democracy”.

      Nor do Amerikaners know that the Germans surrendered in 1918 based on (insanely!!!) believing the Judeo-American wartime promises of a “peace without victors” and “self-determination for all peoples”.

      This delusion — as bad as what Jacob Hochstetler did — was based on the “Fourteen Points” of their President Wilson — all of which were cynical, intentional lies!

      How was giving millions of Germans away like so many cans of beans to hostile, enemy countries like France, Poland, and Czechoslovakia, full of anti-German HATRED, any kind of “self-determination”?

      How was forbidding germanic Austria, which twice by democratic referendum voted to join Germany, from becoming part of the Reich in any sense “freedom”?

      Now look at this, which I found in the Ontonagon Museum, a proclamation signed by the village president here in 1918 when Germany delusionally laid down its arms, trusting the word of Judeo-America.



      No less thrilling than the sound of the Liberty Bell proclaiming the freedom of our Country, is the word that forever henceforth all the peoples of the World shall be free; that tyranny and militarism are forever ended; that those nations who hold true to God and His Civilization have vanquished for all time the forces of evil; that the menace of Kaiserism has been destroyed and the world made safe for our children and our children’s children in all the generations to come.

      We celebrate the freedom of our Country; let us also celebrate the freedom of the World. And let us give thanks. [etc.]

      What makes this poster so incredibly delusional is that one American in three was German himself!!!!!!!! German-Americans were among the very finest of all immigrants!

      No, comrade, it is NOT cell-phones and tv that are making us insane.

      They are merely worsening the problem, the “pre-existing condition,” as they say in the medical-insurance industry. 😉

      Our grandparents, great-grandparents, and our ancestors two thousand years ago were already insane. 😉

      And so I say to you today– only a radically new, credible, genuinely spiritual religion can do a massive “re-set” of deranged mankind.

      And then we shall begin to win again, when we stop being literally insane. For our race, for all its arts and sciences, commits self-harm on a daily basis to ourselves, our families, our friends, our comrades, our race and our cause.


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