Your good buddy, Trump, the insane psychopath Satanyahu, makes himself justice minister to avoid indictment, as well as prime minister, defense minister, health minister, and education minister!

Spread the love

Satanyahu was already prime minister  in the 1990s (1996-99) and had to leave office over his corruption scandals THEN, but the crooked and/or silent majority of Israeli Jews figured that was no big deal. His jewy hatred of peace and the Palestinians outweighed for them his lining of his own pockets.

So this goy-hating maniac was elected anew as PM in 2009, and has been in power again now for a whole decade.

It all reminds me of the Van Rensburg prophecy of WWIII…. unleashed by the forces of insanity.

And of how, as Eckhart Tolle says, the ego makes seemingly normal people say, feel, think and do insane things.

What is insanity?

Doing something that, consciously or deep-down, you do know or grasp at some level is going to harm YOU!

New Jersey police officer Greg Bogert saves suicidal man at a highway overpass.



The Jews as a whole are on a national ego trip of how Jews are all superior to the gentiles, who, however, are 99.7 percent of this earth, compared to 0.3 percent for them. The very ideas that they can beat the whole gentile world is insanity. So is their open display of arrogance and brutality toward everyone. They create their own dangerous enemies.



As for my job in all this, I do think with fear and respect of the line in Luke 12:48, where Jesus sternly warns all to whom God has given certain gifts:

“..the one who did not understand and did things deserving of a beating will be given a light one. But from everyone to whom much has been given, much will be demanded, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will ask him for even more.”

One part of that for me is staying in shape and being an example:
Four things make me very grateful:
1) physically, a friend said get on the “paleo” diet (Paleolithic/Stone Age) of meat and vegetables/low starch-carbs), and I lost 26 pounds
2) as always, the muscle mass I had built up in the past came right back once I had the funds to get a monthly gym membership again ($30 a month); I am again at 180 (height 5’10”, same btw as AH, and Goering), which is perfect for a muscular man
We know from WWI records of the Reichswehr the height (5 feet, 10 inches)  of Blue-Max-recipient Hermann Goering.  
In absolutely all photos of the two men together, Goering and Hitler, the two men are of the same height. 
3) Spiritually, I had been daunted by the immense task of a) deprogramming enough of the brainwashed masses and b) mobilizing WNs, who may know the truth about race and the JQ, but mostly do little or nothing, being either discouraged or afraid.
Then there are the sometimes fierce quarrels between the comrades, facilitated slyly by hostile infiltrators from the judaized State. Typical was that when revisionist “hero” Fred Leuchter welshed on repaying his $20,000 loan from Margaret, even when she is fighting Stage III throat cancer, not one major revisionist wrote us or her with one single line of support.
In fact, I was berated by these jealous has-beens for even bringing it up! It reflected on THEM! 
But through Eckhart Tolle I finally understood why people are like this (their actions or inactions being clearly suicidal !!!).
The creation of the Islamic State by Israel is only the latest hard proof of the murderous Jewish malice towards us.
But via Eckhart Tolle I finally understood why people are the way they are.
I also understood what the Buddha and Jesus were trying to explain to us, even if later they were both transformed into gods by the religions that evolved out of their simple teachings.
These religions were and are led by priests eager for the domination and exploitation of people, victims whom they have “docilized” and tamed by the passivistic doctrines of their religions.
I have learned to heal my own traumas and to help others to do so, and and find love, meaning and happiness again.
4) It is not enough to be bright and idealistic and WANT the best for people.
You have to understand the universe first in order to change it.

…..Eckhart Tolle — does he “get it” about the Jews?

I suspect he does, but his critique would be different, more of the leftwing, Noam Chomsky, “” and antizionist kind, accusing the Jews (and Israel) of racism, militarism, discrimination, torture, violence, hatred ethnic supremacism and religious fundamentalism, all the things liberals especially loathe.

As I have pointed out, Tolle has been a huge, life-changing help to me.


BUT as the expression goes, “cobbler, stick to your last.” This means no one is an expert on or good at everything, so only teach what you yourself have knowledge and experience with.

So I just do not expect Tolle to go beyond his special areas, spirituality and consciousness.

Shoe lasts –cobblers use them and cut the leather around the form. In German they have the same expression about expertise: “Schuster, bleib bei deinem Leisten.”

I can integrate Tolle’s teachings into my own, because unlike him I do understand race and the JQ.

And that is fine, because my goal is to first straighten whites out, not obsess on what the other races are doing, and a muilion atrocities which other WNs (and I) have covered in books (and now also online) ad infinitum for years now, for decades and even generations.

(Edouard Drumont published his masterful work, “Jewish France” La france juive, already in 1886, three years before the birth of Hitler! It was a bestseller — and yet it changed little! ) 
Title page of the magazine “La Libre Parole” (“Free Speech”) by Drumont from 1898, after years of “anti-Semitic” trials in the Dreyfus affair

In my view, either Tolle does not fully understand the racial issue ( = racial differences) and the Jewish question, or he is simply petrified, especially as a German white male with blue eyes, to “go there” — due to the high risk that his booming and very socially useful career as a worldwide spiritual teacher would be over instantlyif the Jews decided to target him. (Look how many Jews and others got away with sexual harassment for years and yet suddenly the media have turned on them now — not as jews, but as “white males” who are guilty of “toxic masculinity.”) 

Tolle’s wife is not white, but an attractive Chinese woman, no rarity in Vancouver, British Columbia. They have no kids. She does very good yoga seminars as an adjunct to his work.


Tolle did a major series of excellent interviews in 2007 with Oprah Winfrey (



Be all that as it may, this excellent section from chapter 4 of “A New Earth” indicates to me Tolle probably does “get” the JQ, the Jewish Question:



[Jew-like traits were bolded by me, JdN, not Tolle, and I added all the italics, not Tolle.]

As we have seen, the ego is in its essential nature pathological, if we use the word in its wider sense to denote dysfunction and suffering. Many mental disorders consist of the same egoic traits that operate in a normal person, except that they have become so pronounced that their pathological nature is now obvious to anyone, except the sufferer.


Insufferable German jew Michel Friedman was head of the Jews in Germany (as chairman of the “Central Council of the Jews in Germany”) until he was caught doing cocaine and using forced Ukrainian sex slave prostitutes. The Berlin cops “accidentally” faxed his dossier to a local pizza parlor, knowing it would find its way quickly into the news.

Friedman bullying two German broadcasters over German “Holocaust guilt”


For example, many normal people tell certain kinds of lies from time to time in order to appear more important, more special, and to enhance their image in the mind of others: whom they know, what their achievements, abilities, and possessions are, and whatever else the ego uses to identify with.

Some people, however, driven by the ego’s feeling of insufficiency and its need to have or be “more,” lie habitually and compulsively.

*** Jews know the entire OT (Old Testament) is bull


It struck me from reading this that not only is just about every story in the Old Testament a lie, but the modern Jews know it is.

I subscribe online to Ha’Aretz, an Israeli newspaper and website in English,  to see what the less deranged and more moderate Jews in Israel think about Netanyahu, the fundamentalist Jewish settlers, the mistreatment of the Palestinians, etc.


And you know what?

The educatd Jews know there is no proof whatsoever for the existence of Abraham, Moses, King David, King Solomon, or anything at all.

We know Alexander the Great was real (and know too that he was blond), and also Julius Caesar, and Augustus, because we have found thousands of coins and statues showing them all over their empires.

Alexander, who fought in the front row in every battle!



Yet all the prophecies of Daniel, etc.,  were totally invented centuries later and then “backdated” so as to seem to predict stuff that did happen.

Hey, I could “find” a book from 1663 predicting the death of John Kennedy in 1963, if I then also conveniently lost it, just as Mormons founder Joseph Smith with his fake-o golden tablets!)

The Jewish Bible, in short, is one big, continuous LIE.

Yahweh supposedly chooses the Jews as His people at Mount Sinai



Most of what they tell you about themselves, their story, is a complete fantasy, a fictitious edifice the ego has designed for itself to feel bigger, more special.

Their grandiose and inflated self-image can sometimes fool others, but usually not for long. It is then quickly recognized by most people as complete fiction.





A man on a truth mission, but he did not expose the real problem, not the Jews, but the EGO in us Aryans that makes us liars, excuse-makers, lie-likers, and cowards, “looking out for number one” with disastrous long-term results.


The mental illness that is called paranoid schizophrenia, or paranoia for short, is essentially an exaggerated form of ego.

It usually consists of a fictitious story the mind has invented to make sense of a persistent, underlying feeling of fear. the main element of the story is the belief that certain people (sometimes large numbers or almost everyone) are plotting against me, or are conspiring to control or kill me.

The story often has an inner consistency and logic so that it sometimes fools others into believing it too.

Sometimes organizations or entire nations have paranoid belief systems at their very basis. 


Big report in the weekly Washington City Paper about my protest demo at the US National Holocaust Museum’s official opening in April 1993 in the US capital, where I disturbed Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel’s speech, that of President Bill Clinton and alöso the spech by the president of Israel!

The ego’s fear and distrust of other people, its tendency to emphasize the “otherness”of others by focusing on their perceived faults and make those faults into their identity, is taken a little further and makes others [National Socialists, Palestinians, and other “antisemites”] into inhuman monsters.

The ego needs others, but its dilemma is that, deep down, it hates and fears them. Jean-Paul Sartre’s statement “Hell is other people” is the voice of the ego.

Jean-Paul Sartre ((here with his wife, Simone de Beauvoir) was a pro-communist, French, atheistic philosopher, seen here visiting Che Guevara and Fidel Castro in Cuba

The person suffering from paranoia experiences that hell most acutely, but everyone in whom the egoic patterns still operate will feel it to some degree.

The stronger the ego in you, the more likely it is that in your perception other people are the main source of problems in your life.

It is also more than likely that you will make life difficult for others. But, of course, you won’t be able to see that. It is always others who seem to be doing that to you.

Israeli soldiers crying after a Palestinian stabbed one of them

The mental illness we call paranoia also manifests another symptom that is an element of every ego, although in paranoia it takes on a more extreme form.

The more the sufferer sees himself persecuted, spied on, or threatened by others, the more pronounced becomes his sense of being the center of the universe around whom everything revolves, and the more special and important he feels as the imagined focal point of so many people’s attention.

His sense of being a victim, of being wronged by so many people, makes him feel very special.

Mordechai Nisan is an Israeli professor, member of the World Zionist Organization, and scholar of Middle East Studies at the Rothberg International School of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His most recent book, Only Israel West of the River: The Jewish State and the Palestinian Question, appeared in July, 2011.

Mordechai Nisan is a contributing expert to the Ariel Center for Policy Research and a research consultant for the Jerusalem Institute for Western Defense, Some of his texts have been polemical for expressing radical Semitism.Nisan has written extensively in English and Hebrew. Other books include Identity and Civilization: Essays on Judaism, Christianity and Islam (1999) Minorities in the Middle East: A History of Struggle and Self-Expression (2002) and The Conscience of Lebanon: A Political Biography of Etienne Sakr (Abu-Arz)(2003). He holds a Ph.D. from McGill University in MontrealCanada.[1][2]


Published works[edit]

  • (1977): The Arab-Israeli Conflict, A Political Guide for the Perplexed. The Joshua Group.
  • (1978): Israel and the Territories A study in Control 1967-1977. Ramat Gan: Turtledove. ISBN 978-965-200-005-7.
  • (1982): American Middle East Foreign Policy: A Political Reevaluation. Griffin, GA: Dawn Pub. Co. ISBN 978-0-9690001-1-2.
  • (1991): Toward A New Israel: The Jewish State and the Arab Question. New York: AMS Press. ISBN 978-0-404-61631-1.
  • (1999): Identity and Civilization: Essays on Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. University Press of America. ISBN 978-0-7618-1356-9.
  • (2002): Minorities in the Middle East: A History of Struggle and Self-Expression (2nd ed.). McFarland & Company. ISBN 978-0-7864-1375-1.
  • (2003): The Conscience of Lebanon: A Political Biography of Etienne Sakr (Abu-Arz). London: Routledge Publishers. ISBN 978-0-7146-8378-2.
  • (2011): Only Israel West of the River: The Jewish State and the Palestinian Question. ISBN 978-1-4610-2726-3.



Ovadia Yosef (Hebrewעובדיה יוסף Ž Ovadya YosefArabicعبد الله يوسف Ž, translit.Abdullah Yusuf Ž; [2] September 24, 1920 “ October 7, 2013)[3] was an Iraqi-born Talmudic scholar, a posek, the SephardiChief Rabbi of Israel from 1973 to 1983, and the founder and long-time spiritual leader of Israel’s ultra-Orthodox Shas party.[4][5] Yosef’s responsa were highly regarded within Haredi circles, particularly among Mizrahi communities, among whom he was regarded as “the most important living halakhic authority”.[6]


In the story that forms the basis of his delusional system, he often assigns to himself the role of both victim and potential hero who is going to save the world or defeat the forces of evil.

The collective ego of tribes, nations, and religious organizations also frequently contains a strong element of paranoia: us against the evil others. It is the cause of much human suffering.

The Spanish Inquisition, the persecution and burning of heretics and “witches,” the relations between nations leading up to the First and Second World Wars [I note here in particular that Tolle does NOT give any special mention here to “Nazis,” to Hitler or to the “fate of the Jews”], Communism throughout its history, the “Cold War,” McCarthyism in the Middle East in the 1950s, prolonged, violent conflict in the Middle East [this could well imply the Jews and Israel], are all painful episodes in human history dominated by extreme collective paranoia.

The more unconscious individuals, groups, or nations are, the more likely it is that egoic pathology will assume the form of physical violence. Violence is a primitive but still very widespread way in which the ego attempts to assert itself, to prove itself right and another wrong.

American GIs die under German MG fire during the landing (from the 1998 film “Saving Private Ryan”)   


With very unconscious people, arguments can easily lead to physical violence. What is an argument? Two or more people express their opinions and those opinions differ. Each person is so identified with the thoughts that make up their opinion, those  thoughts harden into mental positions which are invested with a sense of self.

In other words, identity and thought merge. Once this has happened, when I defend my opinions (thoughts), I feel and act as if I were defending my very self.

Unconsciously, I feel and act as if I were fighting for survival and so my emotions will reflect this unconscious belief. They become turbulent. I am upset, angry, defensive, or aggressive. I need to win at all cost lest I [or, actually, my precious ego] become annihilated.

That’s the illusion.

The ego does not know that mind and mental positions have nothing to do with who you are because the ego is the unobserved mind itself.

In Zen they say:

“Don’t seek the truth. Just cease to cherish opinions.”

What does that mean? Let go of identification with your mind. Who you are beyond the mind then emerges by itself.


I wish to thank all who have supported my work. Tolle is a wonderful  teacher but, like the Buddha or Jesus, he does not understand or wish to change this world. It is one thing to accept that humans commit follies, but it is another to realize, as I do, that we are headed toward World War Three, a full atomic war, and a whole new level of agony.

To stop that is MY job.






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